#!/usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 require 'forwardable' require 'ldap' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/mixins' require 'treequel/constants' require 'treequel/branch' require 'treequel/filter' require 'treequel/sequel_integration' require 'treequel/control' # A branchset represents an abstract set of LDAP records returned by # a search in a directory. It can be used to create, retrieve, update, # and delete records. # # Search results are fetched on demand, so a branchset can be kept # around and reused indefinitely (branchsets never cache results): # # people = directory.ou( :people ) # davids = people.filter(:firstName => 'david') # no records are retrieved # davids.all # records are retrieved # davids.all # records are retrieved again # # Most branchset methods return modified copies of the branchset # (functional style), so you can reuse different branchsets to access # data: # # # (employeeId < 2000) # veteran_davids = davids.filter( :employeeId < 2000 ) # # # (&(employeeId < 2000)(|(deactivated >= '2008-12-22')(!(deactivated=*)))) # active_veteran_davids = # veteran_davids.filter([:or, ['deactivated >= ?', Date.today], [:not, [:deactivated]] ]) # # # (&(employeeId < 2000)(|(deactivated >= '2008-12-22')(!(deactivated=*)))(mobileNumber=*)) # active_veteran_davids_with_cellphones = # active_veteran_davids.filter( [:mobileNumber] ) # # Branchsets are Enumerable objects, so they can be manipulated using any of the # Enumerable methods, such as map, inject, etc. class Treequel::Branchset include Enumerable, Treequel::Loggable, Treequel::Constants, Treequel::Control # The default scope to use when searching if none is specified DEFAULT_SCOPE = :subtree DEFAULT_SCOPE.freeze # The default filter to use when searching if non is specified DEFAULT_FILTER = :objectClass DEFAULT_FILTER.freeze # The default options hash for new Branchsets DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :filter => DEFAULT_FILTER, :scope => DEFAULT_SCOPE, :timeout => 0, # Floating-point timeout -> sec, usec :select => [], # Attributes to return -> attrs :order => '', # Sorting criteria -> s_attr/s_proc :limit => 0, # Limit -> number of results }.freeze ################################################################# ### I N S T A N C E M E T H O D S ################################################################# ### Create a new Branchset for a search from the DN of the specified +branch+ (a ### Treequel::Branch), with the given +options+. def initialize( branch, options={} ) @branch = branch @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge( options ) self.log.debug "Setting up %p for branch %p with options: %p" % [ self.class, @branch, @options ] if @branch.directory.registered_controls.empty? self.log.debug " no registered controls." else @branch.directory.registered_controls.each do |control| self.log.debug " extending with %p" % [ control ] self.extend( control ) end end super() end ###### public ###### alias_method :all, :entries # The branchset's search options hash attr_accessor :options # The branchset's base branch that will be used when searching as the basedn attr_accessor :branch ### Extend the Branchset with one or more modules. Overridden to also call the modules' ### initializers if they have them. def extend( *modules ) super modules.each do |mod| mod.instance_method( :initialize ).bind( self ).call if mod.private_instance_methods.map( &:to_sym ).include?( :initialize ) end end ### Returns the DN of the Branchset's branch. def base_dn return self.branch.dn end ### Override the default clone method to support cloning with different options. def clone( options={} ) self.log.debug "cloning %p with options = %p" % [ self, options ] newset = super() newset.options = @options.merge( options ) return newset end ### Return a string representation of the Branchset's filter def uri # :scheme, # :host, :port, # :dn, # :attributes, # :scope, # :filter, # :extensions, uri = self.branch.uri uri.attributes = self.select.join(',') uri.scope = SCOPE_NAME[ self.scope ] uri.filter = self.filter_string # :TODO: Add extensions? Support extensions in Branchset? return uri end ### Return the Branchset as a stringified URI. def to_s return "%s/%s" % [ self.branch.dn, self.filter_string ] end ### Return a human-readable string representation of the object suitable for debugging. def inspect "#<%s:0x%0x base_dn='%s', filter=%s, scope=%s, select=%s, limit=%d, timeout=%0.3f>" % [ self.class.name, self.object_id * 2, self.base_dn, self.filter_string, self.scope, self.select.empty? ? '*' : self.select.join(','), self.limit, self.timeout, ] end ### Return an LDAP filter string made up of the current filter components. def filter_string return self.filter.to_s end ### Create a BranchCollection from the results of the Branchset and return it. def collection return Treequel::BranchCollection.new( self.all ) end ### If given another Branchset or a BranchCollection, return a BranchCollection that includes ### them both. If given anything else, execute the search and return the results plus ### +other+ in an Array. def +( other ) if other.is_a?( Treequel::BranchCollection ) || other.is_a?( Treequel::Branchset ) return Treequel::BranchCollection.new( self, other ) else return self.all + Array( other ) end end ### Return the results of executing the search without the +other_object+. def -( other_object ) other_dn = other_object.dn return self.reject {|branch| branch.dn.downcase == other_dn.downcase } end ### Iterate over the entries which match the current criteria and yield each of them ### as Treequel::Branch objects to the supplied block. def each( &block ) raise LocalJumpError, "no block given" unless block self.branch.search( self.scope, self.filter, :selectattrs => self.select, :timeout => self.timeout, # :sortby => self.order, :limit => self.limit, :client_controls => self.get_client_controls, :server_controls => self.get_server_controls, &block ) end ### Fetch the first +n+ entries which matches the current criteria and return them as ### instances of the object that is set as the +branch+ (e.g., Treequel::Branch). If +n+ is ### +nil+, returns just the first object in the Array. def first( n=nil ) results = self.branch.search( self.scope, self.filter, :selectattrs => self.select, :timeout => self.timeout, # :sortby => self.order, :client_controls => self.get_client_controls, :server_controls => self.get_server_controls, :limit => n || 1 ) if n return results.first( n ) else return results.first end end ### Return +true+ if no entries match the Branchset's current criteria. def empty? return self.first.nil? ? true : false end ### Either maps entries which match the current criteria into an Array of the given ### +attribute+, or falls back to the block form if no +attribute+ is specified. If both an ### +attribute+ and a +block+ are given, the +block+ is called once for each +attribute+ value ### instead of with each Branch. def map( attribute=nil, &block ) # :yields: branch or attribute if attribute if block super() {|branch| block.call(branch[attribute]) } else super() {|branch| branch[attribute] } end else super( &block ) end end ### Map the results returned by the search into a hash keyed by the first value of +keyattr+ ### in the entry. If the optional +valueattr+ argument is given, the values will be the ### first corresponding attribute, else the value will be the whole entry. def to_hash( keyattr, valueattr=nil ) return self.inject({}) do |hash, branch| key = branch[ keyattr ] key = key.first if key.respond_to?( :first ) # Extract either the valueattr, or the whole entry hash if no valueattr was given. if valueattr self.log.debug " extracting value for attribute %p" % [ valueattr ] if branch[ valueattr ].respond_to?( :first ) hash[ key ] = branch[ valueattr ].first else hash[ key ] = branch[ valueattr ] end else self.log.debug " using the whole entry hash (%p)" hash[ key ] = branch.entry end hash end end ### ### Mutators ### ### Returns a clone of the receiving Branchset with the given +filterspec+ added ### to it. def filter( *filterspec ) if filterspec.empty? opts = self.options opts[:filter] = Treequel::Filter.new(opts[:filter]) unless opts[:filter].is_a?( Treequel::Filter ) return opts[:filter] else self.log.debug "cloning %p with filterspec: %p" % [ self, filterspec ] newfilter = Treequel::Filter.new( *filterspec ) return self.clone( :filter => self.filter + newfilter ) end end ### Add an alternate filter to an existing filter by ORing it with +filterspec+. def or( *filterspec ) opts = self.options existing_filter = self.filter raise Treequel::ExpressionError, "no existing filter" if existing_filter.promiscuous? newfilter = Treequel::Filter.new( *filterspec ) self.log.debug "cloning %p with alternative filterspec: %p" % [ self, filterspec ] return self.clone( :filter => (self.filter | newfilter) ) end ### Add a clause made from a negated +filterspec+ to an existing filter. def not( *filterspec ) self.log.debug "cloning %p with negated filterspec: %p" % [ self, filterspec ] notfilter = Treequel::Filter.new( :not, *filterspec ) return self.clone( :filter => self.filter + notfilter ) end ### If called with no argument, returns the current scope of the Branchset. If ### called with an argument (which should be one of the keys of ### Treequel::Constants::SCOPE), returns a clone of the receiving Branchset ### with the +new_scope+. def scope( new_scope=nil ) if new_scope self.log.debug "cloning %p with new scope: %p" % [ self, new_scope ] return self.clone( :scope => new_scope.to_sym ) else return @options[:scope] end end ### If called with one or more +attributes+, returns a clone of the receiving ### Branchset that will only fetch the +attributes+ specified. If no +attributes+ ### are specified, return the list of attributes that will be fetched by the ### receiving Branchset. An empty Array means that it should fetch all ### attributes, which is the default. def select( *attributes ) if attributes.empty? return self.options[:select].collect {|attribute| attribute.to_s } else self.log.debug "cloning %p with new selection: %p" % [ self, attributes ] return self.clone( :select => attributes ) end end ### Returns a clone of the receiving Branchset that will fetch all attributes. def select_all return self.clone( :select => [] ) end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that will fetch the specified ### +attributes+ in addition to its own. def select_more( *attributes ) return self.select( *(Array(@options[:select]) | attributes) ) end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that will fetch any operational attributes ### in addition to its own. This is exactly equivalent to: ### ### branchset.select( :+ ). def with_operational_attributes return self.select( :+ ) end ### If called with a +new_limit+, returns a clone of the receiving Branchset that will ### fetch (at most) +new_limit+ Branches. If no +new_limit+ argument is specified, ### returns the Branchset's current limit. A limit of '0' means that all Branches ### will be fetched. def limit( new_limit=nil ) if new_limit.nil? return self.options[:limit] else self.log.debug "cloning %p with new limit: %p" % [ self, new_limit ] return self.clone( :limit => Integer(new_limit) ) end end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that has no restriction on the number ### of Branches that will be fetched. def without_limit return self.clone( :limit => 0 ) end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that will search with its timeout ### set to +seconds+, which is in floating-point seconds. def timeout( seconds=nil ) if seconds return self.clone( :timeout => seconds ) else return @options[:timeout] end end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that will not use a timeout when ### searching. def without_timeout return self.clone( :timeout => 0 ) end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that will return instances of the ### give +branchclass+ instead of Treequel::Branch objects. This may be a subclass ### of Treequel::Branch, but it doesn't need to be as long as they duck-type the ### same. def as( branchclass ) newset = self.clone newset.branch = branchclass.new( self.branch.directory, self.branch.dn ) return newset end ### Return a clone of the receiving Branchset that will perform its search from ### +other_dn+ instead of its own. def from( other_dn ) newset = self.clone other_dn = other_dn.dn if other_dn.respond_to?( :dn ) newset.branch = newset.branch.class.new( self.branch.directory, other_dn ) return newset end end # class Treequel::Branchset