# MultipleDevicesLogger Logger that support many and different devices for specified levels. ## Setup Just add this into your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'multiple_devices_logger' ``` Then, just run a `bundle install`. ## Usage ### Simple usage This will add `STDOUT` device for `debug` and `info` severities and a file for all others. ```ruby require 'multiple_devices_logger' logger = MultipleDevicesLogger.new logger.add_device(STDOUT, Logger::DEBUG, Logger::INFO) logger.add_device('/tmp/logs', Logger::WARN, Logger::ERROR, Logger::FATAL) logger.warn('BAM!') ``` Note that severty can specified as string or symbol. ### Define default device If there is no device for given severity, default device is used. It can be defined thanks to `default_device` accessor. ```ruby logger.default_device = STDERR ``` ### Adding a device for all severities If you don't specify any severity to `#add_device` method, specified device will be added to all sevrities. Here is an example that logs all messages to `STDERR` and fatal messages to both a file and `STDERR`. ```ruby logger.add_device(STDERR) logger.add_device('/tmp/fatal.log', :fatal) ``` ### Operators To simplify devices definition, you can use `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=` operators: ```ruby logger.add_device('/var/log/myapp.log', '>= warn') ``` ### Clear all devices Just use `#clear_devices` to clear all registered devices: ```ruby logger.clear_devices ``` ### Custom formatter for each device You can configure a formatter for each device via `:formatter` option, here is an example: ```ruby logger.add_device(STDERR, :debug, formatter: -> (severity, time, progname, message) { "[#{severity}] #{message}\n" }) ``` Otherwise default formatter is used. ### Ignore exceptions from logging You can ignore some exceptions to be logged globally: ```ruby logger.ignore_exceptions(IOError, ArgumentError) ``` Or just for some devices with `:ignore_exceptions` otpion when you register the device: ```ruby logger.add_device(STDERR, :debug, ignore_exceptions: [IOError, ArgumentError]) ``` ## Executing test suite This project is fully tested with [Rspec 3](http://github.com/rspec/rspec). Just run `bundle exec rake` (after a `bundle install`).