# encoding: utf-8 require 'base64' # The module name doesn't matter, just make sure at the end to 'extend' it # because it will be 'eval'ed by the initialize method of the XhtmlReportGenerator::Generator class. module Custom # creates the basic page layout and sets the current Element to the main content area (middle div) # @example The middle div is matched by the following xPath # //body/div[@id='middle'] # @param title [String] the title of the document # @param layout [Fixnum] one of 0,1,2,3 where 0 means minimal layout without left and right table of contents, # 1 means only left toc, 2 means only right toc, and 3 means full layout with left and right toc. def create_layout(title, layout=3) raise "invalid layout selector, choose from 0..3" if (layout < 0) || (layout > 3) @body = @document.elements["//body"] # only add the layout if it is not already there if !@layout head = @body.add_element("div", {"class" => "head", "id" => "head"}) head.add_element("button", {"id" => "pre_toggle_linewrap"}).add_text("Toggle Linewrap") if (layout & 0x1) != 0 div = @body.add_element("div", {"class" => "lefttoc split split-horizontal", "id" => "ltoc"}) div.add_text("Table of Contents") div.add_element("br") end @div_middle = @body.add_element("div", {"class" => "middle split split-horizontal", "id" => "middle"}) if (layout & 0x2) != 0 div = @body.add_element("div", {"class" => "righttoc split split-horizontal", "id" => "rtoc"}) div.add_text("Quick Links") div.add_element("br");div.add_element("br") end @body.add_element("p", {"class" => "#{layout}", "id" => "layout"}).add_text("this text should be hidden") @layout = true end @current = @document.elements["//body/div[@id='middle']"] set_title(title) end # sets the title of the document in the section as well as in the layout header div # create_layout must be called before! # @param title [String] the text which will be insertead def set_title(title) if !@layout raise "call create_layout first" end pagetitle = @document.elements["//head/title"] pagetitle.text = title div = @document.elements["//body/div[@id='head']"] div.text = title end # returns the title text of the report # @return [String] The title of the report def get_title() pagetitle = @document.elements["//head/title"] return pagetitle.text end # set the current element to the element or first element matched by the xpath expression. # The current element is the one which can be modified through highlighting. # @param xpath [REXML::Element|String] the element or an xpath string def set_current!(xpath) if xpath.is_a?(REXML::Element) @current = xpath elsif xpath.is_a?(String) @current = @document.elements[xpath] else raise "xpath is neither a String nor a REXML::Element" end end # returns the current xml element # @return [REXML::Element] the xml element after which the following elements will be added def get_current() return @current end # returns the plain text without any xml tags of the specified element and all its children # @param el [REXML::Element] The element from which to fetch the text children. Defaults to @current # @param recursive [Boolean] whether or not to recurse into the children of the given "el" # @return [String] text contents of xml node def get_element_text(el = @current, recursive = true) out = "" el.to_a.each { |child| if child.is_a?(REXML::Text) out << child.value() else if recursive out << get_element_text(child, true) end end } return out end # @param elem [REXML::Element] # @return [String] def element_to_string(elem) f = REXML::Formatters::Transitive.new(0) # use Transitive to preserve source formatting (e.g.
    out = ""
    f.write(elem, out)
    return out

  # @see #code
  # Instead of adding content to the report, this method returns the produced html code as a string.
  # This can be used to insert code into #custom_table (with the option data_is_xhtml: true)
  # @return [String] the code including 
 tags as a string
  def get_code_html(attrs={}, &block)
    temp = REXML::Element.new("pre")
    raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given?
    text = encoding_fixer(block.call())

  # Appends a 
 node after the @current node
  # @param attrs [Hash] attributes for the 
 element. The following classes can be passed as attributes and are predefined with a different
  #                     background for your convenience !{"class" => "code0"} (light-blue), !{"class" => "code1"} (red-brown),
  #                     !{"class" => "code2"} (light-green), !{"class" => "code3"} (light-yellow). You may also specify your own background
  #                     as follows: !{"style" => "background: #FF00FF;"}.
  # @yieldreturn [String] the text to be added to the 
  # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added
  def code(attrs={}, &block)
    temp = REXML::Element.new("pre")
    @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp)
    @current = temp
    raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given?
    text = encoding_fixer(block.call())
    return @current

