require "spec_helper" require "hatetepe/server" describe Hatetepe::Server do let(:server) { Hatetepe::Server.allocate.tap {|s| s.send :initialize, config s.post_init s.requests << request } } let(:request) { stub "request", :to_hash => env } let(:env) { { "rack.input" => } } let(:app) { stub "app" } let(:host) { "" } let(:port) { 8081 } let(:errors) { stub "errors", :<< => nil, :flush => nil } let(:config) { { :app => app, :host => host, :port => port, :errors => errors } } context ".start(config)" do it "starts an EventMachine server" do args = [host, port, Hatetepe::Server, config] EM.should_receive(:start_server).with(*args) { server } Hatetepe::Server.start(config).should equal(server) end end context "#initialize(config)" do let(:server) { Hatetepe::Server.allocate } let(:builder) { stub "app builder" } it "builds the app" do Rack::Builder.stub :new => builder builder.should_receive(:use).with Hatetepe::App builder.should_receive(:run).with app server.send :initialize, config equal(builder) end it "sets up the error stream" do server.send :initialize, config server.errors.should equal(errors) end it "uses stderr as default error stream" do config.delete :errors server.send :initialize, config server.errors.should equal($stderr) end end context "#post_init" do let(:server) { Hatetepe::Server.allocate.tap {|s| s.post_init } } it "sets up the request queue" do server.requests.should be_an(Array) server.requests.should be_empty end it "sets up the parser" do server.parser.should respond_to(:<<) server.parser.on_request[0].should == server.requests.method(:<<) end it "sets up the builder" do server.builder.on_write[0].should == server.method(:send_data) end end context "#receive_data(data)" do before { server.stub :close_connection_after_writing } it "feeds data into the parser" do data = stub("data") server.parser.should_receive(:<<).with data server.receive_data data end it "closes the connection if parsing fails" do server.parser.should_receive(:<<).and_raise(Hatetepe::ParserError) server.should_receive :close_connection server.receive_data "irrelevant data" end it "closes the connection when catching an exception" do server.parser.should_receive(:<<).and_raise server.should_receive :close_connection_after_writing server.receive_data "" end it "logs caught exceptions" do server.parser.should_receive(:<<).and_raise "error message" errors.should_receive(:<<) {|str| str.should include("error message") } errors.should_receive :flush server.receive_data "" end end context "#process" do it "puts useful stuff into env[]" do app.should_receive(:call) {|e| e.should equal(env) e["rack.url_scheme"].should == "http" e["hatetepe.connection"].should equal(server) e["rack.input"].source.should equal(server) e["rack.errors"].should equal(server.errors) e["rack.multithread"].should be_false e["rack.multiprocess"].should be_false e["rack.run_once"].should be_false e["SERVER_NAME"].should == host e["SERVER_NAME"].should_not equal(host) e["SERVER_PORT"].should == String(port) e["HTTP_HOST"].should == "#{host}:#{port}" [-1] } server.process end it "calls the app within a new Fiber" do outer_fiber = Fiber.current app.should_receive(:call) { Fiber.current.should_not equal(outer_fiber) [-1] } server.process end end context "env[stream.start].call(response)" do let(:previous) { } let(:response) { [200, {"Key" => "value"}, Rack::STREAMING] } before { server.requests.unshift previous app.stub(:call) {|e| response } request.stub :succeed server.builder.stub :response } it "deletes itself from env[] to prevent multiple calls" do app.stub(:call) {|e| e["stream.start"].call response e.key?("stream.start").should be_false [-1] } previous.succeed server.process end it "waits for the previous request's response to finish" do server.builder.should_not_receive :response server.process end it "initiates the response" do server.builder.should_receive(:response) {|res| res[0].should equal(response[0]) res[1]["Key"].should equal(response[1]["Key"]) res[1]["Server"].should == "hatetepe/#{Hatetepe::VERSION}" } previous.succeed server.process end end context "env[stream.send].call(chunk)" do it "passes data to the builder" do app.stub(:call) {|e| e["stream.send"].should == server.builder.method(:body) [-1] } server.process end end context "env[stream.close].call" do before { server.stub :close_connection server.builder.stub :complete request.stub :succeed } it "completes the response" do server.builder.should_receive :complete app.stub(:call) {|e| e["stream.close"].call [-1] } server.process end it "succeeds the request" do request.should_receive :succeed app.stub(:call) {|e| e["stream.close"].call [-1] } server.process end it "leaves the connection open" do server.should_not_receive :close_connection app.stub(:call) {|e| server.requests << stub("another request") e["stream.close"].call [-1] } server.process end it "closes the connection if there are no more requests" do server.should_receive(:close_connection).with true app.stub(:call) {|e| e["stream.close"].call [-1] } server.process end it "deletes itself and stream.send from env[] to prevent multiple calls" do app.stub(:call) {|e| e["stream.close"].call e.key?("stream.send").should be_false e.key?("stream.close").should be_false [-1] } server.process end end end