require 'base64' require 'uuidtools' require 'digest/md5' require 'macaddr' require 'spiderfw/http/http' module Spider; module ControllerMixins module HTTPMixin def self.included(klass) klass.extend(ClassMethods) end # Sets the headers to redirect the browser to the given url, and calls # {Controller#done} to terminate the execution of the Controller chain # @param [String] url # @param [Fixnum] code HTTP status to send # @return void def redirect(url, code=Spider::HTTP::SEE_OTHER) debug "REDIRECTING TO #{url}" @request.session.persist if @request.session # It might be too late afterwards @response.status = code @response.headers["Location"] = url @response.headers.delete("Content-Type") @response.headers.delete("Set-Cookie") done end # Takes a url path that the framework would accept, and transforms it # into the url path the webserver would send, given the settings in http.proxy_mapping # @param [Strint] url_path # @return [String] The transformed url path def self.reverse_proxy_mapping(url_path) return '' unless url_path if (maps = Spider.conf.get('http.proxy_mapping')) maps.each do |proxy, spider| spider ||= '' return proxy + url_path[spider.length..-1] if (spider == "" || url_path[0..spider.length-1] == spider) end end return url_path end # Returns the http path used to call the current controller & action. # Reverses any proxy mappings to the Controller#request_path. # @return [String] def request_path HTTPMixin.reverse_proxy_mapping(super) end # @return [String] the request_path prefixed with http:// and the current host. def request_url return request_path unless @request.env['HTTP_HOST'] 'http://'+@request.env['HTTP_HOST']+request_path end # @return [String] the request_url with query params, if any def request_full_url url = request_url if (@request.env['QUERY_STRING'] && !@request.env['QUERY_STRING'].empty?) url += '?'+@request.env['QUERY_STRING'] end return url end # Sets or returns the charset for the controller # @param [String|nil] The charset # @return [String] The charset in use def self.output_charset(val=nil) @output_charset = val if val @output_charset || Spider.conf.get('http.charset') end # Sets a Content type # @param [String|Symbol] Content type, or a symbol representing it # (Can be :text, :json, :js, :javascript, :html, :xml) # @return [String] The value of the "Content-Type" header def content_type(ct) if ct.is_a?(Symbol) ct = { :text => 'text/plain', :json => 'application/json', :js => 'application/x-javascript', :javascript => 'application/x-javascript', :html => 'text/html', :xml => 'text/xml' }[ct] end @response.headers["Content-Type"] = "#{ct};charset=utf-8" end # # @param [String] action # @param [*Object] arguments def before(action='', *arguments) return super if self.is_a?(Spider::Widget) # FIXME: the Spider::Widget check # is needed because with _wt the widget executes without action # Redirect to url + slash if controller is called without action dest = HTTPMixin.reverse_proxy_mapping(@request.env['PATH_INFO']) if (action == '' && dest[-1].chr != '/' && !self.is_a?(Spider::Widget)) dest = dest += '/' if (@request.env['QUERY_STRING'] && !@request.env['QUERY_STRING'].empty?) dest += '?'+@request.env['QUERY_STRING'] end redirect(dest) end super end # @return [String] the base URL to which the installation responds def self.base_url HTTPMixin.reverse_proxy_mapping("") end # @return [String] the base URL to which the installation responds def base_url HTTPMixin.base_url end def prepare_scene(scene) scene = super scene.base_url = base_url scene.controller[:request_url] = request_url return scene end def try_rescue(exc) if (exc.is_a?(Spider::Controller::NotFound)) @response.status = Spider::HTTP::NOT_FOUND elsif (exc.is_a?(Spider::Controller::BadRequest)) @response.status = Spider::HTTP::BAD_REQUEST elsif (exc.is_a?(Spider::Controller::Forbidden)) @response.status = Spider::HTTP::FORBIDDEN elsif (exc.is_a?(HTTPStatus)) @response.status = exc.code Spider::Logger.debug("Sending HTTP status #{exc.code}") return else @response.status = Spider::HTTP::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR end super end def challenge_basic_auth() realm ||= http_auth_realm realm ||= 'Secure Area' @response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"#{realm}\"" @response.status = Spider::HTTP::UNAUTHORIZED render('errors/unauthorized') if self.is_a?(Visual) done end def check_basic_auth(authenticator) if (@request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] =~ /Basic (.+)/) pair = Base64.decode64($1) user, pass = pair.split(':') return authenticator.authenticate(:login, {:username => user, :password => pass}) end end def challenge_digest_auth(realm=nil) realm ||= http_auth_realm realm ||= 'Secure Area' # nonce now = "%012d" % @request.request_time pk = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{now}:#{digest_instance_key}")[0,32] nonce = [now + ":" + pk].pack("m*").chop # it has 60 length of chars. opaque = [UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s].pack("m*").chop header = "Digest realm=\"#{realm}\", qop=\"auth\", nonce=\"#{nonce}\", opaque=\"#{opaque}\"" @response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = header @response.status = Spider::HTTP::UNAUTHORIZED done end def check_digest_auth(authenticator) # TODO: implement opaque, auth-int if (@request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] =~ /Digest (.+)/) parts = $1.split(',') params = {} parts.each do |p| k, v = p.strip.split('=') v = v.sub(/^"+/, '').sub(/"+$/, '') params[k.downcase] = v end ['username', 'realm', 'nonce', 'uri', 'cnonce', 'qop', 'nc', 'response', 'opaque'].each{ |k| return unless params[k] } user = params['username'] user = $1 if params['username'] =~ /.+\\(.+)/ # FIXME: Temp fix for windows sending DOMAIN/User pub_time, pk = params['nonce'].unpack("m*")[0].split(":", 2) return unless pub_time && pk return unless Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{pub_time}:#{digest_instance_key}")[0,32] == pk diff_time = @request.request_time.to_i - pub_time.to_i return if diff_time < 0 return if diff_time > Spider.conf.get('http.nonce_life') user = authenticator.load(:username => user, :realm => params['realm']) return unless user ha1 = user.ha1 return unless ha1 ha2 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{@request.env['REQUEST_METHOD']}:#{params['uri']}") if (params['qop'] == "auth" || params['qop'] == "auth-int") param2 = ['nonce', 'nc', 'cnonce', 'qop'].map{|key| params[key] }.join(':') response = Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ha1, param2, ha2].join(':')) else response = Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ha1, params['nonce'], ha2].join(':')) end # FIXME: temporaneamente disabilitato controllo perché con il login DOMINIO/Utente non corrisponde #return unless response == params['response'] return user end end def digest_instance_key Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{Mac.addr}:plaw15x857m4p671") end def http_auth_realm=(val) @http_auth_realm = val end def http_auth_realm @http_auth_realm || self.class.http_auth_realm end module ClassMethods def http_auth_realm(val=nil) @http_auth_realm = val if val @http_auth_realm end def url(action=nil) return super unless u = "http://#{}" u += ":#{}" unless == 80 u += HTTPMixin.reverse_proxy_mapping(super(action)) u end def http_url(action=nil) url(action) end end class HTTPStatus < RuntimeError class << self def method_missing(meth, *args) if (Spider::HTTP::StatusCodes.const_defined?(meth)) return end super end end attr_reader :code def initialize(code) @code = code end def status_message Spider::HTTP.status_messages[@code] end end end end; end