require "batcave/namespace" require "batcave/support/envpath" require "fileutils" # stdlib require "cabin" # gem 'cabin' require "erb" # stdlib # TODO(sissel): DSL is a poor name for this class. Fix it later. # TODO(sissel): Split the 'THING' processor from the 'Thing' instances class BatCave::DSL include BatCave::Support::Git include BatCave::Support::EnvPath private def initialize(configfile, thing, args) @args = args @thing = thing @configfile = configfile @logger = Cabin::Channel.get("batcave") # Default environment is project. @environment = :project # Update all files by default @create_only = [] @target ||= path(@environment) @sourcedir = File.dirname(@configfile) @sync = true # Make this 'thing' argument into a command by # dynamically making a new subclass of Clamp::Command @command ="") class << @command def execute # nothing to do, we just want to parse flags. end end binding.eval(, @configfile) end # def initialize # Declare options for this thing. This block will be executed # in the context of a Clamp::Command, so anything valid in a # Clamp::Command definition is valid here. The options will # be parsed immediately after this block is evaluated. # # Example: # # options do # parameter "SOURCE", "The source to use", :attribute_name => :foo # end def options(&block) @command.class.instance_eval(&block) # Copy related instance variables from the Clamp::Command to this object. @command.instance_variables.each do |ivar| # Skip ones that are part of the Command normally (not attributes) next if [:@invocation_path, :@context, :@remaining_arguments].include?(ivar) instance_variable_set(ivar, @command.instance_variable_get(ivar)) end end # def options # Set the source to use for this thing def source(upstream) root = File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".batcave", "upstream") FileUtils.mkdir_p(root) Dir.chdir(root) do if ! cmd = "git clone #{upstream} #{@thing}" else #cmd = "cd #{@thing}; git fetch origin master; git reset --hard origin/master" cmd = "cd #{@thing}; git pull origin master" end"Running", :command => cmd) system(cmd) if $?.exitstatus != 0 # TODO(sissel): Do something better than aborting raise "Command exited #{$?.exitstatus}: #{cmd}" end end @sourcedir = File.join(root, @thing) end # def source def target(directory) @target = directory end # def target # Do path expansion. # # If the path is /foo/bar/{name} # and @names is ["one", "two"], then this will: # # * yield "/foo/bar/one" # * yield "/foo/bar/two" # # A {foo} will check both @foo and @foos def expand(paths, &block) skip_re = /(^|\/)\.(\.|git|svn)/ paths.each do |path| next if skip_re.match(path) # find all {...} in the string tokens = path.scan(/{[^}]+}/) if tokens.include?("{name}") names = [] names << @name if instance_variable_defined?(:@name) names += @names if instance_variable_defined?(:@names) if names.empty? message = [ "No {name} known, can't expand #{path}", "maybe add this to your THING file: ", "", "options do", " parameter 'NAME', 'The {name} value', :attribute_name => :name", "end" ].join("\n") raise message end names.each do |name| yield path, path.gsub("{name}", name) end else yield path, path end end end # def expand def create_only(*paths) if paths.first.is_a?(Array) paths = paths.first end @create_only = paths end # def create_only # Sync two paths def sync if !instance_variable_defined?(:@sourcedir) @logger.error("Can't sync, no source defined") return end paths = Dir.glob(File.join(@sourcedir, "**", "*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) expand(paths) do |source, target| next if source == @configfile # skip the 'THING' file originalpath = source[@sourcedir.length + 1 .. -1] localpath = File.join(path(@environment), target[@sourcedir.length + 1 .. -1]) if localpath =~ /\.erb$/ localpath = localpath[0...-4] use_erb = true else use_erb = false end # TODO(sissel): if this is a directory, create it. # TODO(sissel): if this a file, copy it. if FileUtils.mkdir_p(localpath) unless else localdir = File.dirname(localpath) FileUtils.mkdir_p(localdir) unless if @create_only.include?(originalpath) and File.exists?(localpath)"Skipping existing file due to 'create_only': #{localpath}") else if use_erb erb ="Generating ", :source => source, :target => localpath), "w+") do |fd| # Make all ivars available as names in the templates, so I can just do # <%= name %> instead of <%= @name %> ivar = fd.write(erb.result(ivar.binding)) end else"Copying", :source => source, :target => localpath) FileUtils.cp(source, localpath) end end end end end # def sync # Set the environment this thing is operating in. # # Valid environments are: :system, :user, :project, :path # # This helps hint batcave update operations so you can just update your user, # project, etc, instead of everything at once. def environment(env=nil) if !env.nil? @environment = env end return @environment end # def environment def thing return @thing end # def thing def to_hash return { "args" => @args } end # def to_yaml def execute sync if @sync end def nosync @sync = false end # def nosync # Metaprogramming to provide instance variables from a class as # local-variable-like things in a binding. For use with ERB and such. # # This is a fun hack. class IvarBinding def initialize(object) # Make a new Object subclass klass = # Find all instance variables in 'object' and make # them methods in our new class. Each method will # simply return that named instance variable. object.instance_variables.each do |ivar| meth = ivar.to_s.gsub("@", "") klass.instance_eval do define_method(meth) do object.instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end # Make a method that returns the binding for this class klass.instance_eval do define_method(:_binding) do return binding end end @instance = end # def initialize def binding return @instance._binding end # def binding end # class IvarBinding public(:initialize, :execute, :environment, :thing, :to_hash) end # class BatCave::DSL