## master

## v2.0.0
* Correct html rendering when using profdata format   

* Making HTML directory self contained   
  [Colin Cornaby](https://github.com/colincornaby)

* Add `binary_basename` configuration option   
  [Boris Bügling](https://github.com/neonichu)

* Add support to profdata file format   
  [Simone Civetta](https://github.com/viteinfinite)
  [Olivier Halligon](https://github.com/AliSoftware)
  [Matt Delves](https://github.com/mattdelves)
  [Pierre-Marc Airoldi](https://github.com/petester42)

## v1.8.3
* Add buildkite support to coveralls   
  [David Hardiman](https://github.com/dhardiman)
* Update to xcodeproj 0.28.0 to avoid collisions with Cocoapods 0.39.0   
  [Julian Krumow](https://github.com/tarbrain)   

## v1.8.1
* Fixed dependency conflict with CocoaPods v0.38
* Updated usage of cocoapods plugin API since it has changed in v0.38   
  [Julian Krumow](https://github.com/tarbrain)

## v1.7.0
* Objective-C++ support  

## v1.6.0
* Add CircleCI support  
  [Jonathan Hersh](https://github.com/jhersh)

## v1.5.4

* Fix calculation of branch coverage when a class has no branches  
  [Julian Krumow](https://github.com/tarbrain)

* Always consider empty files as 100% tested  
  [Boris Bügling](https://github.com/neonichu)

## v1.5.2

* Add an option to define the output directory for cobertura xml reports  
  [Julian Krumow](https://github.com/tarbrain)

## v1.5.1

* Avoid crashes when coverage data is empty
* Fix bug which prevented source files without coverage data to be included in Cobertura xml report  
  [Julian Krumow](https://github.com/tarbrain)

## v1.5.0

* Add support for Cobertura  
  [Julian Krumow](https://github.com/tarbrain)

## v1.4.0

* Implement a CocoaPods plugin  
  [Kyle Fuller](https://github.com/kylef)

* Avoid getting 'Infinity' or 'NaN' when dividing by 0.0  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

* Ignore exceptions about files not existing by using 'force'  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

## v1.3.0

* Add Gutter JSON output  
  [Boris Bügling](https://github.com/neonichu)

## v1.2.1

* Fix typo --simple-output description  
  [Ayaka Nonaka](https://github.com/ayanonagon)

* Remove broken travis pro support  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

* Fix exception for files without `@interface` or `@implementation`  
  [Piet Brauer](https://github.com/pietbrauer)

## v1.2.0

* Remove duplicate coverage files, favoring the file with higher coverage.  
  [Ayaka Nonaka](https://github.com/ayanonagon)

* Add support for access token and Travis Pro  
  [Chris Maddern](https://github.com/chrismaddern)

## v1.1.0

* Support for code coverage of pods  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

## v1.0.1

* Fix coverage search for files that contain spaces  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

## v1.0.0

* beautified README  
  [Ayaka Nonaka](https://github.com/ayanonagon)
  [Kyle Fuller](https://github.com/kylef)

* Add Travis automated builds  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

* Use `||=` instead of `unless`  
  [Ayaka Nonaka](https://github.com/ayanonagon)

## v0.0.31

* find source files via pbx proj rather than file system  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)

## v0.0.3

* Initial Release  
  [Mark Larsen](https://github.com/marklarr)