# DHeap A fast _d_-ary heap implementation for ruby, useful in priority queues and graph algorithms. The _d_-ary heap data structure is a generalization of the binary heap, in which the nodes have _d_ children instead of 2. This allows for "decrease priority" operations to be performed more quickly with the tradeoff of slower delete minimum. Additionally, _d_-ary heaps can have better memory cache behavior than binary heaps, allowing them to run more quickly in practice despite slower worst-case time complexity. In the worst case, a _d_-ary heap requires only `O(log n / log d)` to push, with the tradeoff that pop is `O(d log n / log d)`. Although you should probably just stick with the default _d_ value of `4`, it may be worthwhile to benchmark your specific scenario. ## Motivation Sometimes you just need a priority queue, right? With a regular queue, you expect "FIFO" behavior: first in, first out. With a priority queue, you push with a score (or your elements are comparable), and you want to be able to efficiently pop off the minimum (or maximum) element. One obvious approach is to simply maintain an array in sorted order. And ruby's Array class makes it simple to maintain a sorted array by combining `#bsearch_index` with `#insert`. With certain insert/remove workloads that can perform very well, but in the worst-case an insert or delete can result in O(n), since `#insert` may need to `memcpy` or `memmove` a significant portion of the array. But the standard way to efficiently and simply solve this problem is using a binary heap. Although it increases the time for `pop`, it converts the amortized time per push + pop from `O(n)` to `O(d log n / log d)`. I was surprised to find that, at least under certain benchmarks, my pure ruby heap implementation was usually slower than inserting into a fully sorted array. While this is a testament to ruby's fine-tuned Array implementationw, a heap implementated in C should easily peform faster than `Array#insert`. The biggest issue is that it just takes far too much time to call `<=>` from ruby code: A sorted array only requires `log n / log 2` comparisons to insert and no comparisons to pop. However a _d_-ary heap requires `log n / log d` to insert plus an additional `d log n / log d` to pop. If your queue contains only a few hundred items at once, the overhead of those extra calls to `<=>` is far more than occasionally calling `memcpy`. It's likely that MJIT will eventually make the C-extension completely unnecessary. This is definitely hotspot code, and the basic ruby implementation would work fine, if not for that `<=>` overhead. Until then... this gem gets the job done. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'd_heap' ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install d_heap ## Usage The simplest way to use it is simply with `#push` and `#pop`. Push will ```ruby require "d_heap" heap = DHeap.new # defaults to a 4-ary heap # storing [time, task] tuples heap << [Time.now + 5*60, Task.new(1)] heap << [Time.now + 30, Task.new(2)] heap << [Time.now + 60, Task.new(3)] heap << [Time.now + 5, Task.new(4)] # peeking and popping (using last to get the task and ignore the time) heap.pop.last # => Task[4] heap.pop.last # => Task[2] heap.peak.last # => Task[3] heap.pop.last # => Task[3] heap.pop.last # => Task[1] ``` Read the `rdoc` for more detailed documentation and examples. ## TODOs... _TODO:_ In addition to a basic _d_-ary heap class (`DHeap`), this library ~~includes~~ _will include_ extensions to `Array`, allowing an Array to be directly handled as a priority queue. These extension methods are meant to be used similarly to how `#bsearch` and `#bsearch_index` might be used. _TODO:_ Also ~~included is~~ _will include_ `DHeap::Set`, which augments the basic heap with an internal `Hash`, which maps a set of values to scores. loosely inspired by go's timers. e.g: It lazily sifts its heap after deletion and adjustments, to achieve faster average runtime for *add* and *cancel* operations. _TODO:_ Also ~~included is~~ _will include_ `DHeap::Timers`, which contains some features that are loosely inspired by go's timers. e.g: It lazily sifts its heap after deletion and adjustments, to achieve faster average runtime for *add* and *cancel* operations. Additionally, I was inspired by reading go's "timer.go" implementation to experiment with a 4-ary heap instead of the traditional binary heap. In the case of timers, new timers are usually scheduled to run after most of the existing timers. And timers are usually canceled before they have a chance to run. While a binary heap holds 50% of its elements in its last layer, 75% of a 4-ary heap will have no children. That diminishes the extra comparison overhead during sift-down. ## Benchmarks _TODO: put benchmarks here._ ## Analysis ### Time complexity Both sift operations can perform (log[d] n = log n / log d) swaps. Swap up performs only a single comparison per swap: O(1). Swap down performs as many as d comparions per swap: O(d). Inserting an item is O(log n / log d). Deleting the root is O(d log n / log d). Assuming every inserted item is eventually deleted from the root, d=4 requires the fewest comparisons for combined insert and delete: * (1 + 2) lg 2 = 4.328085 * (1 + 3) lg 3 = 3.640957 * (1 + 4) lg 4 = 3.606738 * (1 + 5) lg 5 = 3.728010 * (1 + 6) lg 6 = 3.906774 * etc... Leaf nodes require no comparisons to shift down, and higher values for d have higher percentage of leaf nodes: * d=2 has ~50% leaves, * d=3 has ~67% leaves, * d=4 has ~75% leaves, * and so on... See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-ary_heap#Analysis for deeper analysis. ### Space complexity Because the heap is a complete binary tree, space usage is linear, regardless of d. However higher d values may provide better cache locality. We can run comparisons much much faster for Numeric or String objects than for ruby objects which delegate comparison to internal Numeric or String objects. And it is often advantageous to use extrinsic scores for uncomparable items. For this, our internal array uses twice as many entries (one for score and one for value) as it would if it only supported intrinsic comparison or used an un-memoized "sort_by" proc. ### Timers Additionally, when used to sort timers, we can reasonably assume that: * New timers usually sort after most existing timers. * Most timers will be canceled before executing. * Canceled timers usually sort after most existing timers. So, if we are able to delete an item without searching for it, by keeping a map of positions within the heap, most timers can be inserted and deleted in O(1) time. Canceling a non-leaf timer can be further optimized by marking it as canceled without immediately removing it from the heap. If the timer is rescheduled before we garbage collect, adjusting its position will usually be faster than a delete and re-insert. ## Alternative data structures Depending on what you're doing, maintaining a sorted `Array` using `#bsearch_index` and `#insert` might be faster! Although it is technically O(n) for insertions, the implementations for `memcpy` or `memmove` can be *very* fast on modern architectures. Also, it can be faster O(n) on average, if insertions are usually near the end of the array. You should run benchmarks with your expected scenarios to determine which is right. If it is important to be able to quickly enumerate the set or find the ranking of values in it, then you probably want to use a self-balancing binary search tree (e.g. a red-black tree) or a skip-list. A Hashed Timing Wheel or Heirarchical Timing Wheels (or some variant in that family of data structures) can be constructed to have effectively O(1) running time in most cases. However, the implementation for that data structure is more complex than a heap. If a 4-ary heap is good enough for go's timers, it should be suitable for many use cases. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nevans/d_heap. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/nevans/d_heap/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the DHeap project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/nevans/d_heap/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).