require 'spec_helper' describe Warden::GitHub::OAuth do let(:default_attrs) do { :state => 'abc', :client_id => 'foo', :client_secret => 'bar', :redirect_uri => '' } end def oauth(attrs=default_attrs) end describe '#authorize_uri' do it 'contains the base uri' do oauth.authorize_uri.to_s.should \ include Octokit::Configuration::DEFAULT_WEB_ENDPOINT end %w[ client_id state redirect_uri ].each do |name| it "contains the correct #{name} param" do uri = Addressable::URI.parse(oauth.authorize_uri) uri.query_values[name].should eq default_attrs[name.to_sym] end end { :nil => nil, :empty => '' }.each do |desc, value| it "does not contain the scope param if #{desc}" do uri = oauth(default_attrs.merge(:scope => value)).authorize_uri uri.to_s.should_not include 'scope' end end end describe '#access_token' do def expect_request(attrs={}) stub_request(:post, %r{\/login\/oauth\/access_token$}). with(:body => hash_including(attrs.fetch(:params, {}))). to_return(:status => 200, :body => attrs.fetch(:answer, 'access_token=foobar')) end it 'exchanges the code for an access token' do expect_request(:answer => 'access_token=the_token&token_type=bearer') oauth.access_token.should eq 'the_token' end it 'raises BadVerificationCode if no access token is returned' do expect_request(:answer => 'error=bad_verification_code') expect { oauth.access_token }. to raise_error(described_class::BadVerificationCode) end %w[ client_id client_secret code ].each do |name| it "performs a request containing the correct #{name} param" do oauth(default_attrs.merge(:code => 'the_code')).tap do |o| expect_request(:params => { name => o.send(name) }) o.access_token end end end end end