require_relative 'spec_helper' describe GivenFilesystem do before(:each) do @given = end after(:each) do @given.cleanup end let(:os_specific_tmp_path) { Dir.tmpdir } it "creates directory" do path = expect( File.exists? path ).to be(true) expect( path ).to be(true) expect( path ).to be_located_under os_specific_tmp_path expect( path.split("/").length).to be > 3 end it "creates nested unnamed directories" do nested_path = nil path = do nested_path = end expect( File.exists? nested_path ).to be(true) expect( nested_path.split("/").count ).to eq path.split("/").count + 1 end it "creates named directory" do path = "abc" expect( File.exists? path ).to be(true) expect( path ).to be_located_under os_specific_tmp_path expect( path.split("/").length).to be > 4 expect( path ).to match /abc$/ end it "creates named directory including path" do path = "abc" deep_path = "x/y/z" expect( File.exists? deep_path ).to be(true) expect( deep_path ).to be(true) expect( deep_path.split("/").count ).to eq path.split("/").count end it "creates file" do path = @given.file expect( path ).to be_located_under os_specific_tmp_path expect( path.split("/").length).to be > 3 expect( File.exists? path ).to be(true) expect( path ).to be(false) end it "creates named file" do path = @given.file "def" expect( path ).to be_located_under os_specific_tmp_path expect( path.split("/").length).to be > 4 expect( path ).to match /def$/ end it "creates named file including path" do path = @given.file "def" deep_path = @given.file "x/y/z" expect( File.exists? deep_path ).to be(true) expect( deep_path ).to be(false) expect( deep_path.split("/").count ).to eq path.split("/").count + 2 end it "throws error on invalid test data file name" do expect{@given.file "def", :from => "invalidname"}.to raise_error /invalidname/ end it "creates file with content" do path = @given.file "def", :from => "testcontent" expect( path ).to be_located_under os_specific_tmp_path expect( path.split("/").length).to be > 4 expect( path ).to match /def$/ expect( ).to eq "This is my test content.\n" end it "creates directory tree" do path = do "one" do @given.file "first" end "two" do @given.file "second" @given.file "third" end end expect( File.exists? path).to be(true) expect( path).to be(true) expect( File.exists? File.join(path,"one")).to be(true) expect( File.exists? File.join(path,"one")).to be(true) expect( File.join(path,"one")).to be(true) expect( File.join(path,"two")).to be(true) expect( File.exists? File.join(path,"one","first")).to be(true) expect( File.exists? File.join(path,"two","second")).to be(true) expect( File.exists? File.join(path,"two","third")).to be(true) end it "creates flat sub directories with data" do path = do @given.directory_from_data "welcome" @given.directory_from_data "hello" end expect( File.join(path,"welcome")).to be(true) expect( File.join(path,"hello")).to be(true) end it "creates directory from data" do path = @given.directory_from_data( "welcome" ) expect( path ).to match /\/welcome$/ expect( File.exists? path ).to be(true) expect( path ).to be(true) expect( File.exist? File.join( path, "universe" ) ).to be(true) expect( File.join( path, "universe" ) ).to be(false) expect( File.join( path, "universe" ) ) ).to eq "I was here\n" expect( File.exist? File.join( path, "space" ) ).to be(true) expect( File.join( path, "space" ) ).to be(true) end it "creates directory from data under different name" do path = @given.directory_from_data( "hi", "welcome" ) expect( path ).to match /\/hi$/ expect( File.exists? path ).to be(true) expect( path ).to be(true) expect( File.exist? File.join( path, "universe" ) ).to be(true) expect( File.join( path, "universe" ) ).to be(false) expect( File.join( path, "universe" ) ) ).to eq "I was here\n" expect( File.exist? File.join( path, "space" ) ).to be(true) expect( File.join( path, "space" ) ).to be(true) end it "returns paths" do path1 = "one" expect( path1 ).to match /^#{Regexp.quote os_specific_tmp_path}\/given_filesystem\/[\d-]+\/one$/ path2 = "two" expect( path2 ).to match /^#{Regexp.quote os_specific_tmp_path}\/given_filesystem\/[\d-]+\/two$/ path3 = "three" do @given.file "first" end expect( path3 ).to match /^#{Regexp.quote os_specific_tmp_path}\/given_filesystem\/[\d-]+\/three$/ end it "cleans up directory tree" do given = path1 = path2 = expect( File.exists? path1).to be(true) expect( File.exists? path2).to be(true) given.cleanup expect( File.exists? path1).to be(false) expect( File.exists? path2).to be(false) end end