module Softcover module EpubUtils # Returns the name of the cover file. # We support (in order) JPG/JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. def cover_img extensions = %w[jpg jpeg png tiff] extensions.each do |ext| origin = "images/cover.#{ext}" target = "#{images_dir}/cover.#{ext}" if File.exist?(origin) FileUtils.cp(origin, target) return File.basename(target) end end return false end # Returns true when producing a cover. # We include a cover when not producing an Amazon-specific book # as long as there's a cover image. (When uploading a book to # Amazon KDP, the cover gets uploaded separately, so the MOBI file itself # should have not have a cover.) def cover?(options={}) !options[:amazon] && cover_img end def cover_filename xhtml("cover.#{html_extension}") end # Transforms foo.html to foo.xhtml def xhtml(filename) filename.sub('.html', '.xhtml') end def cover_img_path path("#{images_dir}/#{cover_img}") end def images_dir path('epub/OEBPS/images') end def nav_filename xhtml("nav.#{html_extension}") end def escape(string) CGI.escape_html(string) end # Returns a content.opf file based on a valid template. def content_opf_template(escaped_title, copyright, author, uuid, cover_id, toc_chapters, manifest_chapters, images) if cover_id cover_meta = %(<meta name="cover" content="#{cover_id}"/>) cover_html = %(<item id="cover" href="#{cover_filename}" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>) cover_ref = '<itemref idref="cover" linear="no" />' else cover_meta = cover_html = cover_ref = '' end %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <package unique-identifier="BookID" version="3.0" xmlns=""> <metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:opf=""> <dc:title>#{escaped_title}</dc:title> <dc:language>en</dc:language> <dc:rights>Copyright (c) #{copyright} #{escape(author)}</dc:rights> <dc:creator>#{escape(author)}</dc:creator> <dc:publisher>Softcover</dc:publisher> <dc:identifier id="BookID">urn:uuid:#{uuid}</dc:identifier> <meta property="dcterms:modified">#{'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')}Z</meta> #{cover_meta} </metadata> <manifest> <item href="#{nav_filename}" id="nav" media-type="application/xhtml+xml" properties="nav"/> <item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/> <item id="page-template.xpgt" href="styles/page-template.xpgt" media-type="application/vnd.adobe-page-template+xml"/> <item id="pygments.css" href="styles/pygments.css" media-type="text/css"/> <item id="softcover.css" href="styles/softcover.css" media-type="text/css"/> <item id="epub.css" href="styles/epub.css" media-type="text/css"/> <item id="custom.css" href="styles/custom.css" media-type="text/css"/> <item id="custom_epub.css" href="styles/custom_epub.css" media-type="text/css"/> #{cover_html} #{manifest_chapters.join("\n")} #{images.join("\n")} </manifest> <spine toc="ncx"> #{cover_ref} #{toc_chapters.join("\n")} </spine> </package> ) end # Returns a toc.ncx file based on a valid template. def toc_ncx_template(escaped_title, uuid, chapter_nav) %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1"> <head> <meta name="dtb:uid" content="urn:uuid:#{uuid}"/> <meta name="dtb:depth" content="2"/> <meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0"/> <meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0"/> </head> <docTitle> <text>#{escaped_title}</text> </docTitle> <navMap> #{chapter_nav.join("\n")} </navMap> </ncx> ) end # Returns the navigation HTML based on a valid template. def nav_html_template(escaped_title, nav_list) %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <html xmlns="" xmlns:epub=""> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>#{escaped_title}</title> </head> <body> <nav epub:type="toc"> <h1>#{escaped_title}</h1> <ol> #{nav_list.join("\n")} </ol> </nav> </body> </html> ) end end module Builders class Epub < Builder include Softcover::Output include Softcover::EpubUtils def build!