[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ayadn.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/ayadn) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ericdke/na.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ericdke/na) [![Flattr this](http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png)](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=ericdejonckheere&url=https://github.com/ericdke/na&title=Ayadn&language=&tags=github&category=software) AYADN ===== [App.net](http://app.net) command-line client. With Ayadn, you can use all the features of App.net from the console without any headaches... and then more: power, freedom and fun! - view/scroll all streams - view/scroll conversations - reply to users - write fast single-line or complex multi-line posts - embed pictures in posts - embed online video in posts - embed movie poster in posts - view/scroll the Global stream with spammers filtered out - view/scroll posts from specific users or posts mentioning a user - follow/unfollow users, star/repost/mute/block/unstar/etc - create local bookmarks for conversations - get detailed information about users and their followers/followings - search for words, hashtags, post annotations, channels, etc - extract links from conversations, streams, posts, etc - list and download your files - view (and write to) all your channels including Broadcasts, Patter, Ohai, etc - 'nowplaying' from iTunes, Deezer or Last.fm, with album art and store link - 'movie' creates a post from a movie title with poster, plot, and link - 'tvshow' creates a post from a TV show title with poster, plot, and link - view/send private messages - view geolocation data in streams - create silent black lists of users, mentions, clients or hashtags - create aliases for easier use of channels ids - update your user profile - export links and text from a post to Pinboard - option to export almost any stream or object in JSON - options: set the number of posts by request, show only new posts, etc - (see the docs for all the features) Ayadn is configurable: colors, stream content, durations, aliases, etc. There's also two exclusive antispam and filtering features: a blacklist of users/mentions/hashtags, and Jason Irwin's NiceRank to kick out spammers and bots from Global, with a customisable threshold. Last but not least: Ayadn supports multiple ADN accounts! Authorize as many accounts as you wish, and simply switch between them in a second. ## INSTALL Install: `gem install ayadn` Update: `gem update ayadn` Uninstall: `gem uninstall ayadn` ## DOCUMENTATION [In the /doc folder of the repo](https://github.com/ericdke/na/tree/master/doc) ## FEEDBACK Feedback and/or contributions are very welcomed! ## CONTACT Author: [@ericd](http://app.net/ericd) App account: [@ayadn](http://app.net/ayadn) ADN Directory: [Ayadn](https://directory.app.net/app/345/ayadn/) ## SCREENSHOTS Examples on Mac OS X, with iTerm2 + Solarized theme. ![followers list](https://www.evernote.com/shard/s89/sh/fddc2f8e-78f0-4dde-974b-bf724f643d7f/419854929e27b5b3/res/522b6cd4-2e0f-4528-bc94-ea4a61de54a7/skitch.png) ![mentions stream in classic view](http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/16d7u5wjsd3un1j/ayadn200mentions.png) ![conversation in compact view](http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3nl5fhguhzr61x9/ayadn200convocompact.png) ![posting to App.net](http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/74ehkepj9u1ffbz/ayadn200posting.png) ![list of commands](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4cuprxyc2xtjm1w/ayadncommands.png)