require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' $:.unshift 'lib' # force loading from ./lib/ if it exists require 'sup' class Hoe def extra_deps; @extra_deps.reject { |x| Array(x).first == "hoe" } end end # thanks to "Mike H" ## allow people who use development versions by running "rake gem" ## and installing the resulting gem it to be able to do this. (gem ## versions must be in dotted-digit notation only and can be passed ## with the REL environment variable to "rake gem"). if ENV['REL'] version = ENV['REL'] else version = Redwood::VERSION == "git" ? "999" : Redwood::VERSION end'sup', version) do |p| p.rubyforge_name = 'sup' = "William Morgan" p.summary = 'A console-based email client with the best features of GMail, mutt, and emacs. Features full text search, labels, tagged operations, multiple buffers, recent contacts, and more.' p.description = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 2..9).join("\n\n") p.url = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 0).first.split(/\n/)[2].gsub(/^\s+/, "") p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..0).join("\n\n") = "" p.extra_deps = [['ferret', '>= 0.10.13'], ['ncurses', '>= 0.9.1'], ['rmail', '>= 0.17'], 'highline', 'net-ssh', ['trollop', '>= 1.7'], 'lockfile', 'mime-types', 'gettext'] end rule 'ss?.png' => 'ss?-small.png' do |t| end ## is there really no way to make a rule for this? WWW_FILES = %w(www/index.html README.txt doc/Philosophy.txt doc/FAQ.txt doc/NewUserGuide.txt www/main.css) SCREENSHOTS = FileList["www/ss?.png"] SCREENSHOTS_SMALL = [] SCREENSHOTS.each do |fn| fn =~ /ss(\d+)\.png/ sfn = "www/ss#{$1}-small.png" file sfn => [fn] do |t| sh "cat #{fn} | pngtopnm | pnmscale -xysize 320 240 | pnmtopng > #{sfn}" end SCREENSHOTS_SMALL << sfn end task :upload_webpage => WWW_FILES do |t| sh "scp -C #{t.prerequisites * ' '}" end task :upload_webpage_images => (SCREENSHOTS + SCREENSHOTS_SMALL) do |t| sh "scp -C #{t.prerequisites * ' '}" end # vim: syntax=ruby # -*- ruby -*- task :upload_report do |t| sh "ditz html ditz" sh "rsync -essh -cavz ditz" end