Given /^I (only )?have a news item titled "?([^\"]*)"?$/ do |only, title| NewsItem.delete_all if only Factory(:news_item, :title => title) end Given /^I (only )?have news items titled "?([^\"]*)"?$/ do |only, titles| NewsItem.delete_all if only titles.split(', ').each do |title| Factory(:news_item, :title => title) end end Given /^I have no news items$/ do NewsItem.delete_all end Given /^the news item titled "?([^\"]*)"? is not published$/ do |title| NewsItem.where(:title => title).first.update_attribute(:publish_date, + end Then /^I should have ([0-9]+) news items?$/ do |count| NewsItem.count.should == count.to_i end