# Encoding: UTF-8 [{beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -r \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/shelltokenize.rb\" <PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\ncd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\" &&\n\"$TM_CVS\" annotate \"$TM_FILENAME\"", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Annotate", output: "openAsNewDocument", uuid: "338A3670-DA8E-4036-87E0-DF2E212254C8"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'versioned_file'\nrequire 'diff'\n\nfile = CVS::VersionedFile.new(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])\nannotation = file.cvs(:annotate)\ndiff = CVS::Diff.new(file.diff(:head))\n\nn = diff.source_line(ENV['TM_LINE_NUMBER'].to_i-1)\ncase n\nwhen Symbol then puts \"\#{n} locally\"\nelse puts annotation.split(/\\n/)[n]\nend\n\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Annotate Line", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "76E34DE2-1DCB-47B8-BA2F-4F3341A3AB9C"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\ncd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nrevs=$(\"$TM_CVS\" log \"$TM_FILENAME\"|grep '^revision' \\\n\t2> >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate \\\n\t\t--title \"Check out Revision…\" \\\n\t\t--text \"Retrieving List of Revisions…\" \\\n\t))\n\nrevs=$(echo $revs|sed 's/revision //g')\n\nrevs=`osascript<PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nexport TM_CVS\nexport CommitWindow=\"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin/CommitWindow.app/Contents/MacOS/CommitWindow\"\n\ncd \"${TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY:-$TM_DIRECTORY}\"\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" -- \"${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/cvs_commit.rb\"", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Commit...", output: "showAsHTML", uuid: "BE6728A5-AFC4-4D98-9EC7-C2E951483B71"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'cvs_diff'\n\nCVS::diff_active_file(:head, \"Diff With Newest\")\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Diff With Newest (HEAD)", output: "openAsNewDocument", uuid: "22FC4CAB-4664-4CFC-BC8E-C2294616E464"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'cvs_diff'\n\nCVS::diff_active_file(:prev, \"Diff With Previous Revision\")\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Diff With Previous Revision (PREV)", output: "openAsNewDocument", uuid: "E29C9E3B-B7FB-4ED1-94C3-2F702CD090B5"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\ncd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\"\nrevs=$(\"$TM_CVS\" log \"$TM_FILENAME\"|grep '^revision' \\\n\t2> >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate \\\n\t\t--title \"Diff Revision…\" \\\n\t\t--text \"Retrieving List of Revisions…\" \\\n\t))\n\nrevs=$(echo $revs|sed 's/revision //g')\n\nrevs=`osascript</dev/null &\texit_discard\nfi\n\nexport REVS=\"$revs\"\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'cvs_diff'\n\nCVS::diff_active_file(ENV['REVS'], \"Diff With Revision...\")\nEND", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Diff With Revision...", output: "openAsNewDocument", uuid: "6416A49F-8B3E-47EE-81B4-F2F7F19C6B41"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'cvs_diff'\n\nCVS::diff_active_file(:base, \"Diff With Working Copy\")\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Diff With Working Copy (BASE)", output: "openAsNewDocument", uuid: "00C541DE-9A5C-4C59-A075-E754BAEB25C2"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\ncd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\" &&\n\"$TM_CVS\" log \"$TM_FILENAME\"", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Log", output: "openAsNewDocument", uuid: "9EA691A5-A166-4D8F-955F-270490F02827"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'versioned_file'\n\ntag=`CocoaDialog inputbox --title Merge --informative-text 'Which tag?' --button1 Update --button2 'Cancel'`\n\naccept, tag = *tag.to_a.map {|l| l.chomp}\n\nexit unless accept =~ /1/\n\nfile = CVS::VersionedFile.new(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])\nfile.update(:tag => tag, :sticky => false)\n\nputs \"Merged \#{file.basename} from \#{tag}.\"\n\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Merge from tag...", output: "discard", uuid: "473C6519-F164-4496-A699-F9DE2CAB56DD"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'versioned_file'\n\nfile = CVS::VersionedFile.new(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])\nfile.update(:reset_tags => true)\n\nputs \"All sticky tags reset\"\n\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Reset sticky tags", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "1FE7E10E-70B4-44D7-924D-879C54F19289"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\nrm \"$TM_FILEPATH\" &&\ncd \"$TM_DIRECTORY\" &&\n\"$TM_CVS\" update \"$TM_FILENAME\"\n\n# force TM to refresh the current file..\nosascript &>/dev/null \\\n -e 'tell application \"Dock\" to activate' \\\n -e 'tell application \"TextMate\" to activate' &\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Revert", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "20865252-80D2-4CA4-9834-391D09210C4F"}, {beforeRunningCommand: "nop", command: "require_cmd \"${TM_CVS:=cvs}\" \"If you have installed cvs, then you need to either update your PATH or set the TM_CVS shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)\"\n\n\"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}\" <<'END'\n\nENV['CVS_PATH'] = ENV['TM_CVS']\n$LOAD_PATH << ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT']\nrequire 'versioned_file'\n\ntag=`CocoaDialog inputbox --title Tag --informative-text 'Which tag?' --button1 Update --button2 'Cancel'`\n\naccept, tag = *tag.to_a.map {|l| l.chomp}\n\nexit unless accept =~ /1/\n\nfile = CVS::VersionedFile.new(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])\nfile.update(:tag => tag)\n\nputs \"Tagged \#{file.basename} with tag \#{tag}.\"\n\nEND\n", input: "none", keyEquivalent: "^Z", name: "Update with tag...", output: "showAsTooltip", uuid: "1F22884A-6702-4FB6-B4E7-D49B2431BD4E"}]