/*! * Stylus - Lexer * Copyright(c) 2010 LearnBoost * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Token = require('./token') , nodes = require('./nodes') , errors = require('./errors') , units = require('./units'); /** * Expose `Lexer`. */ exports = module.exports = Lexer; /** * Operator aliases. */ var alias = { 'and': '&&' , 'or': '||' , 'is': '==' , 'isnt': '!=' , 'is not': '!=' , ':=': '?=' }; /** * Units. */ units = units.join('|'); /** * Unit RegExp. */ var unit = new RegExp('^(-)?(\\d+\\.\\d+|\\d+|\\.\\d+)(' + units + ')?[ \\t]*'); /** * Initialize a new `Lexer` with the given `str` and `options`. * * @param {String} str * @param {Object} options * @api private */ function Lexer(str, options) { options = options || {}; this.stash = []; this.indentStack = []; this.indentRe = null; this.lineno = 1; function comment(str, val, offset, s) { var inComment = s.lastIndexOf('/*', offset) > s.lastIndexOf('*/', offset) || s.lastIndexOf('//', offset) > s.lastIndexOf('\n', offset); return inComment ? str : val; }; this.str = str .replace(/\s+$/, '\n') .replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n') .replace(/\\ *\n/g, ' ') .replace(/([,(]|:(?!\/\/[^ ])) *(?:\/\/[^\n]*)?\n\s*/g, comment) .replace(/\s*\n *([,)])/g, comment); }; /** * Lexer prototype. */ Lexer.prototype = { /** * Custom inspect. */ inspect: function(){ var tok , tmp = this.str , buf = []; while ('eos' != (tok = this.next()).type) { buf.push(tok.inspect()); } this.str = tmp; this.prevIndents = 0; return buf.concat(tok.inspect()).join('\n'); }, /** * Lookahead `n` tokens. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Object} * @api private */ lookahead: function(n){ var fetch = n - this.stash.length; while (fetch-- > 0) this.stash.push(this.advance()); return this.stash[--n]; }, /** * Consume the given `len`. * * @param {Number|Array} len * @api private */ skip: function(len){ this.str = this.str.substr(Array.isArray(len) ? len[0].length : len); }, /** * Fetch next token including those stashed by peek. * * @return {Token} * @api private */ next: function() { var tok = this.stashed() || this.advance(); switch (tok.type) { case 'newline': case 'indent': ++this.lineno; break; case 'outdent': if ('outdent' != this.prev.type) ++this.lineno; } this.prev = tok; tok.lineno = this.lineno; return tok; }, /** * Fetch next token. * * @return {Token} * @api private */ advance: function() { return this.eos() || this.null() || this.sep() || this.keyword() || this.urlchars() || this.atrule() || this.scope() || this.extends() || this.media() || this.mozdocument() || this.comment() || this.newline() || this.escaped() || this.important() || this.literal() || this.function() || this.brace() || this.paren() || this.color() || this.string() || this.unit() || this.namedop() || this.boolean() || this.ident() || this.op() || this.space() || this.selector(); }, /** * Lookahead a single token. * * @return {Token} * @api private */ peek: function() { return this.lookahead(1); }, /** * Return the next possibly stashed token. * * @return {Token} * @api private */ stashed: function() { return this.stash.shift(); }, /** * EOS | trailing outdents. */ eos: function() { if (this.str.length) return; if (this.indentStack.length) { this.indentStack.shift(); return new Token('outdent'); } else { return new Token('eos'); } }, /** * url char */ urlchars: function() { var captures; if (!this.isURL) return; if (captures = /^[\/:@.;?&=*!,<>#%0-9]+/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('literal', new nodes.Literal(captures[0])); } }, /** * ';' [ \t]* */ sep: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^;[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token(';'); } }, /** * ' '+ */ space: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^([ \t]+)/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('space'); } }, /** * '\\' . ' '* */ escaped: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^\\(.)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { var c = captures[1]; this.skip(captures); return new Token('ident', new nodes.Literal(c)); } }, /** * '@css' ' '* '{' .