Rate Calculator APIs
USPS Web Tools™
Application Programming Interface
User Guide
Version 3.1 (12/1/2020)
Table of
2.0 Domestic Rates API - RateV4
3.0 International Rates API –
5.0 Appendix A – RateV4 and
IntlRateV2 CLASSID values
This document contains a Reference Guide to the
Rate Calculator APIs, RateV4 and IntlRateV2. See the Developers Guide to
learn the administrative process for gaining access to the Web Tools APIs as
well as the basic mechanism for calling the APIs and processing the results.
The Developer’s Guide also contains information on testing and troubleshooting.
Note: The Request Parameter sections present the XML input tags
for generating live requests along with the restrictions on the values allowed.
An error message will be returned if an incorrect value is entered. Also, be
aware of the maximum character amounts allowed for some tags. If the user
enters more than those amounts, an error will not be generated. Web Tools will
simply pass in the characters up to the maximum amount allowed and disregard
the rest. This is important since the resulting value could prevent a
correct response.
When building the XML request, pay particular attention to
the order and case for tags. An error message will be returned if an
incorrect value is entered. Remember that all data and attribute values in this
document are for illustration purposes and are to be replaced by your actual
values. For instance, a line of sample code may be:
In this instance, you
will replace “2” with the weight in pounds for the package.
information on registering and getting started with Web Tools, please refer to
the Step-By-Step guide found on the Web Tools Technical
Documentation Page. If you need assistance
with an error response, contact the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC) https://Emailus.usps.com/.
The RateV4 API lets customers calculate the
rate for domestic packages and envelopes given the weight and dimensions of the
item. The RateV4 API limits the data requested to twenty-five (25) packages per
Scheme |
Host |
Path |
https:// |
secure.shippingapis.com |
/ShippingAPI.dll? |
API=RateV4 |
&XML=(see Tag Descriptions below) |
Tag Name |
Occurs |
Description |
Type |
Validation |
RateV4Request |
Required |
API=RateV4 This API returns the current USPS postage
corresponding to the parameters given. |
(Group) |
RateV4Request / USERID |
Required |
This attribute specifies your Web Tools ID.
See the Developers Guide for information on
obtaining your USERID. For Example: <USERID=”XXXXXXXXXXXX”> |
RateV4Request / Revision |
Optional |
Set this value to “2” to return all currently
documented response fields. For example: <Revision>2</Revsion> |
String |
RateV4Request / Package |
Required repeating up to 25 times |
See the RateV4 Service Request chart for valid
combinations of the following tags. |
(Group) |
RateV4Request / Package / Service |
Required |
Web Tools validates the entry to one of the
service types. For example: <Service>PRIORITY MAIL
EXPRESS</Service> Please
see Appendix A for detailed business rules regarding combinations of Service,
Container, dimensions and other request values. Note: Mailable matter not
required to be mailed as First-Class Mail is permitted with Retail Ground to
Zones 5-9. Zones 1-4 items are limited to mailable hazardous materials, live
animals, and other “surface-only” items. Retail Ground can only be used for
Zones 5-9 unless the shipment is oversized or contains classes of materials.
(e.g. certain HAZMAT) For more details, see: http://pe.usps.com/businessmail101/classes/packageServices.htm. Note: The
use of <Service> = “BPM” is restricted. If access to this service is
needed, please reach out to the following email address: webtools@usps.gov. |
String |
whiteSpace=collape · First
Class Commercial · First
Class · First
Class Commercial · First
Class HFP Commercial · Parcel
Select Ground · Priority · Priority
Commercial · Priority
Cpp · Priority
HFP Commercial · Priority
HFP CPP · Priority
Mail Express · Priority
Mail Express Commercial · Priority
Mail Express CPP · Priority
Mail Express Sh · Priority
Mail Express Sh Commercial · Priority
Mail Express HFP · Priority
Mail Express HFP Commercial · Priority
Mail Express HFP CPP · Priority
Mail Cubic · Retail
Ground · Media · Library · All · Online · Plus · BPM |
RateV4Request / Package / FirstClassMailType |
Optional |
Required when: RateV4Request[Service='FIRST
CLASS'] or RateV4Request[Service='FIRST CLASS COMMERCIAL’], or RateV4Request[Service='FIRST
CLASS HFP COMMERCIAL’] Example: <FirstClassMailType>LETTER</FirstClassMailType> Note: The <FirstClassMailType>
tag is returned only if the <ServiceType>
submitted is “First Class”. If any
other <ServiceType> is returned (Including
“First Class Commercial”) the <Container> tag is used. Note: Flats are also known as Large Envelopes |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse Enumerations= · LETTER · FLAT · PACKAGE
RateV4Request / Package / ZipOrigination |
Required |
ZIP code must be valid. For example: <ZipOrigination>20770</ZipOrigination> |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse |
RateV4Request / Package / ZipDestination |
Required |
ZIP code must be valid. For example: <ZipDestination>54324</ZipDestination> |
String |
length=5 |
RateV4Request / Package / Pounds |
Required |
Value must be numeric. Package weight cannot exceed 70 pounds. For example: <Pounds>2</Pounds> <Pounds>2.12345678</Pounds> |
String |
maxInclusive=70 |
RateV4Request / Package / Ounces |
Required |
Value must be numeric. Package weight cannot exceed 70 pounds (1120
ounces). For example: <Ounces>0</Ounces> <Ounces>0.12345678</Ounces> |
String |
maxInclusive=1120.0 |
RateV4Request / Package / Container |
Required |
Use to specify container attributes that may
affect postage; otherwise, leave blank. Note: The <FirstClassMailType> tag is used instead of the
<Container> tag only if the <ServiceType>
submitted is “First Class”. Note: “Cubic Soft Pack”
and “Cubic Parcels” are only valid containers for service “Priority Mail
Cubic”. Dimensions Length and Height are required when requesting Cubic Soft
Pack. Dimensions Length, Height, and Width are required when requesting Cubic
Parcels. Note: “VARIABLE” is used to denote that a customer
is using packaging other than a USPS-produced Flat Rate Box/Envelope or
Regional Rate Box”. |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse · VARIABLE · FLAT
RateV4Request / Package / Size |
Deprecated |
Note: This tag has been deprecated. <Size> tag and any values within the
<Size> tag will not result in an error response and will not impact
rates that are returned. |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 |
RateV4Request / Package / Width |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
RateV4Request / Package / Length |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
RateV4Request / Package / Height |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
RateV4Request / Package / Girth |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
RateV4Request / Package / Value |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision='2']. Package value. Used to determine availability
and cost of extra services. For example: <Value>150.00</Value> |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 |
RateV4Request / Package / AmountToCollect |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision='2']. Collect on delivery amount. Used to determine
availability and cost of extra services. For example: <AmountToCollect>150.00</AmountToCollect> |
String |
minExclusive=0.0 |
RateV4Request / Package / SpecialServices |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision='2']. Groups the SpecialServices
elements. Special Services prices and availability will
not be returned when Service = “ALL”, “ONLINE”, or “PLUS” |
(Group) |
RateV4Request / Package / SpecialServices
/ SpecialService |
Optional, repeating up to 10 times |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision='2']. Defines extra services in
order to determine price and availability of additional services. An initial call without the SpecialService tag specified is recommended to determine
base availability of special services for each mail class (<Service>). The extra service definitions are as follows:
For example: <SpecialServices> <SpecialService>100<SpecialService> <SpecialService>108<SpecialService> </SpecialServices> |
String |
Enumerations= ·
100 ·
101 ·
102 ·
103 ·
104 ·
105 ·
106 ·
108 ·
109 ·
110 ·
112 ·
118 ·
119 ·
120 ·
125 ·
155 ·
156 ·
160 ·
161 ·
170 ·
171 ·
172 ·
173 ·
174 ·
175 ·
176 ·
177 ·
178 ·
179 ·
180 ·
181 ·
182 ·
190 |
RateV4Request / Package / Content |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Groups the ContentType
and ContentDescription elements. |
Group |
RateV4Request / Package / Content / ContentType |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision=’2’]. Defines the type of content of the package. |
String |
RateV4Request / Package / Content / ContentDescription |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request[Revision=’2’]. Describes the content of the package.