  # @see #content
  # Instead of adding content to the report, this method returns the produced html code as a string.
  # This can be used to insert code into #custom_table (with the option data_is_xhtml: true)
  # @return [String] the code including 
 tags as a string
  def get_content_html(attrs={}, &block)
    temp = REXML::Element.new("p")
    raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given?
    text = encoding_fixer(block.call())

  # Appends a 

node after the @current node # @param attrs [Hash] attributes for the

element # @yieldreturn [String] the text to be added to the

element # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added def content(attrs={}, &block) temp = REXML::Element.new("p") temp.add_attributes(attrs) @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp) @current = temp raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given? text = encoding_fixer(block.call()) @current.add_text(text) return @current end # insert arbitrary xml code after the @current element in the content pane (div middle) # @param text [String] valid xhtml code which is included into the document # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added def html(text) # we need to create a new document with a pseudo root becaus having multiple nodes at top # level is not valid xml doc = REXML::Document.new(""+text+"") # then we move all children of root to the actual div middle element and insert after current for i in doc.root.to_a do @div_middle.insert_after(@current, i) @current = i end return @current end # @see #link # Instead of adding content to the report, this method returns the produced html code as a string. # This can be used to insert code into #custom_table (with the option data_is_xhtml: true) # @return [String] the code including

 tags as a string
  def get_link_html(href, attrs={}, &block)
    temp = REXML::Element.new("a")
    attrs.merge!({"href" => href})
    raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given?
    text = encoding_fixer(block.call())

  # Appends  a  node after the @current nodes
  # @param href [String] this is the
  # @param attrs [Hash] attributes for the  element
  # @yieldreturn [String] the text to be added to the  element
  # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added
  def link(href, attrs={}, &block)
    temp = REXML::Element.new("a")
    attrs.merge!({"href" => href})
    @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp)
    @current = temp
    raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given?
    text = encoding_fixer(block.call())
    return @current

  # @see #image
  # Instead of adding content to the report, this method returns the produced html code as a string.
  # This can be used to insert code into #custom_table (with the option data_is_xhtml: true)
  # @return [String] the code including 
 tags as a string
  def get_image_html(path, attributes = {})
    # read image as binary and do a base64 encoding
    binary_data = Base64.strict_encode64(IO.binread(path))
    type = File.extname(path).gsub('.', '')
    # create the element
    temp = REXML::Element.new("img")
    # add the picture

  # @param path [String] absolute or relative path to the image that should be inserted into the report
  # @param attributes [Hash] attributes for the  element, any valid html attributes can be specified
  #   you may specify attributes such "alt", "height", "width"
  # @option attrs [String] "class" by default every heading is added to the left table of contents (toc)
  def image(path, attributes = {})
    # read image as binary and do a base64 encoding
    binary_data = Base64.strict_encode64(IO.binread(path))
    type = File.extname(path).gsub('.', '')
    # create the element
    temp = REXML::Element.new("img")
    # add the picture

    @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp)
    @current = temp
    return @current

  # Scans all REXML::Text children of an REXML::Element for any occurrences of regex.
  # The text will be matched as one, not line by line as you might think.
  # If you want to write a regexp matching multiple lines keep in mind that the dot "." by default doesn't
  # match newline characters. Consider using the "m" option (e.g. /regex/m ) which makes dot match newlines
  # or match newlines explicitly.
  # highlight_captures then puts a   tag around all captures of the regex
  # NOTE: nested captures are not supported and don't make sense in this context!!
  # @param regex [Regexp] a regular expression that will be matched
  # @param color [String] either one of "y", "r", "g", "b" (yellow, red, green, blue) or a valid html color code (e.g. "#80BFFF")
  # @param el [REXML::Element] the Element (scope) which will be searched for pattern matches, by default the last inserted element will be scanned
  # @return [Fixnum] the number of highlighted captures
  def highlight_captures(regex, color="y", el = @current)
    # get all children of the current node
    arr = el.to_a()
    num_matches = 0
    # first we have to detach all children from parent, otherwise we can cause ordering issues
    arr.each {|i| i.remove() }
    # depth first recursion into grand-children
    for i in arr do
      if i.is_a?(REXML::Text)
        # in general a text looks as follows:
        # .*(matchstring|.*)*