(options={}) @preview = options[:preview]! if manifest.markdown? opts = options.merge({ source: :polytex, origin: :markdown }) self.manifest = end remove_html remove_images create_directories write_mimetype write_container_xml write_ibooks_xml copy_image_files write_html(options) write_contents(options) create_style_files(options) write_toc write_nav make_epub(options) move_epub end # Returns true if generating a book preview. def preview? !!@preview end # Removes HTML. # All the HTML is generated, so this clears out any unused files. def remove_html FileUtils.rm(Dir.glob(path('epub/OEBPS/*.html'))) FileUtils.rm(Dir.glob(path('epub/OEBPS/*.xhtml'))) end # Removes images in case they are stale. def remove_images rm_r images_dir end def create_directories mkdir('epub') mkdir(path('epub/OEBPS')) mkdir(path('epub/OEBPS/styles')) mkdir(path('epub/META-INF')) mkdir(images_dir) mkdir('ebooks') end # Writes the mimetype file. # This is required by the EPUB standard. def write_mimetype File.write(path('epub/mimetype'), 'application/epub+zip') end # Writes the container XML file. # This is required by the EPUB standard. def write_container_xml File.write(path('epub/META-INF/container.xml'), container_xml) end # Writes iBooks-specific XML. # This allows proper display of monospace fonts in code samples, among # other things. def write_ibooks_xml xml_filename = '' File.write(path("epub/META-INF/#{xml_filename}"), ibooks_xml) end # Writes the content.opf file. # This is required by the EPUB standard. def write_contents(options={}) File.write(path('epub/OEBPS/content.opf'), content_opf(options)) end # Returns the chapters to write. def chapters preview? ? manifest.preview_chapters : manifest.chapters end # Writes the HTML for the EPUB. # Included is a math detector that processes the page with MathJax # (via page.js) so that math can be included in EPUB (and thence MOBI). def write_html(options={}) texmath_dir = File.join(images_dir, 'texmath') mkdir images_dir mkdir texmath_dir if cover?(options) File.write(path("epub/OEBPS/#{cover_filename}"), cover_page) end pngs = [] chapters.each_with_index do |chapter, i| target_filename = path("epub/OEBPS/#{xhtml(chapter.fragment_name)}"), 'w') do |f| content ="html/#{chapter.fragment_name}")) doc = strip_attributes(Nokogiri::HTML(content)) # Use xhtml in references. doc.css('a.hyperref').each do |ref_node| ref_node['href'] = ref_node['href'].sub('.html', xhtml('.html')) end body = doc.at_css('body') if body.nil? $stderr.puts "\nError: Document not built due to empty chapter" $stderr.puts "Chapters must include a title using the Markdown" $stderr.puts " # This is a chapter" $stderr.puts "or the LaTeX" $stderr.puts " \\chapter{This is a chapter}" exit(1) end inner_html = body.children.to_xhtml if math?(inner_html) html = html_with_math(chapter, images_dir, texmath_dir, pngs, options) html ||= inner_html # handle case of spurious math detection else html = inner_html end f.write(chapter_template("Chapter #{i}", html)) end end # Clean up unused PNGs. png_files = Dir[path("#{texmath_dir}/*.png")] (png_files - pngs).each do |f| if File.exist?(f) puts "Removing unused PNG #{f}" unless options[:silent] FileUtils.rm(f) end end end # Escapes spaces in filename directories. # E.g., "Mobile Directory" becomes "Mobile\ Directory". def escape_spaces(name) name.gsub(' ', '\ ') end # Returns HTML for HTML source that includes math. # As a side-effect, html_with_math creates PNGs corresponding to any # math in the given source. The technique involves using PhantomJS to # hit the HTML source for each page containing math to create SVGs # for every math element. Since ereader support for SVGs is spotty, # they are then converted to PNGs using Inkscape. The filenames are # SHAs of their contents, which arranges both for unique filenames # and for automatic disk caching. def html_with_math(chapter, images_dir, texmath_dir, pngs, options={}) content ="html", "#{chapter.slug}.