module Ruboto module Util module Build include Verify SCRIPTS_DIR = 'src' ########################################################################### # # Build Subclass or Interface: # # # build_file: Reads the src from the appropriate location, # uses the substitutions hash to modify the contents, # and writes to the new location # def build_file(src, package, name, substitutions, dest='.') to = File.join(dest, "src/#{package.gsub('.', '/')}") Dir.mkdir(to) unless text = + "/assets/src/#{src}.java")) substitutions.each {|k,v| text.gsub!(k, v)}, "#{name}.java"), 'w') {|f| f << text} end # # get_class_or_interface: Opens the xml file and locates the specified class. # Aborts if the class is not found or if it is not available for # all api levels # def get_class_or_interface(klass, force=nil) element = verify_api.find_class_or_interface(klass, 'either') abort "ERROR: #{klass} not found" unless element unless force == 'include' abort "#{klass} not available in minSdkVersion, added in #{element.attribute('api_added')}; use '--force include' to create it" if element.attribute('api_added') and element.attribute('api_added').to_i > verify_min_sdk.to_i abort "#{klass} deprecated for targetSdkVersion, deprecated in #{element.attribute('deprecated')}; use '--force include' to create it" if element.attribute('deprecated') and element.attribute('deprecated').to_i <= verify_target_sdk.to_i end abort "#{klass} removed for targetSdkVersion, removed in #{element.attribute('api_removed')}" if element.attribute('api_removed') and element.attribute('api_removed').to_i <= verify_target_sdk.to_i element end # # check_methods: Checks the methods to see if they are available for all api levels # def check_methods(methods, force=nil) min_api = verify_min_sdk.to_i target_api = verify_target_sdk.to_i # Remove methods changed outside of the scope of the sdk versions methods ={|i| !i.attribute('api_added') || (i.attribute('api_added').to_i <= target_api)} # methods ={|i| !i.attribute('deprecated') || (i.attribute('deprecated').to_i > min_api)} methods ={|i| !i.attribute('api_removed') || (i.attribute('api_removed').to_i > min_api)} # Inform and remove methods that do not exist in one of the sdk versions methods = do |i| if i.attribute('api_removed') and i.attribute('api_removed').to_i <= target_api puts "Can't create #{i.method_signature} -- removed in #{i.attribute('api_removed')}" false else true end end abort = false new_methods = methods unless force == 'include' # Inform and remove methods changed inside the scope of the sdk versions new_methods = do |i| if i.attribute('api_added') and i.attribute('api_added').to_i > min_api and force == 'exclude' false elsif i.attribute('api_added') and i.attribute('api_added').to_i > min_api puts "Can't create #{i.method_signature} -- added in #{i.attribute('api_added')} -- use method_exclude or force exclude" abort = true false elsif i.attribute('deprecated') and i.attribute('deprecated').to_i <= target_api and force == 'exclude' false elsif i.attribute('deprecated') and i.attribute('deprecated').to_i <= target_api puts "Can't create #{i.method_signature} -- deprecated in #{i.attribute('deprecated')} -- use method_exclude or force exclude" abort = true false else true end end abort('Aborting!') if abort end new_methods end # # generate_subclass_or_interface: Creates a subclass or interface based on the specifications. # def generate_subclass_or_interface(params) defaults = {:template => 'InheritingClass', :method_base => 'all', :method_include => '', :method_exclude => '', :force => nil, :implements => ''} params = defaults.merge(params) params[:package] ||= verify_package class_desc = get_class_or_interface(params[:class] || params[:interface], params[:force]) print "Generating methods for #{params[:name]}..." methods = class_desc.all_methods(params[:method_base], params[:method_include], params[:method_exclude], params[:implements]) methods = check_methods(methods, params[:force]) puts "Done. Methods created: #{methods.count}" params[:implements] = params[:implements].split(',').push('org.ruboto.RubotoComponent').join(',') action = == 'class' ? 'extends' : 'implements' build_file params[:template], params[:package], params[:name], { 'THE_METHOD_BASE' => params[:method_base].to_s, 'THE_PACKAGE' => params[:package], 'THE_ACTION' => action, 'THE_ANDROID_CLASS' => (params[:class] || params[:interface]) + (params[:implements] == '' ? '' : ((action != 'implements' ? ' implements ' : ', ') + params[:implements].split(',').join(', '))), 'THE_RUBOTO_CLASS' => params[:name], 'THE_CONSTRUCTORS' => == 'class' ? class_desc.get_elements('constructor').map { |i| i.constructor_definition(params[:name]) }.join("\n\n") : '', 'THE_METHODS' => { |i| i.method_definition(params[:name]) }.join("\n\n") } end # # generate_core_classe: generates RubotoActivity, RubotoService, etc. based # on the API specifications. # def generate_core_classes(params) hash = {:package => 'org.ruboto'} %w(method_base method_include implements force).inject(hash) {|h, i| h[i.to_sym] = params[i.to_sym]; h} hash[:method_exclude] = params[:method_exclude].split(',').push('onCreate').push('onDestroy').push('onBind').push('onStartCommand').join(',') %w( android.content.BroadcastReceiver).each do |i| name = i.split('.')[-1] if params[:class] == name or params[:class] == 'all' generate_subclass_or_interface(hash.merge({:template => "Ruboto#{name}", :class => i, :name => "Ruboto#{name}"})) end end # Activities that can be created, but only directly (i.e., not included in all) %w(android.preference.PreferenceActivity do |i| name = i.split('.')[-1] if params[:class] == name generate_subclass_or_interface(hash.merge({:template => 'RubotoActivity', :class => i, :name => "Ruboto#{name}"})) end end end ########################################################################### # # generate_inheriting_file: # Builds a script based subclass of Activity, Service, or BroadcastReceiver # def generate_inheriting_file(klass, name, package = verify_package, script_name = "#{underscore(name)}.rb") dest = '.' file = File.expand_path File.join(dest, "src/#{package.gsub('.', '/')}", "#{name}.java") text =, "src/Inheriting#{klass}.java")) file_existed = File.exists?(file), 'w') do |f| f << text.gsub('THE_PACKAGE', package).gsub("Sample#{klass}", name).gsub("Inheriting#{klass}", name).gsub("sample_#{underscore(klass)}.rb", script_name) end puts "#{file_existed ? 'Updated' : 'Added'} file #{file}." script_file = File.expand_path("#{SCRIPTS_DIR}/#{script_name}", dest) unless File.exists? script_file sample_source =, "samples/sample_#{underscore klass}.rb")) sample_source.gsub!('THE_PACKAGE', package) sample_source.gsub!("Sample#{klass}", name) sample_source.gsub!('start.rb', script_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(dest, SCRIPTS_DIR) script_file, 'a' do |f| f << sample_source end puts "Added file #{script_file}." end test_file = File.expand_path("test/src/#{script_name.chomp('.rb')}_test.rb", dest) unless File.exists? test_file sample_test_source =, "samples/sample_#{underscore klass}_test.rb")) sample_test_source.gsub!('THE_PACKAGE', package) sample_test_source.gsub!("Sample#{klass}", name) sample_test_source.gsub!('SampleActivity', verify_activity) test_file, 'a' do |f| f << sample_test_source end puts "Added file #{test_file}." end end end end end