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&%+*,*/.0.g[GSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesInternalsVisibleToAttribute.ctorCompilationRelaxationsAttributeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributeSystem.ReflectionAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeSystemObjectExceptionEnumSystem.Collections.GenericIComparer`1kvAttributeSystem.DrawingFontBrushNDepend.FileDirectoryPathDirectoryPathAbsoluteIList`1g3BitmapGraphicsPenPointkhIEnumerator`1ImageFromImageFillRectangleFillPolygonColorget_Grayset_WidthSystem.Drawing.Drawing2DDashStyleset_DashStyleset_DashOffsetDrawLineget_Blackget_Xget_YDrawStringIEnumerable`1GetEnumeratorget_CurrentSystem.CollectionsIEnumeratorMoveNextIDisposableDisposeFilePathAbsoluteGetChildFileWithNameBasePathget_PathSystem.Drawing.ImagingImageFormatget_PngSavegie3dvdgSingleIsNaNlget_WhiteSolidBrushFromArgbNDepend.CQLFullCoveredAttributeList`1IsOnlyUsedByTestAttributeop_EqualityStringConcatConsoleConsoleColorset_BackgroundColorset_ForegroundColorget_MessageWriteLineAssemblyGetExecutingAssemblyAssemblyNameGetNameVersionget_VersionToStringAddget_Lengthget_CharsSubstringCompareget_EmptyEmptyPathHelperIsValidAbsolutePathget_ExistsInt32TryParseReplaceNDepend.Framework.Project.Impl.AnalysisLoggerProgressLoggerget_InstanceGetCoverageDataNDepend.Helpers.CoverageCoverageSetq3CoverageNotInSyncDetectorCoverageResultv9EnumeratorCoverageFileget_CoverageFilesICollection`1get_CountInfoLoggerCoverageFileParsedLoadingCoverageProgressHandlerComputeCoverageojma3GetListOfWarnAboutNonSyncAssemblyCoverageFileWarningLoggerWarnAboutNonSyncAssemblyCoverageFileNDepend.Helpers.SourceCodeIPositionInSourceFilen1d0agqguget_Itemhhiget_LineaqMethodResolverResolveMethodc0f9d4cuMemberGatheredNDepend.Framework.CodeModel.ImplBooleanAttributes1oBooleanAttributes2CoverageFileErrorget_Errorget_DescriptionCantParseCoverageFileIDictionary`2Dictionary`2set_ItemgxNDepend.Framework.ProjectIProjecta8DirectoryPathSystem.IODriveInfoDirectoryPathRelativeNDepend.FrameworkIRootRootIProjectManagerget_ProjectManagerTryLoadProjectFromFileErrorLoggerCantLoadProjectFileIProjectFilesget_Filesget_ApplicationComponentsget_TierComponentsNDepend.Framework.Project.ImplProjectHelperDetectIfDuplicatedTierOrApplicationComponentsNameDuplicatedComponentNameFoundNoApplicationAssembliesDefinedInProjectget_DirectoriesNoDirsDefinedInProjectIProjectPropertiesget_Propertiesget_NameGetAbsolutePathFromProjectFileget_FilePathCantInferAbsolutePathop_InequalityInputDirectoryNotFoundget_DriveDriveTypeget_DriveTypeTypeRuntimeTypeHandleGetTypeFromHandleInputDirectoryOnNonLocalDriveget_ParentDirectoryPathget_OutputDirCanGetAbsolutePathFromCantInferOutputAbsoluteDirFromProjectDirDirectoryInfoDirectoryCreateDirectoryOutputDirDontExistAndCantBeCreatedIProjectReportget_ReportFilePathget_ReportXslPathIsNullOrEmptyArgumentExceptionNDepend.Helpers.SourceCode.RebasingRebaserdu2IProjectRebasingget_Rebasingget_FromPathget_IsEmptyget_ToPathNDepend.PlatformIPlatformPlatformRootDoAnalysisNDepend.Helpers.PerfPerfTracerTraceGCCollectbCouldNotBePrivateAttributebvefToArrayIAnalysisRefget_FileNameToLowerIPlatformTerminologyget_Terminologyget_AnalysisResultBinFileNameCantPerformBuildComparisonInfoIProjectBuildComparisonget_BuildComparisonTryGetAnalysisToCompareWithget_ProjectGetAnalysisToCompareWithDescriptionget_AnalysisDataFilePathgff0aje7wb7ahMathSqrtvwgdfxf4exbra4buara7bibhbla2c5ySystem.TextStringBuilderewIndexOfAppendContainsKeyKeyValuePair`2baSorte5fmfocmfkf5Containseakf3c8o5e9dbValueCollectionget_ValuesCharSplitset_Lengthg2btTryGetValueUncoverableByTestAttributeCompilerGeneratedAttributeSystem.ThreadingAutoResetEventSystem.Xml.XslXslCompiledTransformget_ReportSectionsEnabledget_ReportSectionsOrderedEventWaitHandleSetnmDateTimeNDepend.Framework.CQLICQLSetOutOfMemoryExceptionErrorLoggerExceptionNDepend.HelpersCheckProductInstallGoReadCultureHelperInitCurrentThreadCultureToUSForProperParsingResetLogget_NowBeginInterProcessLogSetAnalysisLogServerProcessIdSetSilentSetTracePerfNDepend.Helpers.LicenseLicenseReaderget_LicenseFilePathLicenseFileNotFoundDatedInfoIProjectCoverageget_Coverageget_UncoverableAttributeWaitCallbackThreadPoolQueueUserWorkItemevWaitHandleWaitOneIProjectCQLget_CQLget_CQLSetget_Ticksget_KeepXmlFilesget_KeepHistoricEndUnhandledExceptionNoCycleDetectedCycleDetectedNDepend.Helpers.SupportNewerVersionCheckerget_CurrentVersionhbGetListOfCoverageFilesFromProjectCoverageAppendCoverageFileWarnAboutNoCoverageInfoIfNoSourceFileInfoWarnAboutPartiallyNoCoverageInfoIfNoSourceFileInfoget_BranchCoverageAvailableComputeMetricsp2ith3enk2BeginInvokevks7cbgPersitAnalysisResultNDepend.BaseITaskwoget_CodeModelPersistenceManagerRunSyncmjj0ExecuteCQLQueriesICQLGroupget_CQLGroupsAddRangeFileInfoGetChildDirectoryWithNameget_DirectoryInfoDeleteKeepHistoricAnalysisGetFilesFileSystemInfoFileCopyFileHelperTryDeleteAFileCantDeleteAFileIsNeverUsedAttributeSystem.XmlXmlTextWriterEncodingget_UTF8Formattingset_FormattingXmlWriterWriteStartDocumentFlushCloseWriteStartElementgrWriteAttributeStringWriteElementStringWriteEndElementhfWriteStringArrayStringHelperTwoDecOrIntTrueFalseboUInt32dtUInt16dldmebTwoDecDoubledid5ReadAllTextWriteRawIAnalysisLogget_ArrayOfLogsAnalysisLogXmlHelperSaveLogsTimeSpanop_SubtractionTextReaderXmlTextReaderCustomXslPathForReportDoesntExistLoadCustomXslSheetLoadingFailedPlatformTerminologyTagsReplaceTagsNDepend.Platform.ResourcesIPlatformResourcesget_ResourcesStreamget_DefaultReportXslStreamReaderReadToEndStringReaderXmlReaderXmlDocumentRemoveXmlHeaderget_ReportFileNameSystem.Xml.XPathIXPathNavigableXsltArgumentListTransformWebHelperOpenUrlInBrowserAttributeUsageAttributeAttributeTargetsSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesComVisibleAttributeNDepend.Analysis.dllmscorlibNDepend.UIDotfuscatorAttributemtt5wcglmij5sutxl1hvmpkaiqoxm6uamhvfcyibjgs4dziwjscotanqkiktc6nhiddpbnn4nogefghjpqrstuvxzaaabacadaeafagA_0A_1A_2A_3.cctorvalue__A_4A_5aiakalamanaoapasatauavawaxayaza0a1a5a6a9bbbcbdbebfbjbkbmbpbqbsbwbxbybzb0b1b2ACNDepend.AnalysisAbstractnessInstabilityZone of Pain'Zone of Uselessness;AbstractnessVSInstability.png Times!Invalid option ''9Bad command line arguments: #// // NDepend vE // // // Copyright (C) SMACCHIA.COM SARL 2006/2007/2008 // All Rights Reserved // NDepend accepts these arguments: _____________________________________________________________________________ The path to the input Xml NDepend project file. MANDATORY It must be specified as the first argument. If you need to specify a path that contains a space character use double quotes ".. ..". Relative paths are not supported. These remarks also apply to paths provided with options /InDirs /OutDir and /XslForReport. Following are OPTIONAL and can be provided in any order: _____________________________________________________________________________ /ViewReport to view the HTML report _____________________________________________________________________________ /Silent to disable output on console _____________________________________________________________________________ /HideConsole to hide the console window _____________________________________________________________________________ /XslForReport xlsFilePath to provide your own Xsl file used to build report The path must be absolute. _____________________________________________________________________________ /InDirs dir1 [dir2 ...] to override input dirs specified in the NDepend project file. Dirs must be absolute. If you use the /InDirs option, directories specified in the Xml NDepend project file are ignored. _____________________________________________________________________________ /OutDir dir to override the output dir specified in the NDepend project file. Dir must be absolute. VisualNDepend.exe won't work on the machine where you used NDepend.Console.exe with the option /OutDir because VisualNDepend.exe is not aware of the output dir specified and will try to use the output dir specified in your NDepend project file. The same if you use the historical comparison option. It won't work properly because historic analysis results will be stored in /OutDir while the analysis will try to found them in the project output dir. _____________________________________________________________________________ /EmitVisualNDependBinXml to emit the file VisualNDepend.bin.xml VisualNDepend.bin.xml is an xml file that contains the dependencies graph of your application. It can be used for your own purpose. VisualNDepend.exe uses VisualNDepend.bin which is a GZipStream compressed version of VisualNDepend.bin.xml. Note: We don't garantee that the stability