Optional but required for ContentType ‘LIVES’. |
String |
RateV4Request / Package / GroundOnly |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision=’2’]. RateV4Request [Service=’ Retail Ground’] Use “true” when shipment contains mailable
hazardous materials, live animals and other “surface-only” items. |
Boolean |
Enumerations= · true · false |
RateV4Request / Package / SortBy |
Optional |
Available when RateV4Request [Revision='2']. Returns all mailing services available based
on item shape. When specified, value in <Container> is ignored. Available when: RateV4Request[Service='ALL']
RateV4Request[Service='ONLINE'] For example: <SortBy>PACKAGE</SortBy> |
String |
RateV4Request / Package / Machinable |
Optional |
RateV4Request/Machinable is required when: RateV4Request[Service='FIRST
CLASS' and (FirstClassMailType='LETTER' or FirstClassMailType='FLAT')] RateV4Request[Service='Retail
Ground’] RateV4Request[Service='ALL'] RateV4Request[Service='ONLINE'] If false, First Class Mail Letters and Flats
will not be returned.
<Machinable>true</Machinable> |
Boolean |
whiteSpace=collapse Enumerations= · true · false |
RateV4Request / Package / ReturnLocations |
Optional |
Include Dropoff Locations in Response if
available. Requires "ShipDate" tag. |
Boolean |
Enumerations= · true · false |
RateV4Request / Package / ReturnServiceInfo |
Optional |
If a value of “True” is indicated in the request then the response will include the <ServiceInformation> tag containing mail service
specific information |
Boolean |
Enumerations= · true · false |
RateV4Request / Package / DropOffTime |
Optional |
Time Package Will Be Mailed. Enter drop off
time in format: HH:mm, such as 13:45. Inclusion of Drop Off Time will result
increased accuracy of <CommitmentName> and
<CommitmentDate> in the response for Priority
Mail and Priority Mail Express variants. For example: <DropOffTime>13:45</DropOffTime> |
String |
RateV4Request / Package / ShipDate |
Optional |
Date Package Will Be Mailed. Ship date may be
today plus 0 to 3 days in advance. Enter the date in format: yyyy-mm-dd, such as 2013-07-28. Inclusion of Ship Date will result in <CommitmentName> and <CommitmentDate>
in the response for Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express variants
Option="HFP">2013-07-28</ShipDate> |
String |
pattern=\d{2}-[a-zA-z]{3}-\d{4} |
RateV4Request / Package / ShipDate
/ Option |
Optional |
The value of this attribute specifies how the
RateV4Response will structure the Priority Express Mail Commitment data
elements. |
String |
Enumerations= · PEMSH · HFP |
RateV4Request / Package / ReturnDimensionalWeight |
Optional |
This tag must be explicitly set to “true” for
dimensional weight to be returned in the xml response. |
Boolean |
Enumerations= · true · false |
RateV4Request / Package /TrackingRetentionPeriod |
Optional |
Used to determine period of Retention for
tracking data |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 |
RateV4Request |
Required |
(alias) |
RateV4 <RateV4Request USERID="XXXXXXXXXXX"> <Revision>2</Revision> <Package
ID="0"> <Service>PRIORITY</Service> <ZipOrigination>22201</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>26301</ZipDestination> <Pounds>8</Pounds> <Ounces>2</Ounces> <Container></Container> <Width></Width> <Length></Length> <Height></Height> <Girth></Girth> <Machinable>TRUE</Machinable> </Package> </RateV4Request> Request:
RateV4 Military – APO Example: <RateV4Request
USERID="XXXXXXXXXXXX"> <Revision>2</Revision> <Package
ID="1ST"> <Service>Priority</Service> <ZipOrigination>78238</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>96266</ZipDestination> <Pounds>0</Pounds> <Ounces>3.5</Ounces> <Container/> <Machinable>true</Machinable> </Package> </RateV4Request> |
Occurs |
Description |
Type |
Validation |
RateV4Response |
Required |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package |
Required repeating up
to 25 times |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / ZipOrigination |
Required |
Origination ZIP Code
from request |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse |
RateV4Response /
Package / ZipDestination |
Required |
Destination ZIP Code
from request |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse |
RateV4Response /
Package / Pounds |
Required |
Package Weight
(Pounds) from request |
Integer |
maxInclusive=70 |
RateV4Response /
Package / Ounces |
Required |
Package Weight
(Ounces) from request |
Decimal |
maxInclusive=1120.0 |
RateV4Response /
Package / FirstClassMailType |
Optional |
Appears when
RateV4Request [Service='FIRST CLASS'].
String |
whiteSpace=collapse |
RateV4Response /
Package / Container |
Optional |
Shipping Container
(appears where applicable: RateV4Request[Service='ALL'
or Service='PRIORITY EXPRESS*' or Service='PRIORITY*']) |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse |
RateV4Response /
Package / Machinable |
Optional |
Machinable (appears
where applicable: RateV4Request[Service='ALL' or
Service='FIRST CLASS' or Service=’ Retail Ground’]) |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Zone |
Optional |
USPS defined distance
codes assigned to each origin and destination ZIP Code pairing for every ZIP
Code number in the nation. These distance codes, referred to as zones, are
designated as “1 through 9" |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage |
Required repeating up
to unbounded times |
Postage tag contains
a nested postal rate and service description. |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / CLASSID |
Required |
A mail class identifier for the postage
returned. Not necessarily unique within a <Package/>. Refer to Appendix A for all domestic and international CLASSID values. |
Integer |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / MailService |
Required |
Service Type name
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / Rate |
Required |
Retail Rate |
Decimal |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / CommercialRate |
Optional |
Commercial Rate.
Appears only where applicable and only when requested via RateV4Request[Service='ONLINE' or Service='FIRST CLASS
Decimal |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / CommercialPlusRate |
Optional |
Commercial Rate.
Appears only where applicable and only when requested via RateV4Request[Service=’PLUS’ or Service='PRIORITY
CPP’ or Service='PRIORITY
Decimal |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / MaxDimensions |
Optional |
Maximum dimensions
for a USPS produced product. Appears where applicable: RateV4Request[SortBy<>’CONTAINER’] |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / ServiceInformation |
Optional |
Mail Service
Information. Appears where applicable:
RateV4Request[ReturnServiceInfo=’true’] |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) |
Optional |
This choice depends
on the RateV4Request / ShipDate / Option attribute.
