require 'spec_helper' describe "should ==" do it "delegates message to target" do subject = "apple" subject.should_receive(:==).with("apple").and_return(true) subject.should == "apple" end it "returns true on success" do subject = "apple" (subject.should == "apple").should be_true end it "fails when target.==(actual) returns false" do subject = "apple" RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: "orange",\n got: "apple" (using ==)], "orange", "apple") subject.should == "orange" end end describe "unsupported operators", :ruby => '1.9' do it "raises an appropriate error for should != expected" do expect { "apple".should != "pear" }.to raise_error(/does not support `should != expected`. Use `should_not == expected`/) end it "raises an appropriate error for should_not != expected" do expect { "apple".should_not != "pear" }.to raise_error(/does not support `should_not != expected`. Use `should == expected`/) end it "raises an appropriate error for should !~ expected" do expect { "apple".should !~ /regex/ }.to raise_error(/does not support `should !~ expected`. Use `should_not =~ expected`/) end it "raises an appropriate error for should_not !~ expected" do expect { "apple".should_not !~ /regex/ }.to raise_error(/does not support `should_not !~ expected`. Use `should =~ expected`/) end end describe "should_not ==" do it "delegates message to target" do subject = "orange" subject.should_receive(:==).with("apple").and_return(false) subject.should_not == "apple" end it "returns true on success" do subject = "apple" (subject.should_not == "orange").should be_false end it "fails when target.==(actual) returns false" do subject = "apple" RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected not: == "apple",\n got: "apple"], "apple", "apple") subject.should_not == "apple" end end describe "should ===" do it "delegates message to target" do subject = "apple" subject.should_receive(:===).with("apple").and_return(true) subject.should === "apple" end it "fails when target.===(actual) returns false" do subject = "apple" subject.should_receive(:===).with("orange").and_return(false) RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: "orange",\n got: "apple" (using ===)], "orange", "apple") subject.should === "orange" end end describe "should_not ===" do it "delegates message to target" do subject = "orange" subject.should_receive(:===).with("apple").and_return(false) subject.should_not === "apple" end it "fails when target.===(actual) returns false" do subject = "apple" subject.should_receive(:===).with("apple").and_return(true) RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected not: === "apple",\n got: "apple"], "apple", "apple") subject.should_not === "apple" end end describe "should =~" do it "delegates message to target" do subject = "foo" subject.should_receive(:=~).with(/oo/).and_return(true) subject.should =~ /oo/ end it "fails when target.=~(actual) returns false" do subject = "fu" subject.should_receive(:=~).with(/oo/).and_return(false) RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: /oo/,\n got: "fu" (using =~)], /oo/, "fu") subject.should =~ /oo/ end end describe "should_not =~" do it "delegates message to target" do subject = "fu" subject.should_receive(:=~).with(/oo/).and_return(false) subject.should_not =~ /oo/ end it "fails when target.=~(actual) returns false" do subject = "foo" subject.should_receive(:=~).with(/oo/).and_return(true) RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected not: =~ /oo/,\n got: "foo"], /oo/, "foo") subject.should_not =~ /oo/ end end describe "should >" do it "passes if > passes" do 4.should > 3 end it "fails if > fails" do RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: > 5,\n got: 4], 5, 4) 4.should > 5 end end describe "should >=" do it "passes if >= passes" do 4.should > 3 4.should >= 4 end it "fails if > fails" do RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: >= 5,\n got: 4], 5, 4) 4.should >= 5 end end describe "should <" do it "passes if < passes" do 4.should < 5 end it "fails if > fails" do RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: < 3,\n got: 4], 3, 4) 4.should < 3 end end describe "should <=" do it "passes if <= passes" do 4.should <= 5 4.should <= 4 end it "fails if > fails" do RSpec::Expectations.should_receive(:fail_with).with(%[expected: <= 3,\n got: 4], 3, 4) 4.should <= 3 end end describe RSpec::Matchers::PositiveOperatorMatcher do it "works when the target has implemented #send" do o = def o.send(*args); raise "DOH! Library developers shouldn't use #send!" end lambda { o.should == o }.should_not raise_error end end describe RSpec::Matchers::NegativeOperatorMatcher do it "works when the target has implemented #send" do o = def o.send(*args); raise "DOH! Library developers shouldn't use #send!" end lambda { o.should_not == :foo }.should_not raise_error end end