RSpec.describe Relaton::Db do before(:each) do |example| # Relaton.instance_variable_set :@configuration, nil FileUtils.rm_rf %w[testcache testcache2] if example.metadata[:vcr] # Force to download index file require "relaton/index" allow_any_instance_of(Relaton::Index::Type).to receive(:actual?).and_return(false) allow_any_instance_of(Relaton::Index::FileIO).to receive(:check_file).and_return(nil) end end subject { nil, nil } context "instance methods" do context "#search_edition_year" do it "create bibitem from YAML content" do h = { "docid" => [{ "id" => "ISO 123", type: "ISO", "primary" => true }] } expect(YAML).to receive(:safe_load).with(:content).and_return h allow(YAML).to receive(:safe_load).and_call_original item = subject.send :search_edition_year, "iso/item.yaml", :content, nil, nil expect(item).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end end context "#new_bib_entry" do let(:db) { double "db" } before do expect(db).to receive(:[]).with("ISO(ISO 123)").and_return "not_found" end it "warn if cached entry is not_found" do expect do expect(subject).to_not receive(:fetch_entry) entry = subject.send :new_bib_entry, "ISO 123", nil, {}, :relaton_iso, db: db, id: "ISO(ISO 123)" expect(entry).to be_nil output("[relaton] INFO: (ISO 123) not found in cache, if you wish " \ "to ignore cache please use `no-cache` option.\n").to_stderr_from_any_process end it "ignore cache" do expect(subject).to receive(:fetch_entry).with( "ISO 123", nil, { no_cache: true }, :relaton_iso, db: db, id: "ISO(ISO 123)", ).and_return :entry entry = subject.send( :new_bib_entry, "ISO 123", nil, { no_cache: true }, :relaton_iso, db: db, id: "ISO(ISO 123)" ) expect(entry).to be :entry end end context "#combine_doc" do it "retrun nil for BIPM documents" do code = double "code" expect(code).not_to receive(:split) expect(subject.send(:combine_doc, code, nil, {}, :relaton_bipm)).to be_nil end end context "#fetch_entry" do let(:db_cache) { double "db_cache" } before do expect(subject).to receive(:net_retry).with("ISO 123", nil, {}, kind_of(RelatonIso::Processor), 1).and_return :bib end it "using cache" do expect(db_cache).to receive(:[]).with("ISO(ISO 123)").and_return nil expect(db_cache).to receive(:[]=).with("ISO(ISO 123)", :entry) expect(subject).to receive(:check_entry).with(:bib, :relaton_iso, db: db_cache, id: "ISO(ISO 123)").and_return :entry entry = subject.send :fetch_entry, "ISO 123", nil, {}, :relaton_iso, db: db_cache, id: "ISO(ISO 123)" expect(entry).to be :entry end it "DbCache is undefined" do expect(subject).to receive(:check_entry).with(:bib, :relaton_iso, **{}).and_return :entry entry = subject.send :fetch_entry, "ISO 123", nil, {}, :relaton_iso expect(entry).to be :entry end it "not using cache" do expect(subject).to receive(:bib_entry).with(:bib).and_return :entry expect(subject).to receive(:check_entry).with( :bib, :relaton_iso, db: db_cache, id: "ISO(ISO 123)", no_cache: true ).and_return :entry expect(db_cache).to receive(:[]).with("ISO(ISO 123)").and_return :entry entry = subject.send :fetch_entry, "ISO 123", nil, {}, :relaton_iso, db: db_cache, id: "ISO(ISO 123)", no_cache: true expect(entry).to be :entry end end end context "class methods" do it "::init_bib_caches" do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with(/\/\.relaton\/cache$/) expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_rf).with(/testcache\/cache$/) expect(Relaton::Db).to receive(:new).with(/\/\.relaton\/cache$/, /testcache\/cache$/) Relaton::Db.init_bib_caches(global_cache: true, local_cache: "testcache", flush_caches: true) end end context "modifing database" do let(:db) { "testcache", "testcache2" } before(:each) do db.save_entry "ISO(ISO 123)", " The first test22011-10-12 DOC db.save_entry "IEC(IEC 123)", <<~DOC The second test12015-12 DOC end after(:each) { db.clear } it "one document" do item = db.fetch_db "ISO((ISO 124)" expect(item).to be_nil item = db.fetch_db "ISO(ISO 123)" expect(item).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end it "all documents" do items = db.fetch_all expect(items.size).to be 2 expect(items[0]).to be_instance_of RelatonIec::IecBibliographicItem expect(items[1]).