module Foursquare2 module Venues # Retrieve information about a venue # # param [String] venue_id The ID of the venue def venue(venue_id) response = connection.get("venues/#{venue_id}") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.venue) end # Search for venues # # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options Integer :llAcc - Accuracy of the lat/lon in meters. # @option options Integer :alt - Altitude in meters # @option options Integer :altAcc - Accuracy of the altitude in meters # @option options Integer :limit - The limit of results to return. # @option options String :intent - One of checkin, match, or specials. # @option options String :query - Query to match venues on. def search_venues(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/search", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Search for trending venues # # @param [String] :ll Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :limit - Number of results to return, up to 50. # @option options Integer :radius - Radius in meters, up to approximately 2000 meters. def trending_venues(ll, options={}) options[:ll] = ll response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/trending", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Search for venues by tip # # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options Integer :limit - The limit of results to return. # @option options Integer :offset - Used to page through results. # @option options String :filter - Set to 'friends' to limit tips to those from friends. # @option options String :query - Only find tips matching this term. def search_venues_by_tip(options={}) tips = search_tips(options) venues = [] tips.each do |tip| venues << tip['venue'] end venues end # Retrieve information about all venue categories. def venue_categories response = connection.get("venues/categories") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.categories) end # Retrieve links for a venue. # # param [String] venue_id The ID of the venue def venue_links(venue_id) response = connection.get("venues/#{venue_id}/links") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.links) end # Add a venue # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :name - Name of the venue (required) # @option options String :address # @option options String :crossStreet # @option options String :city # @option options String :state # @option options String :zip # @option options String :phone # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options String :primaryCategoryId - Main category for the venue, must be in the list of venue categories. def add_venue(options={}) response = do |req| req.url "venues/add", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.venue) end # Mark a venue as todo for the authenticated user # # @param [String] venue_id - Venue id to mark todo, required. # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :text - Text for the tip/todo def mark_venue_todo(venue_id, options={}) response = do |req| req.url "venues/#{venue_id}/marktodo", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Flag a venue as having a problem # # @param [String] venue_id - Venue id to flag, required. # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :problem - Reason for flag, one of mislocated,closed, or duplicate. Required. def flag_venue(venue_id, options={}) response = do |req| req.url "venues/#{venue_id}/flag", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Propose a venue edit # @param [String] venue_id - Venue id to propose edit for, required. # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :name - Name of the venue (required) # @option options String :address # @option options String :crossStreet # @option options String :city # @option options String :state # @option options String :zip # @option options String :phone # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options String :primaryCategoryId - Main category for the venue, must be in the list of venue categories. def propose_venue_edit(venue_id, options={}) response = do |req| req.url "venues/#{venue_id}/proposeedit", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Explore venues # # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options Integer :llAcc - Accuracy of the lat/lon in meters. # @option options Integer :alt - Altitude in meters # @option options Integer :altAcc - Accuracy of the altitude in meters # @option options Integer :radius - Radius to search within, in meters # @option options String :section - One of food, drinks, coffee, shops, or arts. Choosing one of these limits results to venues with categories matching these terms. # @option options String :query - Query to match venues on. # @option options Integer :limit - The limit of results to return. # @option options String :intent - Limit results to venues with specials. # @option options String :novelty - Pass new or old to limit results to places the acting user hasn't been or has been, respectively. Omitting this parameter returns a mixture. def explore_venues(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/explore", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Suggest venue completions. Returns a list of mini-venues partially matching the search term, near the location. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options Integer :llAcc - Accuracy of the lat/lon in meters. # @option options Integer :alt - Altitude in meters # @option options Integer :altAcc - Accuracy of the altitude in meters # @option options String :query - Query to match venues on. # @option options Integer :limit - The limit of results to return. def suggest_completion_venues(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/suggestCompletion", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Retrieve menus for a venue. # # param [String] venue_id The ID of the venue def venue_menus(venue_id) response = connection.get("venues/#{venue_id}/menu") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Returns a list of users that are currently checked into a venue # # param [String] venue_id The ID of the venue managed by the current user # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :limit - Number of results to return, up to 500. # @option options Integer :offset - Used to page through results. # @option options Integer :afterTimestamp - Retrieve the first results to follow these seconds since epoch. def herenow(venue_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/#{venue_id}/herenow", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # #Returns a list of venues managed # def managed_venues() response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/managed" end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.venues) end # Get venue stats over a given time range. Client instance should represent an OAuth user who is the venue owner. # Note: returns more detailed statistics than the basic stats returned when calling venue(venue_id) # # param [String] venue_id The ID of the venue managed by the current user # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :startAt - The start of the time range to retrieve stats for (seconds since epoch). If omitted, all-time stats will be returned. # @option options Integer :endAt - The end of the time range to retrieve stats for (seconds since epoch). If omitted, the current time is assumed. def managed_venue_stats(venue_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/#{venue_id}/stats", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Get daily venue stats for a list of venues over a time range. # Client instance should represent an OAuth user who is the venues owner. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options Array[String] :venueId - A list of venue ids to retrieve series data for. # @option options Integer :startAt - Required. The start of the time range to retrieve stats for (seconds since epoch). # @option options Integer :endAt - The end of the time range to retrieve stats for (seconds since epoch). If omitted, the current time is assumed. # @option options String :fields - Specifies which fields to return. May be one or more of totalCheckins, newCheckins, uniqueVisitors, sharing, genders, ages, hours, separated by commas. def venues_timeseries(options={}) options[:venueId] = options[:venueId].join(',') # Transforms the array into a 'comma-separated list' of ids. response = connection.get do |req| req.url "venues/timeseries", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end end end