If the attribute is missing or has the enumeration value of PEMSH then the
original Express Mail Sunday/Holiday structure is used. Otherwise, if the
attribute has the enumeration value of HFP, then the Hold For
Pickup structure is used. If RateV4Request / ShipDate
is not present, then neither choice is returned. |
(Choice) |
RateV4Response / Package
/ Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) |
if used: |
This sequence
consisting of CommitmentDate and Location nodes is
mutually exclusive with RateV4Response / Package / Postage / Commitment. |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / CommitmentDate |
Required |
Calculated Date
Package Will Be Delivered: yyyy-mm-dd, such as
2013-07-28. Only returned for Priority Mail Express Mail variants when "ShipDate" tag is present in the request. |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / CommitmentName |
Optional |
Inclusion of Ship
Date will result in <CommitmentName> and <CommitmentDate> in the response for Priority Mail and
Priority Mail Express variants |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location |
Optional repeating up
to 200 times |
Collection of Dropoff
Locations with Cutoff times. Only returned with Express Mail variants, when
"ShipDate" tag is present in the request,
and the "ReturnLocations" tag is not
false. For example: <Location> |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location / CutOff |
Required |
Local cutoff time for
drop-off |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location / Facility |
Required |
Facility Name |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location / Street |
Required |
Facility Address
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location / City |
Required |
Facility City |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location / State |
Required |
Facility State |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / (sequence) / Location / Zip |
Required |
Facility Zip |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment |
if used: |
This node is mutually
exclusive with RateV4Response / Package / Postage / CommitmentDate
and RateV4Response / Package / Postage / Location. |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / CommitmentDate |
Required |
Calculated Date
Package Will Be Delivered: yyyy-mm-dd, such as
2013-07-28. Only returned for Priority Mail Express Mail variants when "ShipDate" tag is present in the request. |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / CommitmentTime |
Required |
Commitment time of
day. Only returned for Priority Mail Express Mail variants when "ShipDate" tag is present in the request. |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location |
Optional repeating up
to 200 times |
Collection of Dropoff
Locations with Cutoff times. Only returned with Priority Mail Express Mail
variants, when "ShipDate" tag is present
in the request, and the "ReturnLocations"
tag is not false. For example: <Location> |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location / CutOff |
Required |
Local cutoff time for
drop-off |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location / Facility |
Required |
Facility Name |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location / Street |
Required |
Facility Address
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location / City |
Required |
Facility City |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location / State |
Required |
Facility State |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / (Choice) / Commitment / Location / Zip |
Required |
Facility Zip |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices |
Optional |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Groups the Special
Service elements. |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService |
Required, repeating
up to unbounded times |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. “SpecialService”
contains nested service name, availability, and pricing. |
(Group) |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / ServiceID |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Special service ID |
Integer |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / ServiceName |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Special service name |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / Available |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Availability of
special service. Availability may change depending on special services passed
(selected) in request. |
Boolean |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / AvailableOnline |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Availability of
special service for online only rates. Not all special services have online
rates. |
Boolean |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / AvailableCPP |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Availability of
special service for Commercial Plus Price only. Not all special services have
Commercial Plus Prices. |
Boolean |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / Price |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Special service
pricing. Pricing may change depending on special services passed (selected)
in request. |
Decimal |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / PriceOnline |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Special service
pricing. Pricing may change depending on special services passed (selected)
in request. Not all special services have online rates. |
Decimal |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / PriceCPP |
Required |
Returned when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Special service
Commercial Plus Pricing. Commercial Plus Pricing may change depending on
special services passed (selected) in request. Not all special services have
Commercial Plus Pricing. |
Decimal |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / DeclaredValueRequired |
Optional |
Returned if applicable
when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Indicates if special
service requires a declared package value (specified in RateV4Request[Value])to determine correct pricing. |
Boolean |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / SpecialServices / SpecialService / DueSenderRequired |
Optional |
Returned if
applicable when RateV4Request[Revision='2']. Indicates if special
service requires a due sender amount (specified in RateV4Request[AmountToCollect]) to determine correct pricing. |
Boolean |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / DimensionalWeightRate |
Optional |
Dimensional weight
retail rate |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / DimensionalWeightCommercialRate |
Optional |
Dimensional weight
commercial base rate |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Postage / DimensionalWeightCommercialPlusRate |
Optional |
Dimensional weight
commercial plus rate |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Restriction / Restrictions |
Required |
APO/FPO Restrictions
provided if the Destination ZIP Code is an APO/FPO ZIP Code. |
String |
RateV4Response /
Package / Error |
if used: |
Error document
(indicates request could not be completed). |
See the Error
Responses section below. |
RateV4Response |
Required |
(alias) |
Response: RateV4: <RateV4Response> <Package ID="1ST"> <ZipOrigination>44106</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>20770</ZipDestination> <Pounds>0</Pounds> <Ounces>3.12345678</Ounces> <FirstClassMailType>LETTER</FirstClassMailType> <Machinable>TRUE</Machinable> <Zone>3</Zone> <Postage CLASSID="0"> <MailService>First-Class
Stamped Letter</MailService> <Rate>1.10</Rate> <SpecialServices> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>104</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certificate
of Mailing (Form 3817)</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>1.30</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>105</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certified
Mail<sup>®</sup></ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>3.30</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>170</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certified
Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>8.25</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>171</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certified
Adult Signature Required</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>8.25</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>172</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certified
Adult Signature Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>8.25</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>103</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Collect
on Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>6.95</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>175</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Collect
on Delivery Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>11.90</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>100</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>2.10</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>177</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance
Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>14.00</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>109</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Registered
Mail<sup>™</sup></ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>11.70</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>176</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Registered
Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>16.65</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> </SpecialServices> </Postage> </Package> -<Package ID="2ND"> <ZipOrigination>44106</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>20770</ZipDestination> <Pounds>1</Pounds> <Ounces>8</Ounces> <Container></Container> <Zone>3</Zone> -<Postage CLASSID="1"> <MailService>Priority
Mail 2-Day<sup>™</sup></MailService> <Rate>20.70</Rate> <CommitmentDate>2016-03-28</CommitmentDate> <CommitmentName>2-Day</CommitmentName> -<SpecialServices> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>119</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Adult
Signature Required</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>5.70</Price> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>120</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Adult
Signature Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>5.95</Price> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>1</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>14.05</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>102</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Return
Receipt</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>2.70</Price> </SpecialService> -<SpecialService> <ServiceID>155</ServiceID> <ServiceName>USPS
Electronic</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> </SpecialService> </SpecialServices> </Postage> </Package> -<Package ID="3RD"> <ZipOrigination>90210</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>96698</ZipDestination> <Pounds>8</Pounds> <Ounces>32</Ounces> <Machinable>TRUE</Machinable> <Zone>4</Zone> -<Postage CLASSID="1"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup></MailService> <Rate>14.90</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="17"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Medium Flat Rate Box</MailService> <Rate>13.45</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="28"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Small Flat Rate Box</MailService> <Rate>6.80</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="22"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Large Flat Rate Box APO/FPO/DPO</MailService> <Rate>16.75</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="16"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Flat Rate Envelope</MailService> <Rate>6.45</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="44"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Legal Flat Rate Envelope</MailService> <Rate>6.45</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> <Postage CLASSID="29"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Padded Flat Rate Envelope</MailService> <Rate>6.80</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="38"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope</MailService> <Rate>6.45</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="42"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Small Flat Rate Envelope</MailService> <Rate>6.45</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="40"> <MailService>Priority
Mail Military<sup>™</sup>
Window Flat Rate Envelope</MailService> <Rate>6.45</Rate> <CommitmentDate/> <CommitmentName>Military</CommitmentName> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="6"> <MailService>Media
Mail Parcel</MailService> <Rate>6.93</Rate> </Postage> -<Postage CLASSID="7"> <MailService>Library
Mail Parcel</MailService> <Rate>6.62</Rate> </Postage> -<Restriction> <Restrictions>A1. Mail addressed
to 'Any Servicemember' or similar wording such as 'Any Soldier, Sailor,
Airman or Marine', 'Military Mail', etc., is prohibited. Mail must be
addressed to an individual or job title, such as 'Commander', 'Commanding
Officer', etc. A2. APO/FPO/DPO addresses shall not include a city and/or country
name. B. When a customs declaration is required, the surface area of the
address side of the item to be mailed must be large enough to contain
completely the applicable customs declaration, postage, and any applicable
markings, endorsements, and extra service labels. Customs declarations forms
required for use to or from APO/FPO/DPO addresses are as follows: B. a.
