scheduler: type: ecs region: ap-northeast-1 cluster: eagletmt desired_count: 2 role: ecsServiceRole # dynamic_port_mapping is enabled by default with elb_v2 # dynamic_port_mapping: false elb_v2: # VPC id where the target group is located vpc_id: vpc-WWWWWWWW # Health check path of the target group health_check_path: /site/sha listeners: - port: 80 protocol: HTTP - port: 443 protocol: HTTPS certificate_arn: arn:aws:iam::012345678901:server-certificate/ subnets: - subnet-XXXXXXXX - subnet-YYYYYYYY security_groups: - sg-ZZZZZZZZ load_balancer_attributes: access_logs.s3.enabled: 'true' access_logs.s3.bucket: hako-access-logs access_logs.s3.prefix: hako-hello-lb-v2 target_group_attributes: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds: '20' # app: image: ryotarai/hello-sinatra memory: 128 cpu: 256 env: $providers: - type: file path: hello.env PORT: '3000' MESSAGE: '#{username}-san' additional_containers: front: image_tag: hako-nginx memory: 32 cpu: 32 scripts: - <<: !include front.yml backend_port: 3000 locations: /: allow_only_from: -