#{html_extension}")) pagejs = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/utils/page.js" dir = escape_spaces(Dir.pwd) url = "file://" + dir + "/html/#{chapter.slug}.#{html_extension}" cmd = "#{phantomjs} #{pagejs} #{url}" silence { silence_stream(STDERR) { system cmd } } # Sometimes in tests the phantomjs_source.html file is missing. # It shouldn't ever happen, but it does no harm to skip it. return nil unless File.exist?('phantomjs_source.html') raw_source ='phantomjs_source.html') source = strip_attributes(Nokogiri::HTML(raw_source)) rm 'phantomjs_source.html' # Remove the first body div, which is the hidden MathJax SVGs. if (mathjax_svgs = source.at_css('body div')) mathjax_svgs.remove else # There's not actually any math, so return nil. return nil end # Remove all the unneeded raw TeX displays. source.css('script').each(&:remove) # Remove all the MathJax preview spans. source.css('MathJax_Preview').each(&:remove) # Suck out all the SVGs svgs = source.css('div#book svg') frames = source.css('span.MathJax_SVG') do |svg, frame| # Save the SVG file. svg['viewBox'] = svg['viewbox'] svg.remove_attribute('viewbox') # Workaround for bug in Inkscape 0.91 on MacOS X: # extract height/width from svg attributes and move them to style attr svg_height = svg['height'] # in ex svg_width = svg['width'] # in ex svg['style'] += ' height:'+svg_height+';' + ' width:'+svg_width+';' svg.remove_attribute('height') svg.remove_attribute('width') # /Workaround first_child = frame.children.first first_child.replace(svg) unless svg == first_child output = svg.to_xhtml svg_filename = File.join(texmath_dir, "#{digest(output)}.svg") svg_abspath = File.join("#{Dir.pwd}", svg_filename) File.write(svg_filename, output) # Convert to PNG named: png_filename = svg_filename.sub('.svg', '.png') png_abspath = svg_abspath.sub('.svg', '.png') pngs << png_filename # # Settings for texmath images in ePub / mobi ex2em_height_scaling = 0.51 # =1ex/1em for math png height ex2em_valign_scaling = 0.481482 # =1ex/1em for math png vertical-align ex2px_scale_factor = 20 # =1ex/1px scaling for SVG-->PNG conv. # These are used a three-step process below: Compute, Convert, Replace # STEP1: compute height and vertical-align in `ex` units svg_height_in_ex = Float(svg_height.gsub('ex','')) # MathJax sets SVG height in `ex` units but we want `em` units for PNG png_height = (svg_height_in_ex * ex2em_height_scaling).to_s + 'em' # Extract vertical-align css proprty for inline math equations: if svg.parent.parent.attr('class') == "inline_math" vertical_align = svg['style'].scan(/vertical-align: (.*?);/) vertical_align = vertical_align.flatten.first if vertical_align valign_in_ex = Float(vertical_align.gsub('ex','')) png_valign = (valign_in_ex * ex2em_valign_scaling).to_s + 'em' else png_valign = "0em" end else # No vertical align for displayed math png_valign = nil end # STEP2: Generate PNG from each SVG (unless PNG exists already). unless File.exist?(png_filename) unless options[:silent] || options[:quiet] puts "Creating #{png_filename}" end # Generate png from the MathJax_SVG using Inkscape # Use the -d option to get a sensible size: # Resolution for bitmaps and rasterized filters cmd = "#{inkscape} #{svg_abspath} -o #{png_abspath} -d 2" if options[:silent] silence { silence_stream(STDERR) { system cmd } } else puts cmd silence_stream(STDERR) { system cmd } end end rm svg_filename # STEP 3: Replace svg element with an equivalent png. png ='img', source) png['src'] = File.join('images', 'texmath', File.basename(png_filename)) png['alt'] = png_filename.sub('.png', '') png['style'] = 'height:' + png_height + ';' if png_valign png['style'] += ' vertical-align:' + png_valign + ';' end svg.replace(png) end # Make references relative. source.css('a.hyperref').each do |ref_node| ref_node['href'] = ref_node['href'].sub('.html', xhtml('_fragment.html')) end source.at_css('div#book').children.to_xhtml end # Returns