Priority Mail Express mailpieces must bear PS Form
2976-B. B. b. For other mail classes, mailpieces
must bear PS Form 2976 (or, if the customer prefers, a PS Form 2976-A) if the
mailpiece weighs 16 ounces or more,
or contains goods. The following exceptions apply: B. a. Known mailers
are exempt from providing customs documentation on non-dutiable letters, and
printed matter weighing 16 ounces or more. A known mailer is a business
mailer who enters volume mailings through a business mail entry unit (BMEU)
or other bulk mail acceptance location, pays postage through an advance
deposit account, uses a permit imprint for postage payment, and submits a
completed postage statement at the time of entry that certifies the mailpieces contain no dangerous materials that are
prohibited by postal regulations. B. b. All federal, state, and local
government agencies whose mailings are regarded as "Official Mail"
are exempt from providing customs documentation on mail addressed to an APO,
FPO, or DPO except for those to which restriction "B2" applies. B.
c. Prepaid mail from military contractors is exempt, providing the mailpiece is endorsed "Contents for Official Use -
Exempt from Customs Requirements." V. Priority Mail Express Military
Service (PMEMS) not available from any origin. </Restrictions> </Restriction> </Package> </RateV4Response> Response: RateV4 Military APO Example: <RateV4Response> <Package ID="1ST"> <ZipOrigination>78238</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>96266</ZipDestination> <Pounds>0</Pounds> <Ounces>3.5</Ounces> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Zone>6</Zone> <Postage CLASSID="1"> <MailService> Priority Mail Military<sup>™</sup> </MailService> <Rate>8.45</Rate> <SpecialServices> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>104</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certificate of
Mailing (Form 3817)</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>1.50</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>105</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certified Mail<sup>®</sup></ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>3.55</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>170</ServiceID> <ServiceName> Certified Mail<sup>®</sup>
Restricted Delivery </ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>9.00</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>125</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>179</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance
Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>109</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Registered Mail<sup>™</sup></ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>12.60</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>176</ServiceID> <ServiceName> Registered Mail<sup>™</sup>
Restricted Delivery </ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>17.90</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>181</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Scan
Retention</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>2.10</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>false</DeclaredValueRequired> <DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>190</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Special Handling
- Fragile</ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>11.15</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>106</ServiceID> <ServiceName>USPS Tracking<sup>®</sup></ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> </SpecialService> <SpecialService> <ServiceID>155</ServiceID> <ServiceName> USPS Tracking<sup>®</sup>
Electronic </ServiceName> <Available>true</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> </SpecialService> </SpecialServices> </Postage> <Restriction> <Restrictions> A. Securities, currency, or precious metals, including in
their raw, unmanufactured state, are prohibited. Official Mail shipments are
exempt from this restriction. B. Other than for PMEMS and the exceptions
listed below, a customs declaration PS Form 2976 or PS Form 2976-A is
required for all items weighing 16 ounces or more, and for all items
(regardless of weight) containing potentially dutiable mail contents (e.g.,
merchandise or goods) addressed to or from this ZIP Code. Other than the
exceptions listed below, all PMEMS mailpieces
(regardless of mail contents or weight) addressed to or from this ZIP Code
must bear a properly completed PS Form 2976-B. The surface area of the
address side of the mailpiece must be large enough
to contain the applicable customs declaration. The following exceptions apply
to known mailers, who for this purpose are defined as follows: B. Business
mailers who enter volume mailings through business mail entry units or other
bulk mail acceptance locations, pay postage through advance deposit accounts,
use permit imprints for postage payment, and submit completed postage
statements at the time of entry that certify that the mailpieces
contain no dangerous materials that are prohibited by postal regulations.
Such business mailers are exempt from providing customs documentation on
non-dutiable letters and printed matter. B. All federal, state, and local
government agencies whose mailings are regarded as "Official Mail."
Such agencies are exempt from providing customs documentation, except for any
items addressed to an MPO or DPO to which restriction "B2" applies.
C. Cigarettes and other tobacco products, including tobacco leaves, chewing
and pipe tobacco, snuff, and cigars are prohibited, including those that are
authorized in Publication 52 under PACT. F1. Weapons of any type are
prohibited. R. All alcoholic beverages, including those mailable under
Publication 52, Part 421, are prohibited. U. Mail addressed to Retirees (Box
R) is limited to 16 ounces and up to a 90-day supply of TRICARE medications.
This restriction does not apply to mail endorsed "Free Matter for the
Blind or Handicapped." </Restrictions> </Restriction> </Package> </RateV4Response> |
Error conditions are handled at the main XML
document level and Package node level.
When parsing, it is best to check for an error document first before
checking for good data. Error documents
have the following format:
= the error number generated by the Web Tools server.
= the component and interface that generated the error on the Web Tools server.
= the error description.
HelpFile = [reserved for future use].
HelpContext = [reserved for future
Errors that are further down in the hierarchy
also follow the above format. An <Error> element may be returned at the
top (response) level if there is a problem with the syntax of the request, or
if a system error occurs. But if there
is a problem with a specific Package within the request, an <Error>
element will be returned within the <Package> element that pertains to
the specific package ID. Since the
RateV4 API allows you to submit multiple packages within a single request
document, the response may contain a mix of domestic rate information and
errors. For requests containing multiple
package IDs, you need to check if there is an <Error> within a given
<Package> element, as well as checking for an error at the top level for
<MailService>Priority Mail Express&lt;sup&gt;&#8482;&lt;/sup&gt;</MailService>
enter a valid ZIP Code for the sender.
IntlRateV2 API lets customers calculate the rate for international packages and
envelopes given the weight and dimensions of the item. The IntlRateV2 API
limits the data requested to twenty-five (25) packages per transaction. For
specifications such as package dimensions, delivery information, etc, please refer to the International Mail Manual (IMM) at
Scheme |
Host |
Path |
https:// |
secure.shippingapis.com |
/ShippingAPI.dll? |
API=IntlRateV2 |
&XML=(see below) |
Tag Name |
Occurs |
Description |
Type |
Validation |
IntlRateV2Request |
API=IntlRateV2 This
API returns the current international USPS postage corresponding to the
parameters given. |
Required |
attribute specifies your Web Tools ID. See the Developer's Guide for information on
obtaining your USERID. |
/ Revision |
Optional |
Set this value to “2” to return all currently
documented response fields. For example: <Revision>2</Revsion> |
String |
/ Package |
repeating up to 25 times |
Package tag. |
/ Package / ID |
Required |
No restriction on number or type of
characters provided valid XML syntax and unique to request. <Package
ID="0">...</Package> |
/ Package / Pounds |
Value must be numeric. Package weight
generally cannot exceed 70 pounds.
