# encoding: utf-8 require 'ruby_speech' module Adhearsion class CallController module Output class Formatter def ssml_for_collection(collection) collection.inject RubySpeech::SSML::Speak.new do |doc, argument| doc + case argument when Hash ssml_for argument.delete(:value), argument when RubySpeech::SSML::Speak argument when lambda { |a| a.respond_to? :each } ssml_for_collection argument else ssml_for argument end end end def detect_type(output) case output when Date, Time, DateTime :time when Numeric, /^\d+$/ :numeric when /^\//, ->(string) { uri? string } :audio else :text end end def uri?(string) !! URI.parse(string).scheme rescue URI::BadURIError, URI::InvalidURIError false end # # Generates SSML for the argument and options passed, using automatic detection # Directly returns the argument if it is already an SSML document # # @param [String, Hash, RubySpeech::SSML::Speak] the argument with options as accepted by the play_ methods, or an SSML document # @return [RubySpeech::SSML::Speak] an SSML document # def ssml_for(*args) return args[0] if args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?(RubySpeech::SSML::Speak) argument, options = args.flatten options ||= {} type = detect_type argument send "ssml_for_#{type}", argument, options end def ssml_for_text(argument, options = {}) RubySpeech::SSML.draw { argument } end def ssml_for_time(argument, options = {}) interpretation = case argument when Date then 'date' when Time then 'time' end format = options.delete :format strftime = options.delete :strftime time_to_say = strftime ? argument.strftime(strftime) : argument.to_s RubySpeech::SSML.draw do say_as(:interpret_as => interpretation, :format => format) { time_to_say } end end def ssml_for_numeric(argument, options = {}) RubySpeech::SSML.draw do say_as(:interpret_as => 'cardinal') { argument.to_s } end end def ssml_for_audio(argument, options = {}) fallback = (options || {}).delete :fallback RubySpeech::SSML.draw do audio(:src => argument) { fallback } end end end end end end