@Mercury.lightview = (url, options = {}) -> Mercury.lightview.show(url, options) return Mercury.lightview jQuery.extend Mercury.lightview, { minWidth: 400 show: (@url, @options = {}) -> Mercury.trigger('focus:window') @initialize() if @visible then @update() else @appear() initialize: -> return if @initialized @build() @bindEvents() @initialized = true build: -> @element = jQuery('
', {class: 'mercury-lightview loading'}) @element.html('

') @element.append('
') @overlay = jQuery('
', {class: 'mercury-lightview-overlay'}) @titleElement = @element.find('.mercury-lightview-title') @contentElement = @element.find('.mercury-lightview-content') @element.appendTo(jQuery(@options.appendTo).get(0) ? 'body') @overlay.appendTo(jQuery(@options.appendTo).get(0) ? 'body') @titleElement.find('span').html(@options.title) bindEvents: -> Mercury.bind 'refresh', => @resize(true) Mercury.bind 'resize', => @position() if @visible @overlay.click => @hide() jQuery(document).bind 'keydown', (event) => @hide() if event.keyCode == 27 && @visible appear: -> @position() @overlay.show().css({opacity: 0}) @overlay.animate {opacity: 1}, 200, 'easeInOutSine', => @setTitle() @element.show().css({opacity: 0}) @element.animate {opacity: 1}, 200, 'easeInOutSine', => @visible = true @load() resize: (keepVisible) -> viewportWidth = Mercury.displayRect.width viewportHeight = Mercury.displayRect.fullHeight @element.css({overflow: 'hidden'}) @contentElement.css({visibility: 'hidden', display: 'none', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'}) width = @contentElement.outerWidth() + 40 + 2 width = viewportWidth - 40 if width > viewportWidth - 40 || @options.fullSize height = @contentElement.outerHeight() + @titleElement.outerHeight() + 30 height = viewportHeight - 20 if height > viewportHeight - 20 || @options.fullSize width = 300 if width < 300 height = 150 if height < 150 @element.stop().animate {top: ((viewportHeight - height) / 2) + 10, left: (Mercury.displayRect.width - width) / 2, width: width, height: height}, 200, 'easeInOutSine', => @contentElement.css({visibility: 'visible', display: 'block', opacity: 0}) @contentElement.stop().animate({opacity: 1}, 200, 'easeInOutSine') @element.css({overflow: 'auto'}) position: -> viewportWidth = Mercury.displayRect.width viewportHeight = Mercury.displayRect.fullHeight @contentElement.css({position: 'absolute', width: 'auto', height: 'auto'}) width = @contentElement.width() + 40 + 2 width = viewportWidth - 40 if width > viewportWidth - 40 || @options.fullSize height = @contentElement.height() + @titleElement.outerHeight() + 30 height = viewportHeight - 20 if height > viewportHeight - 20 || @options.fullSize @contentElement.css({position: 'relative'}) width = 300 if width < 300 height = 150 if height < 150 @element.css({top: ((viewportHeight - height) / 2) + 10, left: (viewportWidth - width) / 2, width: width, height: height, overflow: 'auto'}) @contentElement.css({width: width - 40, height: height - 30 - @titleElement.outerHeight()}) if @visible update: -> @reset() @resize() @load() load: -> @setTitle() return unless @url @element.addClass('loading') if Mercury.preloadedViews[@url] setTimeout((=> @loadContent(Mercury.preloadedViews[@url])), 10) else jQuery.ajax @url, { type: @options.loadType || 'get' data: @options.loadData success: (data) => @loadContent(data) error: => @hide() alert("Mercury was unable to load #{@url} for the lightview.") } loadContent: (data, options = null) -> @initialize() @options = options || @options @setTitle() @loaded = true @element.removeClass('loading') @contentElement.html(data) @contentElement.css({display: 'none', visibility: 'hidden'}) @options.afterLoad.call(@) if @options.afterLoad if @options.handler && Mercury.lightviewHandlers[@options.handler] Mercury.lightviewHandlers[@options.handler].call(@) @resize() setTitle: -> @titleElement.find('span').html(@options.title) reset: -> @titleElement.find('span').html('') @contentElement.html('') hide: -> Mercury.trigger('focus:frame') @element.hide() @overlay.hide() @reset() @visible = false }