Maximum Decimal places are 8. Refer to the International Mail Manual
(IMM) for weight requirements per country and mail service. The IMM can be
found at the Postal Explorer web site. <Pounds>2</Pounds> <Pounds>2.12345678</Pounds> |
Integer |
minInclusive=0 |
/ Package / Ounces |
must be numeric. Package weight generally cannot exceed 70 pounds. Maximum Decimal places are 8. Refer to the
International Mail Manual (IMM) for weight requirements per country and mail
service. The IMM can be found at the Postal Explorer web
site. For example: <Ounces>4</Ounces> <Ounces>4.12345678</Ounces> |
Decimal |
minInclusive=0.0 |
/ Package / Machinable |
whether or not the item is machinable. A surcharge
is applied to a First-Class Mail International item if it has one or more
non-machinable characteristics. See International Mail
Manual (IMM) Section 241.217 for more information. For
<Machinable>True</Machinable> |
Boolean |
default=true |
/ Package / MailType |
Package type being shipped. For
<MailType>Package</MailType> |
String |
/ Package / GXG |
GXG rate is desired, then this group must be specified. Note that if this
data precludes delivery, due to size or availability of service at the
destination, then GXG rates simply will not be returned (not an error
condition.) |
/ Package / GXG / POBoxFlag |
Required |
as "Y" if the destination is a post office box. For example: <POBoxFlag>Y</POBoxFlag> |
String |
Enumerations= ·
Y ·
N |
/ Package / GXG / GiftFlag |
Required |
as "Y" if the package contains a gift. For example: <GiftFlag>Y</GiftFlag> |
String |
Enumerations= ·
Y ·
N |
/ Package / ValueOfContents |
Required |
If specified, used to compute Insurance fee
(if insurance is available for service and destination). For example: <ValueOfContents>103.00</ValueOfContents> |
String |
/ Package / Country |
Required |
must be from the USPS list of valid countries from the International Country
Listings. To access the International Country Listings, go to the Index of Countries and Localities. For example: <Country>Albania</Country> |
String |
/ Package / Container |
Note: This tag has been deprecated. <Container> tag and any values within
the <Container> tag will not result in an error response and will not
impact rates that are returned. |
String |
/ Package / Size |
Note: This tag has been deprecated <Size> tag and any values within the
<Size> tag will not result in an error response and will not impact
rates that are returned. |
String |
/ Package / Width |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Integer |
minExclusive=0 |
/ Package / Length |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Integer |
minExclusive=0 |
/ Package / Height |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Integer |
minExclusive=0 |
/ Package / Girth |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If
partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length,
Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when
any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required
only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when
any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages,
the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used
for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight
pricing, please reference the Domestic Mail Manual Section 123.1.4 for Retail
Mail and Section 223.1.6 for Commercial Mail. |
Integer |
minExclusive=0 |
/ Package / OriginZip |
Optional |
Available when IntlRateV2Request
[Revision='2']. Origin ZIP Code is required to determine
Priority Mail International price to Canadian destinations and is used to
determine mail-ability of Global Express Guaranteed. When provided, the
response will return a list of Post Office locations where GXG is accepted.
The Origin ZIP Code must be valid. For
example: <OriginZip>20770</OriginZip> |
String |
length=5 |
/ Package / CommercialFlag |
Optional |
Returns commercial base postage. For example: <CommercialFlag>Y<CommercialFlag> |
String |
Enumerations= ·
Y ·
N |
/ Package / CommercialPlusFlag |
Optional |
Returns commercial plus postage. For example: <CommercialPlusFlag>Y<CommercialPlusFlag> |
String |
Enumerations= ·
Y ·
N |
/ Package / ExtraServices |
Optional |
Available when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2']. Groups the ExtraService
elements. |
(Group) |
/ Package / ExtraServices / ExtraService |
repeating up to 6 times |
Available when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2'].Defines
extra services in order to determine price and availability of additional
services. An initial rate call without the ExtraService tag specified is recommended to determine
base availability of extra services for each mail service. The extra service definitions are as follows:
Integer |
Enumerations= ·
103 ·
106 ·
108 ·
105 ·
100 ·
109 |
AcceptanceDateTime |
Optional |
Available when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2']. Date
and Time the package is accepted by USPS. The AcceptanceDateTime
tag along with the DestinationPostalCode and OriginZip is used to calculate the GuaranteeAvailability
and also GuaranteeAvailability
response tag for PMEI services in Kahala countries. ISO 8601 formatted
date. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+/-hh:mm For example, 2014-01-22T14:30:51-06:00 |
DateTime |
DestinationPostalCode |
Optional |
Available when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2']. Destination Postal Code The AcceptanceDateTime
tag along with the DestinationPostalCode and OriginZip is used to calculate the GuaranteeAvailability
and also GuaranteeAvailability
response tag for PMEI services in Kahala countries. |
String |
Content |
Optional |
Used to describe the contents of the package. |
(Group) |
Content/ContentType |
if Content supplied. |
Contains the enumerated description of the
items in the package. “NonnegotiableDocument”
and “Documents” both signify mailable non-negotiable documents and are
insured automatically for up to $100, though Insurance will not be returned
as an extra service. Additional Insurance cannot be purchased. Any non-document ContentType
values are insured automatically for up to $200 and Insurance will be
returned as an explicit extra service in the response. Additional Insurance
can be purchased for values $200 and greater. |
String |
Enumerations= · CrematedRemains · NonnegotiableDocum · Pharmaceuticals · MedicalSupplies · Documents |
Content/ContentDescription |
Optional |
For future use |
String |
IntlRateV2Request |
Required |
(alias) |
Tag Name |
Occurs |
Description |
Type |
Validation |
IntlRateV2Response |
Required |
Opening document tag. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package |
Required repeating up to 25 times |
Corresponds to each "Package" node
in the request. Each "Package" node will contain either an
"Error" node or the rate results. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / ID |
required |
Package Identification Number (matches
IntlRateV2Request/Package/ID) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Prohibitions |
Required |
Prohibitions |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Restrictions |
Required |
Restrictions |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Observations |
Required |
Observations |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / CustomsForms |
Required |
Customs Forms |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / ExpressMail |
Required |
Express Mail |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / AreasServed |
Required |
Areas Served |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / AdditionalRestrictions |
Required |
Additional restrictions on items being
shipped to destination country. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Content |
Optional |
Echoes the Content from the request. If the
Content request is not populated on the request, this tag will not be
returned. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Content / ContentType |
Optional |
Echoes the ContentType
from the request. If the Content request is not populated on the request,
this tag will not be returned. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Content / ContentDescription |
Optional |
Echoes the ContentDescription
from the request. If the Content request is not populated on the request,
this tag will not be returned. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service |
Required repeating up to unbounded times |
"Service" tag contains a nested
rate and service name. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ID |
required |
An Integer reflective
of the <SvcDescription/>. |
Integer |
minInclusive=0 |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Pounds |
Required |
Weight of package (pounds) |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Ounces |
Required |
Weight of package (ounces) |
Decimal |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Machinable |
Optional |
If specified in request this is echoed back
if relevant to computed postage. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / MailType |