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end context "search for text" do it do items = db.fetch_all "test" expect(items.size).to eq 2 items = db.fetch_all "first" expect(items.size).to eq 1 expect(items[0].id).to eq "ISO123" end it "in attributes" do items = db.fetch_all "123" expect(items.size).to eq 2 items = db.fetch_all "ISO" expect(items.size).to eq 1 expect(items[0].id).to eq "ISO123" end it "and fail" do items = db.fetch_all "bibitem" expect(items.size).to eq 0 end it "and edition" do items = db.fetch_all "123", edition: "2" expect(items.size).to eq 1 expect(items[0].id).to eq "ISO123" end it "and year" do items = db.fetch_all "123", year: 2015 expect(items.size).to eq 1 expect(items[0].id).to eq "IEC123" end end end it "returns docid type" do db = "testcache", "testcache2" expect(db.docid_type("CN(GB/T 1.1)")).to eq ["Chinese Standard", "GB/T 1.1"] end context "#fetch" do it "doesn't use cache" do docid = id: "ISO 19115-1", type: "ISO" item = docid: [docid] expect(RelatonIso::IsoBibliography).to receive(:get).with("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}).and_return item bib = subject.fetch("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end it "when no local db", vcr: "iso_19115_1" do db = "testcache", nil bib = db.fetch("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end it "document with net retries" do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@registry).processors[:relaton_ietf]).to receive(:get) .and_raise(RelatonBib::RequestError).exactly(3).times expect { subject.fetch "RFC 8341", nil, retries: 3 }.to raise_error RelatonBib::RequestError end it "strip reference" do expect(subject).to receive(:combine_doc).with("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}, :relaton_iso).and_return :doc expect(subject.fetch(" ISO 19115-1 ", nil, {})).to be :doc end end it "fetch std", vcr: "iso_19115_1_std" do db = "testcache", nil bib = db.fetch_std("ISO 19115-1", nil, :relaton_iso, {}) expect(bib).to be_instance_of RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem end context "async fetch" do let(:queue) { } it "success" do refs = ["ITU-T G.993.5", "ITU-T G.994.1", "ITU-T H.264.1", "ITU-T H.740", "ITU-T Y.1911", "ITU-T Y.2012", "ITU-T Y.2206", "ITU-T O.172", "ITU-T G.780/Y.1351", "ITU-T G.711", "ITU-T G.1011"] results = [] refs.each do |ref| expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(ref, nil, {}).and_return :result subject.fetch_async(ref) { |r| queue << [r, ref] } end Timeout.timeout(60) { refs.size.times { results << queue.pop } } results.each do |result| expect(result[0]).to be :result end end it "BIPM i18n" do refs = ["CGPM -- Resolution (1889)", "CGPM -- RĂ©solution (1889)", "CGPM -- RĂ©union 9 (1948)", "CGPM -- Meeting 9 (1948)"] results = [] refs.each do |ref| expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with(ref, nil, {}).and_return :result subject.fetch_async(ref) { |r| queue << [r, ref] } end Timeout.timeout(60) { refs.size.times { results << queue.pop } } results.each do |result| expect(result[0]).to be :result end end it "prefix not found", vcr: "rfc_unsuccess" do result = "" subject.fetch_async("ABC 123456") { |r| queue << r } Timeout.timeout(5) { result = queue.pop } expect(result).to be_nil end it "handle HTTP request error" do expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).and_raise RelatonBib::RequestError subject.fetch_async("ISO REF") { |r| queue << r } result = Timeout.timeout(5) { queue.pop } expect(result).to be_instance_of RelatonBib::RequestError end it "handle other errors" do expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).and_raise Errno::EACCES log_io = Relaton.logger_pool[:default].instance_variable_get(:@logdev) expect(log_io).to receive(:write).with("[relaton] ERROR: `ISO REF` -- Permission denied\n") subject.fetch_async("ISO REF") { |r| queue << r } result = Timeout.timeout(5) { queue.pop } expect(result).to be_nil end it "use threads number from RELATON_FETCH_PARALLEL" do expect(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("RELATON_FETCH_PARALLEL").and_return(1) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original expect(Relaton::WorkersPool).to receive(:new).with(1).and_call_original expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with("ITU-T G.993.5", nil, {}) subject.fetch_async("ITU-T G.993.5") { |r| queue << r } Timeout.timeout(50) { queue.pop } end end end