        # We get an array of [[start,length], [start,length], ...] for all our regex SUB-matches
        positions = i.value().enum_for(:scan, regex).flat_map {
          # Regexp.last_match is a MatchData object, the index 0 is the entire match, 1 to n are captures
          array = Array.new
          for k in 1..Regexp.last_match.length - 1 do
          # return the array for the flat_map
        num_matches += positions.length
        if ["y","r","g","b"].include?(color)
          attr = {"class" => color}
        elsif color.match(/^#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/)
          attr = {"style" => "background: #{color};"}
          raise "invalid color: #{color}"
        replace_text_with_elements(el, i, "span", attr, positions)
        # for non-text nodes we recurse into it and finally reattach to our parent to preserve ordering
        num_matches += highlight_captures(regex, color, i)
      end # if  i.is_a?(REXML::Text)
    end # for i in arr do
    return num_matches

  # Scans all REXML::Text children of an REXML::Element for any occurrences of regex.
  # The text will be matched as one, not line by line as you might think.
  # If you want to write a regexp matching multiple lines keep in mind that the dot "." by default doesn't
  # match newline characters. Consider using the "m" option (e.g. /regex/m ) which makes dot match newlines
  # or match newlines explicitly.
  # highlight then puts a   tag around all matches of regex
  # @param regex [Regexp] a regular expression that will be matched
  # @param color [String] either one of "y", "r", "g", "b" (yellow, red, green, blue) or a valid html color code (e.g. "#80BFFF")
  # @param el [REXML::Element] the Element (scope) which will be searched for pattern matches
  # @return [Fixnum] the number of highlighted captures
  def highlight(regex, color="y", el = @current)
    # get all children of the current node
    arr = el.to_a()
    num_matches = 0
    #puts arr.inspect
    # first we have to detach all children from parent, otherwise we can cause ordering issues
    arr.each {|i| i.remove() }
    # depth first recursion into grand-children
    for i in arr do
      #puts i.class.to_s()
      if i.is_a?(REXML::Text)
        # in general a text looks as follows:
        # .*(matchstring|.*)*

        # We get an array of [[start,length], [start,length], ...] for all our regex matches
        positions = i.value().enum_for(:scan, regex).map {
        num_matches += positions.length
        if ["y","r","g","b"].include?(color)
          attr = {"class" => color}
        elsif color.match(/^#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/)
          attr = {"style" => "background: #{color};"}
          raise "invalid color: #{color}"
        replace_text_with_elements(el, i, "span", attr, positions)
        # for non-text nodes we recurse into it and finally reattach to our parent to preserve ordering
        # puts "recurse"
        num_matches += highlight(regex, color, i)
      end # if  i.is_a?(REXML::Text)
    end # for i in arr do
    return num_matches

  # creates a html table from two dimensional array of the form Array [row] [col]
  # @param table_data [Array] of the form Array [row] [col] containing all data, the '.to_s' method will be called on each element,
  # @param headers [Number] either of 0, 1, 2, 3. Where 0 is no headers () at all, 1 is only the first row,
  #   2 is only the first column and 3 is both, first row and first column as  elements. Every other number
  #   is equivalent to the bitwise AND of the two least significant bits with 1, 2 or 3
  # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added
  def table(table_data, headers=0, table_attrs={}, tr_attrs={}, th_attrs={}, td_attrs={})
    opts = {
      headers: headers,
      data_is_xhtml: false,
      table_attrs: table_attrs,
      th_attrs: th_attrs,
      tr_attrs: tr_attrs,
      td_attrs: td_attrs,
    custom_table(table_data, opts)