Required |
If specified in request this is echoed back
if relevant to computed postage. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXG |
Optional |
If specified in request this is echoed back
if relevant to computed postage. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXG
/ POBoxFlag |
Required |
If specified in request this is echoed back
if relevant to computed postage. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXG
/ GiftFlag |
Required |
If specified in request this is echoed back
if relevant to computed postage. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Container |
Required |
If specified in request this is echoed back
if relevant to computed postage. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Width |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Length |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Height |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Girth |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Country |
Required |
Destination Country |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service /
Postage |
Required |
Postage Rate Charged |
Decimal |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / CommercialPostage |
Optional |
Commercial Base Rate. Returned if specified in request. |
Decimal |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / CommercialPlusPostage |
Optional |
Commercial Plus Rate. Returned if specified in request. |
Decimal |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices |
Required |
Groups the Extra Service elements. |
(Group) |
/ Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService |
Optional, repeating up to unbounded times |
contains nested service name, availability, and pricing. When IntlRateV2Request[Revision<'2'],
the only service returned is Insurance. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService / ServiceID |
Required |
Extra service ID |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService / ServiceName |
Required |
Extra service name |
String |
/ Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService / Available |
Required |
Availability of extra service. Availability may change depending on extra
services passed (selected) in request. |
Boolean |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService / OnlineAvailable |
Optional |
Availability of online pricing for extra
service. Availability may change
depending on extra services passed (selected) in request. Returns when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2']
and IntlRateV2Request[CommercialPrice=’Y']. |
Boolean |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService /
Price |
Required |
Extra service pricing. Pricing may change
depending on extra services passed in request. When IntlRateV2Request[Revision<'2'],
the insurance fee is fully calculated. |
Decimal |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService OnlinePrice |
Optional |
Online extra service pricing. Pricing may
change depending on extra services passed in request. Returns when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2']
and IntlRateV2Request[CommercialPrice=’Y']. |
Decimal |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ExtraServices / ExtraService DeclaredValueRequired |
Optional |
Indicates if package value is required to
calculate extra service rate. Returns when IntlRateV2Request[Revision='2']. |
Boolean |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ValueOfContents |
Optional |
This echoes back the value provided in the
request. This value is used to calculate the insurance fee (ServiceID=1 under Extra Services) or the Insurance
Comment explaining why Insurance Fee is not given. |
Decimal |
pattern=\d+\.\d\d |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / InsComment |
Optional |
Returned when IntlRateV2Request[Revision<'2']
only. Explains why no insurance fee is returned,
one of three reasons: SERVICE means insurance is not available for this
service; DESTINATION means that insurance is not available to the given
country via this service; INSURED VALUE means insurance is available for the
country and service, but not for the given value. |
String |
Enumerations= · INSURED
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / ParcelIndemnityCoverage |
Optional |
Deprecated. Tag will no longer be returned.
Automatic indemnity coverage has been replaced by the baked-in Insurance
amounts of $200 or $100. |
Decimal |
pattern=\d+\.\d\d |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / SvcCommitments |
Required |
Service Commitments |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / SvcDescription |
Required |
Service Description |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / MaxDimensions |
Required |
Maximum Dimensions of Package Allowed |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / MaxWeight |
Required |
Maximum Weight of Package Allowed |
Integer |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GuaranteeAvailability |
Optional once |
If the Revision tag >= 2 in the request,
the service type is one of the
following: Priority Express Mail
International, PMEI Flat Rate Envelope, PMEI Legal Flat Rate Envelope, and
PMEI Padded Flat Rate Envelope, and the country is a Kahala country, the GuaranteeAvailability tag will display the estimated
scheduled delivery date. If not, the
tag will contain the estimated scheduled delivery days. The AcceptanceDateTime
tag along with the DestinationPostalCode and OriginZip is used to calculate the GuaranteeAvailability
and also GuaranteeAvailability
response tag for PMEI services in Kahala countries. If an estimated scheduled delivery date is
available, the format will be MM/DD/YYYY e.g., 01/29/2014.
If an estimated scheduled delivery date is
not available, the format will be a String. e.g., 3 - 5 business days to many major markets |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations |
Optional |
Mailing locations for GXG packages. Based on OriginZip
sent in request. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice |
Optional |
Individual Post Office information for
mailing GXG packages. |
(Group) |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice /
Name |
Name of Post Office. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice /
Address |
Street Address of Post Office. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice /
City |
City in which Post Office is located. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice /
State |
State in which Post Office is located. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice / ZipCode |
Zip Code of Post Office. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice / RetailGXGCutOffTime |
Required |
Retail/GXG cut off time at location. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response / Package / Service / GXGLocations / PostOffice / SaturdayCutOffTime |
Required |
Saturday cut off time at location. |
String |
IntlRateV2Response |
Required |
(alias) |
Response: IntlRateV2: <IntlRateV2Response> <Package ID="1ST"> <Prohibitions>Coins; bank notes; currency notes (paper
money); securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler's checks;
platinum, gold, and silver (except for jewelry items meeting the requirement
in "Restrictions" below); precious stones (except when contained in
jewelry items meeting the requirement in "Restrictions" below); and
other valuable articles are prohibited. Fruit cartons (used or new). Goods
bearing the name "Anzac." Goods produced wholly or partly in
prisons or by convict labor. Most food, plant, and animal products, including
the use of products such as straw and other plant material as packing
materials. Perishable infectious biological substances. Radioactive
materials. Registered philatelic articles with fictitious addresses. Seditious
literature. Silencers for firearms. Used bedding.</Prohibitions> <Restrictions>Jewelry is permitted only when sent as an
insured parcel using Priority Mail International service. In addition,
Australian Customs regulations prohibit importation of jewelry that is made
with ivory or from endangered species, such as snake, elephant, or crocodile,
that does not have an accompanying Import/Export Permit in relation to the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES). Meat and other animal products; powdered or concentrated milk;
and other dairy products requires permission to import from the Australian
quarantine authorities. Permission of the Australian Director-General of
Health is required to import medicines.</Restrictions> <Observations>Duty may be levied on catalogs, price
lists, circulars, and all advertising introduced into Australia through the
mail, regardless of the class of mail used.</Observations> <CustomsForms>First-Class Mail
International items and Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and
Small Flat Rate Boxes: PS Form 2976 (see 123.61) Priority Mail International
parcels: PS Form 2976-A inside 2976-E (envelope)</CustomsForms> <ExpressMail>Country Code: AU
Reciprocal Service Name: Express Post Required Customs Form/Endorsement 1.
