module Metanorma module Standoc module Cleanup # extending localities to cover ISO referencing CONN_REGEX_STR = "(?and|or|from|to)!".freeze LOCALITIES = "section|clause|part|paragraph|chapter|page|line|" \ "table|annex|figure|example|note|formula|list|time|anchor|" \ "locality:[^ \\t\\n\\r:,;=]+".freeze LOCALITY_REGEX_STR = <<~REGEXP.freeze ^((#{CONN_REGEX_STR})? (?#{LOCALITIES})(\\s+|=) (?[^"][^ \\t\\n,:;-]*|"[^"]+") (-(?[^"][^ \\t\\n,:;-]*|"[^"]"))?| (?whole|title|locality:[^ \\t\\n\\r:,;=]+))(?[,:;]?)\\s* (?.*)$ REGEXP def to_regex(str)\s/, ""), Regexp::IGNORECASE | Regexp::MULTILINE) end LOCALITY_REGEX_VALUE_ONLY_STR = <<~REGEXP.freeze ^(?(#{CONN_REGEX_STR})) (?!whole|title|locality:) (?[^=,;:\\t\\n\\r]+) (?[,;\\t\\n\\r]|$) REGEXP def tq(text) text.sub(/^"/, "").sub(/"$/, "") end def extract_localities(elem) elem.children.empty? and return f = elem.children.first f.text? or return head = f.remove.text tail = elem.children.remove extract_localities1(elem, head) tail and elem << tail end LOCALITY_REGEX_STR_TRIPLEDASH = <<~REGEXP.freeze ^(?(#{CONN_REGEX_STR})? (#{LOCALITIES})(\\s+|=)) (?[^"][^ \\t\\n,:;-]* -[^ \\t\\n,:;"-]+ -[^ \\t\\n,:;"]+) (?[,:;]?\\s* .*)$ REGEXP # treat n-n-n locality as "n-n-n", do not parse as a range def locality_normalise(text) re = to_regex(LOCALITY_REGEX_STR_TRIPLEDASH) m = re.match(text) and text = %(#{m[:locality]}"#{m[:ref]}"#{m[:text]}) text end def extract_localities1(elem, text) re = to_regex(LOCALITY_REGEX_STR) b = elem.add_child("").first if re.match text while (m = re.match locality_normalise(text)) add_locality(b, m) text = extract_localities_update_text(m) b = elem.add_child("").first if m[:punct] == ";" end fill_in_eref_connectives(elem) elem.add_child(text) if text end # clause=3;and!5 => clause=3;and!clause=5 def extract_localities_update_text(match) ret = match[:text] re = to_regex(LOCALITY_REGEX_VALUE_ONLY_STR) re.match?(ret) && match[:punct] == ";" and ret.sub!(%r{^(#{CONN_REGEX_STR})}o, "\\1#{match[:locality]}=") ret end def add_locality(stack, match) stack.children.empty? && match[:conn] and stack["connective"] = match[:conn] ref = match[:ref] ? "#{tq match[:ref]}" : "" refto = match[:to] ? "#{tq match[:to]}" : "" stack.add_child("#{ref}" \ "#{refto}") end def fill_in_eref_connectives(elem) elem.xpath("./localityStack").size < 2 and return elem.xpath("./localityStack[not(@connective)]").each do |l| n = l.next_element l["connective"] = "and" n && == "localityStack" && n["connective"] == "to" and l["connective"] = "from" end end def locality_label(match) loc = match[:locality] || match[:locality2] /^locality:/.match?(loc) ? loc : loc&.downcase end def xref_to_eref(elem, name) = name elem["bibitemid"] = elem["target"] if ref = @anchors&.dig(elem["target"], :xref) t = @anchors.dig(elem["target"], :id, elem["style"]) and ref = t elem["citeas"] = @c.decode(ref) else xref_to_eref1(elem) end elem.delete("target") extract_localities(elem) end def xref_to_eref1(elem) elem["citeas"] = "" @internal_eref_namespaces.include?(elem["type"]) or @log.add("Crossreferences", elem, "#{elem['target']} does not have a corresponding " \ "anchor ID in the bibliography!") end def xref_cleanup(xmldoc) anchor_alias(xmldoc) xref_compound_cleanup(xmldoc) xref_cleanup1(xmldoc) xref_compound_wrapup(xmldoc) eref_stack(xmldoc) end def eref_stack(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//eref[eref]").each do |e| = "erefstack" e.delete("bibitemid") e.delete("citeas") e.xpath("./eref").each { |e1| e1["type"] = e["type"] } e.delete("type") end end def anchor_alias(xmldoc) t ="//metanorma-extension/table[@id = " \ "'_misccontainer_anchor_aliases']") or return key = "" t.xpath("./tbody/tr").each do |tr| tr.xpath("./td | ./th").each_with_index do |td, i| if then key = td.text else anchor_alias1(key, td) end end end end def anchor_alias1(key, elem) id = elem.text.strip id.empty? and"./link") and id ="./link/@target")&.text (key && !id.empty?) or return @anchor_alias[id] = key end def xref_compound_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//xref").each do |x| x["target"].include?(";") or next locations = x["target"].split(";") x["target"] = locations.first.sub(/^[^!]*!/, "") xref_compound_cleanup1(x, locations) end end def xref_compound_cleanup1(xref, locations) xref.children.empty? and xref.children = "" xref_parse_compound_locations(locations).reverse.each do |y| xref.children.first.previous = "" end xref&.at("./sentinel")&.remove end def xref_parse_compound_locations(locations) l = { |y| y.split("!", 2) } do |y, i| y.size == 1 and y.unshift(l.dig(i + 1, 0) == "to" ? "from" : "and") y end end def xref_compound_wrapup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//xref//xref").each do |x| = "location" end end def xref_cleanup1(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//xref").each do |x| %r{:(?!//)}.match?(x["target"]) and xref_to_internal_eref(x) == "xref" or next if refid? x["target"] xref_to_eref(x, "eref") elsif @anchor_alias[x["target"]] then xref_alias(x) else x.delete("type") end end end def xref_to_internal_eref(elem) a = elem["target"].split(":", 3) unless a.size < 2 || a[0].empty? || a[1].empty? elem["target"] = "#{a[0]}_#{a[1]}" a.size > 2 and elem.children = %{anchor="#{a[2..].join}",#{elem.children&.text}} elem["type"] = a[0] @internal_eref_namespaces << a[0] xref_to_eref(elem, "eref") end end def xref_alias(elem) elem["style"] == "id" && elem.text.strip.empty? and elem << elem["target"] elem["target"] = @anchor_alias[elem["target"]] end def quotesource_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//quote/source | //terms/source").each do |x| xref_to_eref(x, "source") end end def origin_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//origin/concept[termref]").each do |x| x.replace("./termref")) end xmldoc.xpath("//origin").each do |x| x["citeas"] = @anchors&.dig(x["bibitemid"], :xref) or @log.add("Crossreferences", x, "#{x['bibitemid']} does not have a corresponding anchor " \ "ID in the bibliography!") extract_localities(x) end end end end end