  # creates a html table from two dimensional array of the form Array [row] [col]
  # @param table_data [Array] of the form Array [row] [col] containing all data, the '.to_s' method will be called on each element,
  # @option opts [Number] :headers either of 0, 1, 2, 3. Where 0 is no headers () at all, 1 is only the first row,
  #                       2 is only the first column and 3 is both, first row and first column as  elements. Every other number
  #                       is equivalent to the bitwise AND of the two least significant bits with 1, 2 or 3
  # @option opts [Boolean] :data_is_xhtml defaults to false, if true table_data is inserted as xhtml without any sanitation or escaping.
  #                                       This way a table can be used for custom layouts.
  # @option opts [Hash] :table_attrs  html attributes for the  tag
  # @option opts [Hash] :th_attrs     html attributes for the  tag
  # @option opts [Hash] :td_attrs     html attributes for the 
tag # @option opts [Hash] :tr_attrs html attributes for the
tag # @option opts [Array] :special Array of hashes for custom attributes on specific cells ( only) of the table # @example Example of the :special attributes # opts[:special] = [ # { # col_title: 'rx_DroppedFrameCount', # string or regexp or nil # if neither title nor index are present, the condition is evaluated for all cells # col_index: 5..7, # Fixnum, Range or nil # index has precedence over title # row_title: 'D_0_BE_iMix', # string or regexp or nil # row_index: 6, # Fixnum, Range or nil # condition: Proc.new { |e| Integer(e) != 0 }, # a proc # attributes: {"style" => "background-color: #DB7093;"}, # }, # ] # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added def custom_table(table_data, opts = {}) defaults = { headers: 0, data_is_xhtml: false, table_attrs: {}, th_attrs: {}, tr_attrs: {}, td_attrs: {}, special: [], } o = defaults.merge(opts) temp = REXML::Element.new("table") temp.add_attributes(o[:table_attrs]) row_titles = table_data.collect{|row| row[0].to_s} col_titles = table_data[0].collect{|title| title.to_s} for i in 0..table_data.length-1 do # row row = temp.add_element("tr", o[:tr_attrs]) for j in 0..table_data[i].length-1 do # column if (i == 0 && (0x1 & o[:headers])==0x1) col = row.add_element("th", o[:th_attrs]) elsif (j == 0 && (0x2 & o[:headers])==0x2) col = row.add_element("th", o[:th_attrs]) elsif ((i == 0 || j ==0) && (0x3 & o[:headers])==0x3) col = row.add_element("th", o[:th_attrs]) else # we need to deepcopy the attributes _td_attrs = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(o[:td_attrs])) # check all special criteria o[:special].each do |h| # check if the current cell is a candidate for special if !h[:col_index].nil? if h[:col_index].is_a?(Range) next if (!h[:col_index].include?(j)) # skip if not in range elsif h[:col_index].is_a?(Integer) next if (h[:col_index] != j) # skip if not at index end elsif !h[:col_title].nil? next if !col_titles[j].match(h[:col_title]) end # check if the current cell is a candidate for special if !h[:row_index].nil? if h[:row_index].is_a?(Range) next if (!h[:row_index].include?(i)) # skip if not in range elsif h[:row_index].is_a?(Integer) next if (h[:row_index] != i) # skip if not at index end elsif !h[:row_title].nil? next if !row_titles[i].match(h[:row_title]) end # here we are a candidate for special, so we check if we meet the condition # puts h[:attributes].inspect # puts "cell value row #{i} col #{j}: #{table_data[i][j]}" # puts h[:condition].call(table_data[i][j]).inspect if h[:condition].call(table_data[i][j]) h[:attributes].each { |attr, val| # debug, verify deepcopy # puts "objects are equal: #{_td_attrs[attr].equal?(o[:td_attrs][attr])}" if !_td_attrs[attr].nil? # assume the existing attribute is a string (other types don't make much sense for html) _td_attrs[attr] << val else # create the attribute if it is not already there _td_attrs[attr] = val end } end end col = row.add_element("td", _td_attrs) end if o[:data_is_xhtml] # we need to create a new document with a pseudo root because having multiple nodes at top # level is not valid xml doc = REXML::Document.new("" + table_data[i][j].to_s + "") # then we move all children of root to the actual div middle element and insert after current for elem in doc.root.to_a do if elem.is_a?