Business and commercial papers. No form required. Endorse item clearly next
to mailing label as BUSINESS PAPERS. 2. Merchandise samples without
commercial value microfilm, microfiche, and computer data. PS Form 2976-B
placed inside PS Form 2976-E (plastic envelope). 3. Merchandise and all
articles subject to customs duty. PS Form 2976-B placed inside PS Form 2976-E
(plastic envelope). Note: 1. Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including
paper money; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler's checks;
platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other
valuable articles are prohibited in Priority Mail Express International
shipments to Australia. 2. Priority Mail Express International With Guarantee service - which offers a date-certain,
postage-refund guarantee - is available to Australia. Areas Served: All
except Lord Howe Island and the Australian Antarctic territories.</ExpressMail> <AreasServed>Please reference
Express Mail for Areas Served.</AreasServed> <AdditionalRestrictions>No
Additional Restrictions Data found.</AdditionalRestrictions> -<Service ID="12"> <Pounds>15.12345678</Pounds> <Ounces>0</Ounces> <Machinable>True</Machinable> <MailType>Package</MailType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>10</Width> <Length>15</Length> <Height>10</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Country>AUSTRALIA</Country> <Postage>211.50</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>1</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName> <Available>True</Available> <Price>2.00</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>True</DeclaredValueRequired> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <ValueOfContents>200.00</ValueOfContents> <SvcCommitments>1 - 3 business
days to many major markets</SvcCommitments> <SvcDescription>USPS GXG<sup>™</sup>
Envelopes</SvcDescription> <MaxDimensions>USPS-Produced
regular size cardboard envelope (12-1/2" x 9-1/2"), the legal-sized
cardboard envelope (15" x 9-1/2") and the GXG Tyvek envelope
(15-1/2" x 12-1/2")</MaxDimensions> <MaxWeight>70</MaxWeight> <GXGLocations> <PostOffice> <Name>WILKES BARRE P&DC</Name> <Address>300 S MAIN ST</Address> <City>WILKES BARRE</City> <State>PA</State> <ZipCode>18701</ZipCode> <RetailGXGCutOffTime>5:00
PM</RetailGXGCutOffTime> <SaturDayCutOffTime>2:00
PM</SaturDayCutOffTime> </PostOffice> </GXGLocations> </Service> <Service ID="1"> <Pounds>15.12345678</Pounds> <Ounces>0</Ounces> <Machinable>True</Machinable> <MailType>Package</MailType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>10</Width> <Length>15</Length> <Height>10</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Country>AUSTRALIA</Country> <Postage>158.70</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>1</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName> <Available>True</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>True</DeclaredValueRequired> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <ValueOfContents>200.00</ValueOfContents> <SvcCommitments>Wed, Mar 30,
2016 Guaranteed</SvcCommitments> <SvcDescription>Priority Mail
Express International<sup>™</sup></SvcDescription> <MaxDimensions>Max. length 36",
max. length plus girth 97"</MaxDimensions> <MaxWeight>66</MaxWeight> <GuaranteeAvailability>03/30/2016</GuaranteeAvailability> </Service> <Service ID="2"> <Pounds>15.12345678</Pounds> <Ounces>0</Ounces> <Machinable>True</Machinable> <MailType>Package</MailType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>10</Width> <Length>15</Length> <Height>10</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Country>AUSTRALIA</Country> <Postage>118.55</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>1</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName> <Available>True</Available> <Price>0.00</Price> <DeclaredValueRequired>True</DeclaredValueRequired> </ExtraService> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>6</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certificate of
Mailing</ServiceName> <Available>True</Available> <Price>1.35</Price> </ExtraService> -<ExtraService> <ServiceID>2</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Return
Receipt</ServiceName> <Available>True</Available> <Price>3.85</Price> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <ValueOfContents>200.00</ValueOfContents> <SvcCommitments>6 - 10
business days to many major markets</SvcCommitments> <SvcDescription>Priority Mail International<sup>®</sup></SvcDescription> <MaxDimensions>Max. length
42", max. length plus girth 97"</MaxDimensions> <MaxWeight>66</MaxWeight> </Service> </Package> -<Package ID="2ND"> <Prohibitions>Articles made of tortoise-shell,
mother of pearl, ivory, bone meerschaum and amber (succin),
natural or reconstructed, worked jade and mineral substances similar to jade.
Canned vegetables, fish, plums and nuts. Funeral
urns. Household articles made of tin. Perishable infectious biological
substances. Perishable noninfectious biological substances. Pictures and
printed matter of pornographic or immoral nature, or which tend to incite
crime or juvenile delinquency. Radioactive materials. Saccharine in tablets
or packets. Used clothing, accessories, blankets, linen, textile furnishings,
footwear and headwear. Watches and clocks.</Prohibitions> <Restrictions>Articles of gold or platinum, jewelry and
precious stones must be licensed by the Algerian Ministry of Finance. Coins,
banknotes, negotiable securities, checks and other instruments of payment,
may only be imported by the Central Bank of Algeria or approved intermediary
banks. Medicines for human or veterinary use, dietetic products, serums,
vaccines and similar produce; medical, surgical, and dental instruments and
prostheses require prior approval from the Ministry of Public Health and
subject to the visa of the Central Algerian Pharmacy.</Restrictions> <Observations>Import permits or licenses are required
for many types of goods; therefore, the sender should ascertain from the
addressee before mailing whether the necessary documents are held.</Observations> <CustomsForms>First-Class Mail
International items and Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes and
Small Flat Rate Boxes: PS Form 2976 (see 123.61) Priority Mail International
parcels: PS Form 2976-A inside 2976-E (envelope)</CustomsForms> <ExpressMail>Country Code: DZ
Reciprocal Service Name: EMS Required Customs Form/Endorsement 1.
Correspondence and business papers. PS Form 2976-B placed inside PS Form
2976-E (plastic envelope). Endorse item clearly next to mailing label as
BUSINESS PAPERS. 2. Merchandise samples without commercial value and not
subject to customs duty. PS Form 2976-B placed inside PS Form 2976-E (plastic
envelope). 3. Merchandise and all articles subject to customs duty. PS Form
2976-B placed inside PS Form 2976-E (plastic envelope). Include a commercial
invoice in each item. Note: Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including paper
money; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler's checks; platinum,
gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other valuable
articles are prohibited in Priority Mail Express International shipments. All
items prohibited in regular international mail are also prohibited in
Priority Mail Express International to Algeria. Areas Served: See the
following list for areas served. Adrar RP Ain Benian Ain Defla RP Ain Smara Ain Temouchent RP Alger aeroport Priority Mail Express International Alger Didouche Mourad Alger RP Algiers and suburbs, as well as
all main towns of Wilaya (department) Annaba aeroport
Priority Mail Express International Annaba Amirouche
Annaba-Menadia Annaba RP Arzew
Batna RP Bechar RP Bejaia RP Berrahal (Annaba) Bilda RP Biskra RP Bordj Bou Arreridj RP Bordj Bounaam Bouira RP Bou Ismail Boumerdes RP Cheraga Chlef RP Constantine aeroport Priority Mail Express International Constentine Daksi Constantine
RP Constantine Sidi Mabrouk Dar El Beida Didouche Mourad Djelfa RP Douera El Attaf El Bayadh RP El-Biar El Hadjar (Annaba) El Harrach El Khroub El Khroub Djeffal Amar El Madania El Oued
RP El Tarf RP Fouka Ghardaia RP Guelma RP Haasi Messaoud Hadjout Haidra Hamma Bouziane Hussein-Dey In Amenas
Jijel RP Kais Khemisti Khenchela RP Kolea Kouba Laghouat
RP Lardjen Layoune
Mascara RP Medea RP Mila RP Mostaganem RP MSila RP Naama RP Oran Oran aeroport Priority Mail
Express International Oum El Bouaghi
RP Relizane RP Rouiba
Saida RP Setif RP Sidi Bel Abbes-Sidi Yacine Skikda RP Souk Ahras RP Staoueli Tamanrasset
RP Tebessa RP Theniet El
Had Tiaret RP Tindouf RP Tipaza RP Tissemsilt RP Tizi Ouzou RP Tlemcen RP Zeralda Zighout Youcef</ExpressMail> <AreasServed>Please reference
Express Mail for Areas Served.</AreasServed> <AdditionalRestrictions>No
Additional Restrictions Data found.</AdditionalRestrictions> <Service ID="13"> <Pounds>0</Pounds> <Ounces>3.12345678</Ounces> <MailType>Envelope</MailType> <Container/> <Country>ALGERIA</Country> <Postage>3.64</Postage> <ExtraServices> -<ExtraService> <ServiceID>6</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Certificate of
Mailing</ServiceName> <Available>True</Available> <Price>1.30</Price> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <ValueOfContents>75.00</ValueOfContents> <InsComment>SERVICE</InsComment> <SvcCommitments>Varies by
destination</SvcCommitments> <SvcDescription>First-Class Mail<sup>®</sup>
International Letter</SvcDescription> <MaxDimensions>Max. length
11-1/2", height 6-1/8" or thickness 1/4"</MaxDimensions> <MaxWeight>.22</MaxWeight> </Service> </Package> </IntlRateV2Response> |
conditions are handled at the main XML document level, Package node level, and ExtraService node level.
