# frozen_string_literal: true module Bolt class Inventory # Group is a specific implementation of Inventory based on nested # structured data. class Group attr_accessor :name, :nodes, :groups, :config, :rest def initialize(data) @logger = Logging.logger[self] unless data.is_a?(Hash) raise ValidationError.new("Expected group to be a Hash, not #{data.class}", nil) end if data.key?('name') if data['name'].is_a?(String) @name = data['name'] else raise ValidationError.new("Group name must be a String, not #{data['name'].inspect}", nil) end else raise ValidationError.new("Group does not have a name", nil) end @vars = fetch_value(data, 'vars', Hash) @facts = fetch_value(data, 'facts', Hash) @features = fetch_value(data, 'features', Array) @config = fetch_value(data, 'config', Hash) nodes = fetch_value(data, 'nodes', Array) groups = fetch_value(data, 'groups', Array) @nodes = {} nodes.each do |node| node = { 'name' => node } if node.is_a? String unless node.is_a?(Hash) raise ValidationError.new("Node entry must be a String or Hash, not #{node.class}", @name) end if @nodes.include? node['name'] @logger.warn("Ignoring duplicate node in #{@name}: #{node}") else @nodes[node['name']] = node end end @groups = groups.map { |g| Group.new(g) } # this allows arbitrary info for the top level @rest = data.reject { |k, _| %w[name nodes config groups vars facts features].include? k } end def fetch_value(data, key, type) value = data.fetch(key, type.new) unless value.is_a?(type) raise ValidationError.new("Expected #{key} to be of type #{type}, not #{value.class}", @name) end value end def check_deprecated_config(context, name, config) if config && config['transports'] msg = "#{context} #{name} contains invalid config option 'transports', see " \ "https://puppet.com/docs/bolt/0.x/inventory_file.html for the updated format" raise ValidationError.new(msg, @name) end end def validate(used_names = Set.new, node_names = Set.new, depth = 0) if used_names.include?(@name) raise ValidationError.new("Tried to redefine group #{@name}", @name) end raise ValidationError.new("Invalid group name #{@name}", @name) unless @name =~ /\A[a-z0-9_]+\Z/ if node_names.include?(@name) raise ValidationError.new("Group #{@name} conflicts with node of the same name", @name) end check_deprecated_config('Group', @name, @config) used_names << @name @nodes.each_value do |n| # Require nodes to be parseable as a Target. begin Target.new(n['name']) rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError => e @logger.debug(e) raise ValidationError.new("Invalid node name #{n['name']}", n['name']) end raise ValidationError.new("Node #{n['name']} does not have a name", n['name']) unless n['name'] if used_names.include?(n['name']) raise ValidationError.new("Group #{n['name']} conflicts with node of the same name", n['name']) end check_deprecated_config('Node', n['name'], n['config']) node_names << n['name'] end @groups.each do |g| begin g.validate(used_names, node_names, depth + 1) rescue ValidationError => e e.add_parent(@name) raise e end end nil end # The data functions below expect and return nil or a hash of the schema # { 'config' => Hash , 'vars' => Hash, 'facts' => Hash, 'features' => Array, groups => Array } def data_for(node_name) data_merge(group_collect(node_name), node_collect(node_name)) end def node_data(node_name) if (data = @nodes[node_name]) { 'config' => data['config'] || {}, 'vars' => data['vars'] || {}, 'facts' => data['facts'] || {}, 'features' => data['features'] || [], # groups come from group_data 'groups' => [] } end end def group_data { 'config' => @config, 'vars' => @vars, 'facts' => @facts, 'features' => @features, 'groups' => [@name] } end def empty_data { 'config' => {}, 'vars' => {}, 'facts' => {}, 'features' => [], 'groups' => [] } end def data_merge(data1, data2) if data2.nil? || data1.nil? return data2 || data1 end { 'config' => Bolt::Util.deep_merge(data1['config'], data2['config']), # Shallow merge instead of deep merge so that vars with a hash value # are assigned a new hash, rather than merging the existing value # with the value meant to replace it 'vars' => data1['vars'].merge(data2['vars']), 'facts' => Bolt::Util.deep_merge(data1['facts'], data2['facts']), 'features' => data1['features'] | data2['features'], 'groups' => data2['groups'] + data1['groups'] } end # Returns all nodes contained within the group, which includes nodes from subgroups. def node_names @groups.inject(local_node_names) do |acc, g| acc.merge(g.node_names) end end # Return a mapping of group names to group. def collect_groups @groups.inject(name => self) do |acc, g| acc.merge(g.collect_groups) end end def local_node_names Set.new(@nodes.keys) end private :local_node_names def node_collect(node_name) data = @groups.inject(nil) do |acc, g| if (d = g.node_collect(node_name)) data_merge(d, acc) else acc end end data_merge(node_data(node_name), data) end def group_collect(node_name) data = @groups.inject(nil) do |acc, g| if (d = g.data_for(node_name)) data_merge(d, acc) else acc end end if data data_merge(group_data, data) elsif @nodes.include?(node_name) group_data end end end end end