the PhantomJS executable (if available). def phantomjs @phantomjs ||= executable(dependency_filename(:phantomjs)) end # Returns the Inkscape executable (if available). def inkscape @inkscape ||= executable(dependency_filename(:inkscape)) end # Strip attributes that are invalid in EPUB documents. def strip_attributes(doc) attrs = %w[data-tralics-id data-label data-number data-chapter role aria-readonly target] doc.tap do attrs.each do |attr| doc.xpath("//@#{attr}").remove end end end # Returns true if a string appears to have LaTeX math. # We detect math via opening math commands: \(, \[, and \begin{equation} # This gives a false positive when math is included in verbatim # environments and nowhere else, but it does little harm (requiring only # an unnecessary call to page.js). def math?(string) !!string.match(/(?:\\\(|\\\[|\\begin{equation})/) end def create_style_files(options) html_styles = File.join('html', 'stylesheets') epub_styles = File.join('epub', 'OEBPS', 'styles') FileUtils.cp(File.join(html_styles, 'pygments.css'), epub_styles) File.write(File.join(epub_styles, 'softcover.css'), clean_book_id(path("#{html_styles}/softcover.css"))) # Copy over the EPUB-specific CSS. template_dir = Softcover::Utils.template_dir(options) epub_css = File.join(template_dir, epub_styles, 'epub.css') FileUtils.cp(epub_css, epub_styles) # Copy over custom CSS. File.write(File.join(epub_styles, 'custom.css'), clean_book_id(path("#{html_styles}/custom.css"))) end # Removes the '#book' CSS id. # For some reason, EPUB books hate the #book ids in the stylesheet # (i.e., such books fail to validate), so remove them. def clean_book_id(filename) /, '') end # Copies the image files from the HTML version of the document. def copy_image_files # Copy over all images to guarantee the same directory structure. FileUtils.cp_r(File.join('html', 'images'), File.join('epub', 'OEBPS')) # Parse the full HTML file with Nokogiri to get images actually used. html = html_image_filenames = Nokogiri::HTML(html).css('img').map do |node| node.attributes['src'].value end # Form the corresponding EPUB image paths. used_image_filenames = do |filename| "epub/OEBPS/#{filename}" end.to_set # Delete unused images. Dir.glob("epub/OEBPS/images/**/*").each do |image| next if rm image unless used_image_filenames.include?(image) end end # Make the EPUB, which is basically just a zipped HTML file. def make_epub(options={}) filename = manifest.filename zfname = filename + '.zip' base_file = "#{zip} -X0 #{zfname} mimetype" fullzip = "#{zip} -rDXg9" meta_info = "#{fullzip} #{zfname} META-INF -x \*.DS_Store -x mimetype" main_info = "#{fullzip} #{zfname} OEBPS -x \*.DS_Store \*.gitkeep" rename = "mv #{zfname} #{filename}.epub" commands = [base_file, meta_info, main_info, rename] command = commands.join(' && ') Dir.chdir('epub') do if Softcover.test? || options[:quiet] || options[:silent] silence { system(command) } else system(command) end end end def zip @zip ||= executable(dependency_filename(:zip)) end # Move the completed EPUB book to the `ebooks` directory. # Note that we handle the case of a preview book as well. def move_epub origin = manifest.filename target = preview? ? origin + '-preview' : origin'epub', "#{origin}.epub"), File.join('ebooks', "#{target}.epub")) end # Writes the Table of Contents. # This is required by the EPUB standard. def write_toc File.write('epub/OEBPS/toc.ncx', toc_ncx) end # Writes the navigation file. # This is required by the EPUB standard. def write_nav File.write("epub/OEBPS/#{nav_filename}", nav_html) end def container_xml %(<?xml version="1.0"?