describe 'Standalone migrations' do def write(file, content) raise "cannot write nil" unless file file = tmp_file(file) folder = File.dirname(file) `mkdir -p #{folder}` unless File.exist?(folder),'w'){|f| f.write content} end def read(file) end def migration(name) m = `cd spec/tmp/db/migrations && ls`.split("\n").detect{|m| m =~ name} m ? "db/migrations/#{m}" : m end def tmp_file(file) "spec/tmp/#{file}" end def run(cmd) `cd spec/tmp && #{cmd} 2>&1 && echo SUCCESS` end def make_migration(name) migration = run("rake db:new_migration name=#{name}").match(%r{db/migrations/\d+.*.rb})[0] content = read(migration) content.sub!(/def self.down.*?\send/m, "def self.down;puts 'DOWN-#{name}';end") content.sub!(/def self.up.*?\send/m, "def self.up;puts 'UP-#{name}';end") write(migration, content) migration.match(/\d{14}/)[0] end before do `rm -rf spec/tmp` if File.exist?('spec/tmp') `mkdir spec/tmp` write 'Rakefile', <<-TXT $LOAD_PATH.unshift '#{File.expand_path('lib')}' begin require 'tasks/standalone_migrations' rescue LoadError => e puts "gem install standalone_migrations to get db:migrate:* tasks! (Error: \#{e})" end TXT write 'db/config.yml', <<-TXT development: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/development.sql test: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/test.sql TXT end describe 'db:new_migration' do it "fails if i do not add a name" do run("rake db:new_migration").should_not =~ /SUCCESS/ end it "generates a new migration with this name and timestamp" do run("rake db:new_migration name=test_abc").should =~ %r{Created migration .*spec/tmp/db/migrations/\d+_test_abc\.rb} run("ls db/migrations").should =~ /^\d+_test_abc.rb$/ end end describe 'db:migrate' do it "does nothing when no migrations are present" do run("rake db:migrate").should =~ /SUCCESS/ end it "migrates if i add a migration" do run("rake db:new_migration name=xxx") result = run("rake db:migrate") result.should =~ /SUCCESS/ result.should =~ /Migrating to Xxx \(#{}/ end end describe 'db:migrate:down' do it "migrates down" do make_migration('xxx') sleep 1 version = make_migration('yyy') run 'rake db:migrate' result = run("rake db:migrate:down VERSION=#{version}") result.should =~ /SUCCESS/ result.should_not =~ /DOWN-xxx/ result.should =~ /DOWN-yyy/ end it "fails without version" do make_migration('yyy') result = run("rake db:migrate:down") result.should_not =~ /SUCCESS/ end end describe 'db:migrate:up' do it "migrates up" do make_migration('xxx') run 'rake db:migrate' sleep 1 version = make_migration('yyy') result = run("rake db:migrate:up VERSION=#{version}") result.should =~ /SUCCESS/ result.should_not =~ /UP-xxx/ result.should =~ /UP-yyy/ end it "fails without version" do make_migration('yyy') result = run("rake db:migrate:up") result.should_not =~ /SUCCESS/ end end describe 'schema:dump' do it "dumps the schema" do result = run('rake db:schema:dump') result.should =~ /SUCCESS/ read('db/schema.rb').should =~ /ActiveRecord/ end end describe 'db:schema:load' do it "loads the schema" do run('rake db:schema:dump') schema = "db/schema.rb" write(schema, read(schema)+"\nputs 'LOADEDDD'") result = run('rake db:schema:load') result.should =~ /SUCCESS/ result.should =~ /LOADEDDD/ end end describe 'db:abort_if_pending_migrations' do it "passes when no migrations are pending" do run("rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations").should_not =~ /try again/ end it "fails when migrations are pending" do make_migration('yyy') result = run("rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations") result.should =~ /try again/ result.should =~ /1 pending migration/ end end describe 'db:test:load' do it 'loads' do write("db/schema.rb", "puts 'LOADEDDD'") run("rake db:test:load").should =~ /LOADEDDD.*SUCCESS/m end it "fails without schema" do run("rake db:test:load").should =~ /no such file to load/ end end describe 'db:test:purge' do it "runs" do run('rake db:test:purge').should =~ /SUCCESS/ end end end