When parsing, it is best to check for an error document first before
checking for good data. Error documents
have the following format:
Number = the error number generated by the Web
Tools server.
Source = the component and interface that
generated the error on the Web Tools server.
Description = the error description.
HelpFile =
[reserved for future use].
· HelpContext = [reserved for future use].
Errors that are further down in the hierarchy also follow the above format.
<Error> element may be returned at the top (response) level if there is a
problem with the syntax of the request, or if a system error occurs. But if there is a problem with a specific
Package or ExtraService within the request, an
<Error> element will be returned within the <Package> or <ExtraService> element that pertains to the specific
package ID. Since the IntlRateV2 API allows
you to submit multiple packages within a single request document, the response
may contain a mix of international rate information and errors. For requests containing multiple package IDs,
you need to check if there is an <Error> within a given <Package>
or <ExtraService> element, as well as checking
for an error at the top level for example:
<IntlRateV2Response> <Package ID="0"> <Prohibitions>Sample</Prohibitions> <Restrictions>Sample</Restrictions> <Observations>Sample</Observations> <CustomsForms>Sample</CustomsForms> <ExpressMail>Sample</ExpressMail> <AreasServed>Sample</AreasServed> <AdditionalRestrictions>Sample</AdditionalRestrictions> <Service ID="21"> <Pounds>0</Pounds> <Ounces>2</Ounces> <MailType>Postcard</MailType> <Container></Container> <Width>5</Width> <Length>10</Length> <Height>3</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Country>ALBANIA</Country> <Postage>1.15</Postage> <ExtraServices></ExtraServices> <ValueOfContents>95.75</ValueOfContents> <InsComment>SERVICE</InsComment> <SvcCommitments>Varies
by destination</SvcCommitments> <SvcDescription>First-Class
International Postcard</SvcDescription> <MaxDimensions>Maximum
size 6" length x 4-1/4" height</MaxDimensions> <MaxWeight>0.21875</MaxWeight> </Service> </Package> <Package ID="2"> <Error> <Number>-2147218040</Number> <Source>IntlPostage;clsIntlPostage.CalcAllPostageDimensionsXML;IntlRateV2.ProcessRequest</Source> <Description>Invalid International Mail
Type</Description> <HelpFile></HelpFile> <HelpContext>1000440</HelpContext> </Error> </Package> </IntlRateV2Response> |
Mail Services |
0 |
First-Class Mail;
Large Envelope |
0 |
First-Class Mail< Letter |
0 |
First-Class Mail< Parcel |
0 |
First-Class Mail;
Postcards |
1 |
Priority Mail |
2 |
Priority Mail
Express; Hold For Pickup |
3 |
Priority Mail
Express |
4 |
Standard Post |
6 |
Media Mail |
7 |
Library Mail |
13 |
Priority Mail Express;
Flat Rate Envelope |
15 |
First-Class Mail;
Large Postcards |
16 |
Priority Mail;
Flat Rate Envelope |
17 |
Priority Mail;
Medium Flat Rate Box |
22 |
Priority Mail;
Large Flat Rate Box |
23 |
Priority Mail
Express; Sunday/Holiday Delivery |
25 |
Priority Mail Express;
Sunday/Holiday Delivery Flat Rate Envelope |
27 |
Priority Mail Express; Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
28 |
Priority Mail;
Small Flat Rate Box |
29 |
Priority Mail;
Padded Flat Rate Envelope |
30 |
Priority Mail
Express; Legal Flat Rate Envelope |
31 |
Priority Mail Express; Legal Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
32 |
Priority Mail
Express; Sunday/Holiday Delivery Legal Flat Rate Envelope |
33 |
Priority Mail;
Hold For Pickup |
34 |
Priority Mail; Large Flat Rate Box Hold For Pickup |
35 |
Priority Mail; Medium Flat Rate Box Hold For Pickup |
36 |
Priority Mail; Small Flat Rate Box Hold For Pickup |
37 |
Priority Mail; Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
38 |
Priority Mail;
Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope |
39 |
Priority Mail; Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
40 |
Priority Mail;
Window Flat Rate Envelope |
41 |
Priority Mail; Window Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
42 |
Priority Mail;
Small Flat Rate Envelope |
43 |
Priority Mail; Small Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
44 |
Priority Mail;
Legal Flat Rate Envelope |
45 |
Priority Mail; Legal Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
46 |
Priority Mail; Padded Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
47 |
Priority Mail;
Regional Rate Box A |
48 |
Priority Mail;
Regional Rate Box A Hold For Pickup |
49 |
Priority Mail;
Regional Rate Box B |
50 |
Priority Mail; Regional Rate Box B Hold For Pickup |
53 |
Package Service Hold For Pickup |
55 |
Priority Mail
Express; Flat Rate Boxes |
56 |
Priority Mail Express; Flat Rate Boxes Hold For Pickup |
57 |
Priority Mail
Express; Sunday/Holiday Delivery Flat Rate Boxes |
58 |
Priority Mail;
Regional Rate Box C |
59 |
Priority Mail;
Regional Rate Box C Hold For Pickup |
61 |
Package Service |
62 |
Priority Mail Express;
Padded Flat Rate Envelope |
63 |
Priority Mail Express; Padded Flat Rate Envelope Hold For Pickup |
64 |
Priority Mail Express; Sunday/Holiday Delivery Padded Flat Rate Envelope |
1 |
Mail Express International |
2 |
Mail International |
4 |
Express Guaranteed; (GXG)** |
5 |
Express Guaranteed; Document |
6 |
Express Guarantee; Non-Document Rectangular |
7 |
Express Guaranteed; Non-Document Non-Rectangular |
8 |
Mail International; Flat Rate Envelope** |
9 |
Mail International; Medium Flat Rate Box |
10 |
Mail Express International; Flat Rate Envelope |
11 |
Mail International; Large Flat Rate Box |
12 |
GXG; Envelopes** |
13 |
Mail; International Letter** |
14 |
Mail; International Large Envelope** |
15 |
Package International Service** |
16 |
Mail International; Small Flat Rate Box** |
17 |
Mail Express International; Legal Flat Rate Envelope |
18 |
Mail International; Gift Card Flat Rate Envelope** |
19 |
Mail International; Window Flat Rate Envelope** |
20 |
Mail International; Small Flat Rate Envelope** |
21 |
Mail; International Postcard |
22 |
Mail International; Legal Flat Rate Envelope** |
23 |
Mail International; Padded Flat Rate Envelope** |
24 |
Mail International; DVD Flat Rate priced box** |
25 |
Mail International; Large Video Flat Rate priced box** |
27 |
Mail Express International; Padded Flat Rate Envelope |