> <container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container"> <rootfiles> <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/> </rootfiles> </container>) end def ibooks_xml %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <display_options> <platform name="*"> <option name="specified-fonts">true</option> </platform> </display_options>) end # Returns the content configuration file. def content_opf(options={}) man_ch = do |chapter| %(<item id="#{chapter.slug}" href="#{xhtml(chapter.fragment_name)}" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>) end toc_ch = do |chapter| %(<itemref idref="#{chapter.slug}"/>) end image_files = Dir['epub/OEBPS/images/**/*'].select { |f| File.file?(f) } images = do |image| ext = File.extname(image).sub('.', '') # e.g., 'png' ext = 'jpeg' if ext == 'jpg' # Strip off the leading 'epub/OEBPS'. sep = File::SEPARATOR href = image.split(sep)[2..-1].join(sep) # Define an id based on the filename. # Prefix with 'img-' in case the filname starts with an # invalid character such as a number. label = File.basename(image).gsub('.', '-') id = "img-#{label}" %(<item id="#{id}" href="#{href}" media-type="image/#{ext}"/>) end manifest.html_title content_opf_template(manifest.html_title, manifest.copyright,, manifest.uuid, cover_id(options), toc_ch, man_ch, images) end def cover_page %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Cover</title> </head> <body> <div id="cover"> <img width="573" height="800" src="images/#{cover_img}" alt="cover" /> </div> </body> </html> ) end def cover_id(options) cover?(options) ? "img-#{cover_img.sub('.', '-')}" : nil end # Returns the Table of Contents for the spine. def toc_ncx chapter_nav = [] if article? article = chapters.first section_names_and_ids(article).each_with_index do |(name, id), n| chapter_nav << %(<navPoint id="#{id}" playOrder="#{n+1}">) chapter_nav << %( <navLabel><text>#{escape(name)}</text></navLabel>) chapter_nav << %( <content src="#{xhtml(article.fragment_name)}##{id}"/>) chapter_nav << %(</navPoint>) end else chapters.each_with_index do |chapter, n| chapter_nav << %(<navPoint id="#{chapter.slug}" playOrder="#{n+1}">) chapter_nav << %( <navLabel><text>#{chapter_name(n)}</text></navLabel>) chapter_nav << %( <content src="#{xhtml(chapter.fragment_name)}"/>) chapter_nav << %(</navPoint>) end end toc_ncx_template(manifest.html_title, manifest.uuid, chapter_nav) end def chapter_name(n) n == 0 ? language_labels["frontmatter"] : strip_html(chapters[n].menu_heading) end # Strip HTML elements from the given text. def strip_html(text) Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(text).content end # Returns the nav HTML content. def nav_html if article? article = chapters.first nav_list = section_names_and_ids(article).map do |name, id| %(<li> <a href="#{xhtml(article.fragment_name)}##{id}">#{name}</a></li>) end else nav_list = do |chapter| element = preview? ? chapter.title : nav_link(chapter) %(<li>#{element}</li>) end end nav_html_template(manifest.html_title, nav_list) end # Returns a navigation link for the chapter. def nav_link(chapter) %(<a href="#{xhtml(chapter.fragment_name)}">#{chapter.html_title}</a>) end # Returns a list of the section names and CSS ids. # Form is [['Beginning', 'sec-beginning'], ['Next', 'sec-next']] def section_names_and_ids(article) # Grab section names and ids from the article. filename = File.join('epub', 'OEBPS', xhtml(article.fragment_name)) doc = Nokogiri::HTML( names = doc.css('div.section>h2').map do |s| s.children.children.last.content end ids = doc.css('div.section').map { |s| s.attributes['id'].value } end # Returns the HTML template for a chapter. def chapter_template(title, content) %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>#{title}</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/pygments.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/softcover.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/epub.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/custom.css" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/custom_epub.css" type="text/css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="application/vnd.adobe-page-template+xml" href="styles/page-template.xpgt" /> </head> <body> #{content} </body> </html>) end end end end