// // CommonStepDefinitions.swift // Copyright © 2017 XCFit Framework. All rights reserved. // // /* This is sample code created by XCFit Framework and can be edited/Removed as needed. This class has some mostly used step definitions included here. You can add some more here if needed. */ import XCTest import Cucumberish class CommonStepDefinitions: NSObject { fileprivate var application : XCUIApplication! fileprivate func elementByLabel(_ label : String, type: String) -> XCUIElement { var elementQurey : XCUIElementQuery! switch(type){ case "button": elementQurey = application.buttons case "label": elementQurey = application.staticTexts case "tab": elementQurey = application.tabs case "field", "text field": elementQurey = application.textFields case "textView", "text view": elementQurey = application.textViews case "view": elementQurey = application.otherElements default: elementQurey = application.otherElements } return elementQurey[label] } fileprivate func setup(_ application: XCUIApplication) { self.application = application MatchAll("I launched an App") { (args, userInfo) in application.launch() } MatchAll("I terminated an App") { (args, userInfo) in application.terminate() } MatchAll("^I see an alert with title \"([^\\\"]*)\" and clicked \"([^\\\"]*)\" action$") { (args, userInfo) in let alert = application.alerts[(args?[0])!] alert.buttons[(args?[0])!].tap() } MatchAll("^I allow system alert with \"([^\\\"]*)\" description$") { (args, userInfo) in let alertDescription = args?[0] XCTestCase().addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: alertDescription!) { (alert) -> Bool in alert.buttons["Allow"].tap() return true } XCUIApplication().tap() } MatchAll("^I slide a slider by \"([^\\\"]*)\" normalised Value$") { (args, userInfo) in let sliderPosition = args?[0] let slidervalue :CGFloat = CGFloat((sliderPosition! as NSString).doubleValue) application.sliders.element.adjust(toNormalizedSliderPosition: slidervalue) } MatchAll("^I select an item \"([^\\\"]*)\" from picker$") { (args, userInfo) in let pickerPosition = args?[0] application.pickerWheels.element.adjust(toPickerWheelValue: pickerPosition!) } MatchAll("^I click link \"([^\\\"]*)\" from webview$") { (args, userInfo) in let linkText = args?[0] application.links[linkText!].tap() } MatchAll("^I should see menubar with \"([^\\\"]*)\" header$") { (args, userInfo) in let menubarText = args?[0] XCTAssertTrue(application.menuBars[menubarText!].exists) } MatchAll("^I should see menu with \"([^\\\"]*)\" items$") { (args, userInfo) in let menuCount = args![0] let expectedMenuCount: UInt = UInt(menuCount)! let appMenuCount = application.menus.count XCTAssertEqual(expectedMenuCount, appMenuCount, "Comparing MenuCount") } MatchAll("^I should see screen with \"([^\\\"]*)\" cells$") { (args, userInfo) in let cellCount = args![0] let expectedCellCount: UInt = UInt(cellCount)! let appCellCount = application.cells.count XCTAssertEqual(expectedCellCount, appCellCount, "Comparing Cell Count") } MatchAll("^I check \"([^\\\"]*)\" checkbox$") { (args, userInfo) in let checkBox = args?[0] application.checkBoxes[checkBox!].tap() } //And/When/Then/But I tap the "Header" view MatchAll("^I tap (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (button|label|tab|view|field|textView)$") { (args, userInfo) -> Void in let label = args?[0] let type = args?[1] self.elementByLabel(label!, type: type!).tap() } //And/When/Then/But I tap the "Increment" button 5 times MatchAll("^I tap (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (button|label|tab|view) ([1-9]{1}) time(?:s)?$") { (args, userInfo) -> Void in let label = args?[0] let type = args?[1] let times = NSString(string: (args?[2])!).integerValue let element = self.elementByLabel(label!, type: type!) for _ in 0 ..< times{ element.tap() } } //When/And/But/When I write "London" in the "City" field MatchAll("^I write \"([^\\\"]*)\" (?:into|in) (?:the )?\"([^\\\"]*)\" (field|text view)$") { (args, userInfo) -> Void in let type = args?[2] let label = args?[1] let element = self.elementByLabel(label!, type: type!) element.tap() element.typeText((args?[0])!) } MatchAll("^I switch (on|off) the \"([^\\\"]*)\" switch$") { (args, userInfo) -> Void in let theSwitch = application.switches[(args?[1])!] let currentValu = NSString(string: theSwitch.value as! String).integerValue let newValue = args?[0] == "on" ? 1 : 0 if(currentValu != newValue){ theSwitch.tap() } } } class func setup(_ application: XCUIApplication) { CommonStepDefinitions().setup(application) } }