of this option in future versions. _____________________________________________________________________________ /AnalysisResultToCompareWith to provide a previous analysis result to compare with. The path must be absolute. Analysis results are stored in files named VisualNDepend.bin. These files can be found under the NDepend project output directory. The prefered option to provide a previous analysis result to compare with during an analysis is to use: VisualNDepend > Project Properties > Analysis > Analysis Comparison You can use the option /AnalysisResultToCompareWith in special scenarios where using Project Properties doesn't work. ____________________________________________________________________________ /Help to display the current help on console /EmitVisualNDependBinXmlViewReport SilentHideConsoleTracePerf InDirs7Input dir(s) not specified.5Cannot extract input dir {} Reason: OutDir3Output dir not specified.7Cannot extract output dir {5AnalysisLogServerProcessIdSAnalysisLogServerProcessId not specified.WCannot extract AnalysisLogServerProcessId {XslForReportEXsl file for report not specified.7AnalysisResultToCompareWith_Analysis result to compare with, not specified. HelpCannot extract path for NDepend project path or invalid option {} Reason:The option '9' cannot be specified twice.'Path null or empty.'Path doesn't exist.The string "9" cannot be parsed as an int"EClean up Platform Analysis objectsThe file {'} should be named {}!} doesn't exist.qCompare with the analysis result contained in the file {}._Don't load a previous analysis to compare with.g()System.Object!System.ValueType9Press Enter to exit NDepend.;Begin analysis with NDepend vURetrieve dependencies of your application.Ubefore inputs.LoadAsm_FillLists_BuildDep()Safter inputs.LoadAsm_FillLists_BuildDep())End NDepend analyse.Duration: HH:mm:ss/Output Xml info warning)Apply XSLT transformcycle detection and topogically sorted order for compilation and obfuscation-Assemblies build order9Fill Xml out reference files/Assemblies Dependencies%Types DependenciesSAnalyse dependencies of your application.;output metrics for assemblies%Assemblies Metrics1output metrics for typesTypes Metrics=output metrics for application'Application Metrics;Build graphic DistFromMainSeqOAssemblies Abstractness vs. Instability9Output Xml VisualNDepend out yyy_MMdd_HH_mmeDuplicate analysis result for historic in folder {5AssembliesDependencies.xml+TypesDependencies.xml1AssembliesBuildOrder.xml+AssembliesMetrics.xml!TypesMetrics.xml-ApplicationMetrics.xmlNDependMain.xmlCQLResult.xmlEclean the NDepend output directory)AssemblyDependencies!Dependencies_ForAssembly vDependsOnDependsOn_NameReferencedBy#ReferencedBy_Name#TypeReferencement Type NameInAssemblyUse UsedBy;AssemblySortForCompilOrObfuskTypeRank)NILInstructionOnTypeNbLinesOfCode!NbLinesOfComment#PercentageComment/LackOfCohesionOfMethods5LackOfCohesionOfMethods_HS)CyclomaticComplexity-ILCyclomaticComplexity!AfferentCoupling!EfferentCoupling3AssociationBetweenClasses!NInstanceMethodsNStaticMethodsNPropertiesNFieldsNChildren-DepthOfInheritanceTreeTypesMetricsTypeMetricTypeNameTypeNamespace- IsBad False#AssembliesMetrics types NTypesNAbstractTypes'NILInstructionInAsm%NbLinesOfCodeInAsm+NbLinesOfCommentInAsm-PercentageCommentInAsm%RelationalCohesionDistFrMainSeq#NormDistFrMainSeq<CQLResult></CQLResult>!InfoWarnings.xmlReportInfoAppNameNDependDate%MM/dd/yyy HH:mm:ssBuiltDuration mm:ssNDependVersion (Pro Edition)%ApplicationMetrics NAsm NType NClassNAbstractClassNInterfaceNValueTypeNExceptionTypeNAttributeTypeNDelegateTypeNEnumType3NGenericMethodsDefinition/NGenericTypesDefinitionNILInstruction#PercentPublicType'PercentPublicMethodKPercentClassWithAtLeastOnePublicField'PropertyOnInterface#MethodOnInterface-ArgOnMethodOnInterface+PublicPropertyOnClass'PublicMethodOnClass1ArgOnPublicMethodOnClassCILInstructionInNonAbstractMethods9TypeWithTheMostILInstructionMethodCCOccAvg StdDev MaxValMaxNameYBuilding the report (custom from Xsl sheet {}).