require 'erb' require 'cgi' require 'webrick' include WEBrick require 'view_helper' class FavIconHandler < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet LOCAL_PATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../favicon.png') ICO_FILE =, "rb") { |f| } def do_GET(req, res) res['content-type'] = 'image/png' res.body = ICO_FILE end end class ActionControllerServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet @@template_root = "./views" def self.template_root() @@template_root end def self.template_root=(template_root) @@template_root = template_root end include ViewHelper def do_POST(req, res) do_GET(req, res) end def do_GET(req, res) @req, @res = req, res @res['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=utf-8" @res['Pragma'] = "no-cache" @res['Cache-Control'] = "no-cache" @params = @req.query @assigns = {} @performed_render = @performed_redirect = false "Performing #{action_name} (#{request_path.join('/')})" " Parameters: #{@params.inspect}" " Cookies: #{@req.cookies.collect { |c| "#{} => #{c.value}" }.join(", ") }" perform_action @res end protected def template_root() self.class.template_root end # Issues a HTTP 302 (location) redirect to the specified path. Query string # parameters can be specified in the params hash and are automatically URL escaped. # An anchor can also be specified (as a string). def redirect_path(path, params = nil, anchor = nil) path << build_query_string(params) unless params.nil? path << "\##{anchor}" unless anchor.nil? @res.set_redirect WEBrick::HTTPStatus::MovedPermanently, path @performed_redirect = true end # Redirects the browser to another action within the current controller, so redirect_path "pages" # within a controller called WikiController would take the user to "" def redirect_action(action, params = nil, anchor = nil) redirect_path "/#{controller_name}/#{action}", params, anchor end # Compiles the template response and adds it to the response. If no template_name has been # supplied, the action parameter parsed to the controller is used. So invoking # render on a object initialized with"show_person") will compile the template # located at "../views/show_person.rhtml". Notice that the ".rhtml" extension is postfixed # to the template_name regardless of one was passed or that the action parameter was used. def render(template_name = "#{controller_name}/#{action_name}") @performed_render = true "Rendering: #{template_name}" add_instance_variables_to_assigns @res.body = template_result "#{template_root}/#{template_name}.rhtml" end def render_text(text) @performed_render = true "Rendering in text" @res.body = text end # Wrapper around render that presumes the current controller is used as a base for the action, # so render_action("page") in WikiController will be equal to render("wiki/page") def render_action(action_name) render "#{controller_name}/#{action_name}" end def sub_template(template_name) template_result "#{template_root}/#{template_name}.rhtml" end # Returns the value of the cookie matching +name+ (or nil if none is found). def read_cookie(key) cookies = { |cookie| == key } cookies.empty? ? nil : cookies.first.value end def write_cookie(key, value, permanent = false) "Writing cookie: #{key} => #{value}" cookie =, value) cookie.path = "/" cookie.expires = Time.local(2030) if permanent @res.cookies << cookie end # Returns the last part of the uri path ("page" in "/wiki/page") by default, but # can be overwritten to implement mod_rewrite-like behaviour, such as "page" in "/wiki/page/home" def action_name @req.path.to_s.split(/\//).last end # Returns an array with each of the parts in the request as an element. So /something/cool/dude # returns ["something", "cool", "dude"] def request_path request_path_parts = @req.path.to_s.split(/\//) request_path_parts.length > 1 ? request_path_parts[1..-1] : [] end # Can be overwritten by a controller class to implement shared behaviour for all the actions in # the class, such as security measures def before_action() end private # Wraps around all action calls to ensure the session is properly updated and closed. # Figures out whether an action, such as "list", is implemented as show_list or do_list. # The show_* type has precedence and automatically calls render after execution. def perform_action if before_action == false then return end if action_methods.include?(action_name) send(action_name) render unless @performed_render || @performed_redirect || !@res.body.empty? elsif template_exists_for_action render else raise RuntimeError, "No action responded to #{action_name}", caller end rescue Exception => details raise if ['WEBrick', 'Net'].include?'::')[0] @error_details = details render 'error' end def add_instance_variables_to_assigns instance_variables.each { |var| next if protected_instance_variables.include?(var) @assigns[var[1..-1]] = instance_variable_get(var) } end def protected_instance_variables [ "@assigns", "@performed_redirect", "@performed_render" ] end def action_methods methods - Object.instance_methods end # Returns true if a template exists in the controller directory for the specified action_name, # which would mean true if called for WikiController#changes and "/views/wiki/changes.rhtml" existed. def template_exists_for_action File.exist? action_template_path end def action_template_path(action = action_name) "#{template_root}/#{controller_name}/#{action}.rhtml" end def template_result(template_path) @assigns.each { |key, value| instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value } begin rescue Exception => detail @logger.error "Error processing #{template_path}" line = /:(\d+):/.match(detail.backtrace[0]).captures[0].to_i - 172 @logger.error "On Line: #{line}" @logger.error detail src = lines = src.split("\n")[(line-1)..(line+1)] @logger.error "\n\n" + lines.join("\n\n") + "\n\n" raise end end # Converts the class name from something like "OneModule::TwoModule::NeatController" # to "neat". def controller_name self.class.to_s.split("::").last.sub(/Controller/, "").downcase end # Returns a query string with escaped keys and values from the passed hash. def build_query_string(hash) elements = [] hash.each { |key, value| elements << "#{CGI.escape(key)}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" } "?" + elements.join("&") end end