(REXML::Text) # due to reasons unclear to me, text needs special treatment col.add_text(elem) else col.add_element(elem) # add the td element end end else col.add_text(table_data[i][j].to_s) end end # for j in 0..table_data[i].length-1 do # column end # for i in 0..table_data.length-1 do # row @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp) @current = temp return @current end # Appends a new heading element to body, and sets current to this new heading # @param tag_type [String] specifiy "h1", "h2", "h3" for the heading, defaults to "h1" # @param attrs [Hash] attributes for the element, any valid html attributes can be specified # @option attrs [String] "class" by default every heading is added to the left table of contents (toc) # use the class "onlyrtoc" or "bothtoc" to add a heading only to the right toc or to both tocs respectively # @yieldreturn [String] the text to be added to the element # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added def heading(tag_type="h1", attrs={}, &block) temp = REXML::Element.new(tag_type) temp.add_attributes(attrs) @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp) @current = temp raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given? text = encoding_fixer(block.call()) @current.text = text return @current end # Inserts a new heading element at the very beginning of the middle div section, and points @current to this heading # @param tag_type [String] specifiy "h1", "h2", "h3" for the heading, defaults to "h1" # @param attrs [Hash] attributes for the element, any valid html attributes can be specified # @option attrs [String] "class" by default every heading is added to the left table of contents (toc) # use the class "onlyrtoc" or "bothtoc" to add a heading only to the right toc or to both tocs respectively # @yieldreturn [String] the text to be added to the element # @return [REXML::Element] the Element which was just added def heading_top(tag_type="h1", attrs={}, &block) temp = REXML::Element.new(tag_type) temp.add_attributes(attrs) # check if there are any child elements if @div_middle.has_elements?() # insert before the first child of div middle @div_middle.insert_before("//div[@id='middle']/*[1]", temp) else # middle is empty, just insert the heading @div_middle.insert_after(@current, temp) end @current = temp raise "Block argument is mandatory" unless block_given? text = encoding_fixer(block.call()) @current.text = text return @current end # Helper Method for the highlight methods. it will introduce specific xhtml tags around parts of a text child of an xml element. # @example # we have the following xml part # # some arbitrary # text child content # # now we call replace_text_with_elements to place around the word "arbitrary" # => # # some arbitrary # text child content # # @param parent [REXML::Element] the parent to which "element" should be attached after parsing, e.g. # @param element [REXML::Element] the Text element, into which tags will be added at the specified indices of @index_length_array, e.g. the REXML::Text children of in the example # @param tagname [String] the tag that will be introduced as at the indices specified # @param attribs [Hash] Attributes that will be added to the inserted tag e.g. # @param index_length_array [Array] Array of the form [[index, lenght], [index, lenght], ...] that specifies # the start position and length of the substring around which the tags will be introduced def replace_text_with_elements(parent, element, tagname, attribs, index_length_array) last_end = 0 index = 0 #puts index_length_array.inspect #puts element.inspect for j in index_length_array do # reattach normal (unmatched) text if j[0] > last_end # text = REXML::Text.new(element.value()[ last_end, j[0] - last_end ]) # parent.add_text(text) # add text without creating a textnode, textnode screws up formatting (e.g. all whitespace are condensed into one) parent.add_text( element.value()[ last_end, j[0] - last_end ] ) end #create the tag node with attributes and add the text to it tag = parent.add_element(REXML::Element.new(tagname), attribs) tag.add_text(element.value()[ j[0], j[1] ]) last_end = j[0]+j[1] # in the last round check for any remaining text if index == index_length_array.length - 1 if last_end < element.value().length # text = REXML::Text.new(element.value()[ last_end, element.value().length - last_end ]) # parent.add(text) # add text without creating a textnode, textnode screws up formatting (e.g. all whitespace are condensed into one) parent.add_text( element.value()[ last_end, element.value().length - last_end ] ) end end index += 1 end # for j in positions do # don't forget to reattach the textnode if there are no regex matches at all if index == 0 parent.add(element) end end #private_instance_methods(:replace_text_with_elements) end extend Custom #class Test # include XhtmlReportGenerator::Custom # #end #puts Test.new.header()