# sniff Development environment for Brighter Planet emitters. ## Background Brighter Planet's emitters, such as [`flight`](http://github.com/brighterplanet/flight), inhabit a complex production runtime environment backing its [emission estimates web service](http://carbon.brighterplanet.com). Sniff simulates this environment, including representative data, fixtures, and other supporting code, so that developers can test improvements to the emitters before submitting them back to Brighter Planet. ### Caution The data and other supporting information in the sniff environment is only representative of production data and in many cases is purely fictional, contrived to return predictable results in tests. Emission estimates and other information gleaned from execution within this environment will undoubtedly be--to put it simply--wrong. For real numbers, always use live queries to the [emission estimate web service](http://carbon.brighterplanet.com). ## Usage Sniff is never used directly but rather as a requirement of a specific emitter. Current production emitters include, for example: * [Automobile](http://github.com/brighterplanet/automobile) * [Flight](http://github.com/brighterplanet/flight) * [Residence](http://github.com/brighterplanet/residence) For a complete list, see the emission estimate service's [documentation](http://carbon.brighterplanet.com/use). ### Rake Task Sniff comes with a rake task that will load a console with a given earth domain: require 'sniff' require 'sniff/rake_task' Sniff::RakeTask.new do |t| t.earth_domains = [:air, :locality] end At the command prompt, do: > rake console irb > ZipCode.first #=>