require 'optparse' require 'ftools' require 'fileutils' module Rpanel class CLI IGNORE_DIRECTORIES = ['.', '..','deploy','aquota.user','.localized', '.cpan', '.cpcpan', 'cpeasyapache', 'cprubybuild', 'cprubygemsbuild', 'domlogs', 'liquidweb', 'lost+found', 'fantasti', 'MySQL-install', 'virtfs'] def self.execute(stdout, arguments=[]) options = { :basedir => '/home', :fix_sc => nil, :fix_owner => nil, :fix_files => nil, :fix_directories => nil, :username => nil, :all_accounts => nil } mandatory_options = %w( ) parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /,'') This application is wonderful because... Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] Options are: BANNER opts.separator "" opts.on("-b","--base-dir=BASEDIR", String, "Set base directory. defaults to /home"){|arg| options[:basedir] = arg.strip} opts.on("-l", "--list", "List all accounts"){ |arg| options[:list] = true } opts.on("-s", "--fix-source-control", "Ensure .svn or .git directories are not group or world-readable") { |arg| options[:fix_sc] = true } opts.on("-o", "--fix-owner", "Ensure all files in public_html are owned by the account username") { |arg| options[:fix_owner] = true } opts.on("-f", "--fix-files", "Ensure all normal files are set no higher than 0644") { |arg| options[:fix_files] = true } opts.on("-d", "--fix-directories", "Ensure all normal files are set no higher than 0755") { |arg| options[:fix_directories] = true } opts.on("-u", "--apply-user=USER", String, "Your cpanel account username (ex: peppyhep)") { |arg| options[:username] = arg.strip } opts.on("-a", "--apply-all-accounts", "Apply the selected update to permissions and ownerships to each account in the list") { |arg| options[:apply_all_accounts] = true } opts.on("-e", "--all", "Apply ALL updates to permissions and ownerships to each account in the list") {|args| options[:all] = true } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { stdout.puts opts; exit } opts.parse!(arguments) if mandatory_options && mandatory_options.find { |option| options[option.to_sym].nil? } stdout.puts opts; exit end end if options[:list] || options[:apply_all_accounts] dirs = Dir.entries(options[:basedir]) - IGNORE_DIRECTORIES accounts = dirs.sort{|a,z| a.downcase <=>z.downcase} end if options[:list] puts accounts exit end username = options[:username] if options[:all] options[:fix_sc] = true options[:fix_owner] = true options[:fix_files] = true options[:fix_directories] = true end if options[:fix_sc] puts "Fixing Source Control ownership" if accounts accounts.each do |account| puts "Fixing #{account} Source files" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], account, 'public_html')} -type d -name '.svn' -exec chown -R #{account}:#{account} {} \\;") system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], account, 'public_html')} -type d -name '.svn' -exec chmod 0700 {} \\;") system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], account, 'public_html')} -type d -name '.svn' -exec -exec find {} -type f -print0 \\; |xargs -0 chmod 0600 ") end else puts "Fixing #{options[:username]} Source files" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], options[:username], 'public_html')} -type d -name '.svn' -exec chown -R #{options[:username]}:#{options[:username]} {} \\;") system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], options[:username], 'public_html')} -type d -name '.svn' -exec chmod 0700 {} \\;") system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], options[:username], 'public_html')} -type d -name '.svn' -exec -exec find {} -type f -print0 \\; |xargs -0 chmod 0600 ") end puts "Done with Source Control ownership" end if options[:fix_owner] puts "Fixing file ownership" if accounts accounts.each do |account| puts "Fixing #{account} file ownership" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], account, 'public_html')} -exec chown -R #{account}:#{account} {} \\;") end else puts "Fixing #{options[:username]} file ownership" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], options[:username], 'public_html')} -exec chown -R #{options[:username]}:#{options[:username]} {} \\;") end puts "Done Fixing file ownership" end if options[:fix_files] puts "Fixing file permissions" if accounts accounts.each do |account| puts "Fixing #{account} file permissions" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], account, 'public_html')} -type f -perm 0777 -o -perm 0666 -exec chmod 0644 {} \\;") end else puts "Fixing #{options[:username]} file permissions" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], options[:username], 'public_html')} -type f -perm 0777 -o -perm 0666 -exec chmod 0644 {} \\;") end puts "Done Fixing file permissions" end if options[:fix_directories] puts "Fixing directories permissions" if accounts accounts.each do |account| puts "Fixing #{account} directory permissions" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], account, 'public_html')} -perm 0777 -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \\;") end else puts "Fixing #{options[:username]} directory permissions" system("find #{File.join(options[:basedir], options[:username], 'public_html')} -perm 0777 -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \\;") end puts "Done Fixing directories permissions" end stdout.puts "All Done!" # raise "Path is required!" unless or"#{rails_app_path}/public") # FileUtils::mkdir_p(config_path) end end end