%VisualNDepend ViewMAssemblies Abstracness vs. Instability?Assemblies Dependencies DiagramANDepend information and warnings7CQL Queries and Constraints<a HREF="#APPMETRIC"><div class="subtitleref">Application Metrics</div></a>g<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="APPMETRIC"><div class="subtitle">Application Metrics</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="ApplicationMetrics" /> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#ASMMETRIC"><div class="subtitleref">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Metrics</div></a><br/><br/><br/><a NAME="ASMMETRIC"><div class="subtitle">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Metrics</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="AssembliesMetrics" /> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#VISUALNDEPENDVIEW"><div class="subtitleref">$VisualProductName$ View</div></a>_<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="VISUALNDEPENDVIEW"><div class="subtitle">$VisualProductName$ View</div></a> <p></p> <IMG SRC="VisualNDependView.png"/> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#GRAPH"><div class="subtitleref">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Abstractness vs. Instability</div></a><br/><br/><br/><a NAME="GRAPH"><div class="subtitle">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Abstractness vs. Instability</div></a> <p></p> <IMG SRC="AbstractnessVSInstability.png"/> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#ASMDEP"><div class="subtitleref">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Dependencies</div></a><br/><br/><br/><a NAME="ASMDEP"><div class="subtitle">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Dependencies</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="AssemblyDependencies" /> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#ASMDEPDIAG"><div class="subtitleref">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Dependencies Diagram</div></a>K<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="ASMDEPDIAG"><div class="subtitle">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ Dependencies Diagram</div></a> <p></p> <div class="info">Blue : $ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ of your application.</div> <div class="info">Yellow : Tiers $ComponentFilePluralShort$ referenced by $ComponentFilePluralShort$ of your application.</div> <IMG SRC="ComponentDependenciesDiagram.png"/> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#ASMBUILDORDER"><div class="subtitleref">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ build order</div></a> <br/><br/><br/><a NAME="ASMBUILDORDER"><div class="subtitle">$ComponentFilePluralShortUpper$ build order</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="AssemblySortForCompilOrObfusk"> <xsl:apply-templates select="AssemblySortForCompilOrObfusk" /> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <div class="info">At least one cycle exists in the $ComponentFilePluralShort$ dependencies. The build order cannot be computed.</div> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#INFOWARNINGS"><div class="subtitleref">$ProductName$ information and warnings</div></a>o<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="INFOWARNINGS"><div class="subtitle">$ProductName$ information and warnings</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="InfoWarnings" /> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#CQLQUERIESCONSTRAINTS"><div class="subtitleref">CQL Queries and Constraints</div></a>}<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="CQLQUERIESCONSTRAINTS"><div class="subtitle">CQL Queries and Constraints</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="CQLResult" /> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#TYPEMETRIC"><div class="subtitleref">Types Metrics</div></a>Q<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="TYPEMETRIC"><div class="subtitle">Types Metrics</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="TypesMetrics" /> <p></p> <p></p><a HREF="#TYPEDEP"><div class="subtitleref">Types Dependencies</div></a> 1<br/><br/><br/><a NAME="TYPEDEP"><div class="subtitle">Types Dependencies</div></a> <p></p> <xsl:apply-templates select="TypeReferencement" /> <p></p>$SectionTitle$Section?Building the report (standard).NDependReport built.OGN4 s   )-)  Ma 9 9Ue e   i QUU  59 mE ]]E   y      e=}     =y  A Ay      A           yA   yyEEEE E  E- 5 yy =y !! E! =!y!== IMQM= = ! ==)U=! ] a} ya u == AAA=iy0 mq AEAE AAA     8  Y    A  )  -  AA    m]                !    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