* '}' ' '* */ literal: function() { // HACK attack !!! var captures; if (captures = /^@css[ \t]*\{/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var c , braces = 1 , css = ''; while (c = this.str[0]) { this.str = this.str.substr(1); switch (c) { case '{': ++braces; break; case '}': --braces; break; } css += c; if (!braces) break; } css = css.replace(/\s*}$/, ''); return new Token('literal', new nodes.Literal(css)); } }, /** * '!important' ' '* */ important: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^!important[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('ident', new nodes.Literal('!important')); } }, /** * '{' | '}' */ brace: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^([{}])/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(1); var brace = captures[1]; return new Token(brace, brace); } }, /** * '(' | ')' ' '* */ paren: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^([()])([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) { var paren = captures[1]; this.skip(captures); if (')' == paren) this.isURL = false; var tok = new Token(paren, paren); tok.space = captures[2]; return tok; } }, /** * 'null' */ null: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(null)\b[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('null', nodes.null); } }, /** * 'if' * | 'else' * | 'unless' * | 'return' * | 'for' * | 'in' */ keyword: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(return|if|else|unless|for|in)\b[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { var keyword = captures[1]; this.skip(captures); return new Token(keyword, keyword); } }, /** * 'not' * | 'and' * | 'or' * | 'is' * | 'is not' * | 'isnt' * | 'is a' * | 'is defined' */ namedop: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(not|and|or|is a|is defined|isnt|is not|is)(?!-)\b([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) { var op = captures[1]; this.skip(captures); op = alias[op] || op; var tok = new Token(op, op); tok.space = captures[2]; return tok; } }, /** * ',' * | '+' * | '+=' * | '-' * | '-=' * | '*' * | '*=' * | '/' * | '/=' * | '%' * | '%=' * | '**' * | '!' * | '&' * | '&&' * | '||' * | '>' * | '>=' * | '<' * | '<=' * | '=' * | '==' * | '!=' * | '!' * | '~' * | '?=' * | ':=' * | '?' * | ':' * | '[' * | ']' * | '.' * | '..' * | '...' */ op: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^([.]{1,3}|&&|\|\||[!<>=?:]=|\*\*|[-+*\/%]=?|[,=?:!~<>&\[\]])([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) { var op = captures[1]; this.skip(captures); op = alias[op] || op; var tok = new Token(op, op); tok.space = captures[2]; this.isURL = false; return tok; } }, /** * '@extends' ([^{\n]+) */ extends: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^@extends?[ \t]*([^\/{\n;]+)/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('extend', captures[1].trim()); } }, /** * '@media' ([^{\n]+) */ media: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^@media[ \t]*(.+?)(?=\/\/|[\n{])/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('media', captures[1].trim()); } }, /** * '@-moz-document' ([^{\n]+) */ mozdocument: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^@-moz-document[ \t]*([^\/{\n]+)/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('-moz-document', captures[1].trim()); } }, /** * '@scope' ([^{\n]+) */ scope: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^@scope[ \t]*([^\/{\n]+)/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); return new Token('scope', captures[1].trim()); } }, /** * '@' ('import' | 'keyframes' | 'charset' | 'page' | 'font-face') */ atrule: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^@(import|(?:-(\w+)-)?keyframes|charset|font-face|page)[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var vendor = captures[2] , type = captures[1]; if (vendor) type = 'keyframes'; return new Token(type, vendor); } }, /** * '//' * */ comment: function() { // Single line if ('/' == this.str[0] && '/' == this.str[1]) { var end = this.str.indexOf('\n'); if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length; this.skip(end); return this.advance(); } // Multi-line if ('/' == this.str[0] && '*' == this.str[1]) { var end = this.str.indexOf('*/'); if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length; var str = this.str.substr(0, end + 2) , lines = str.split('\n').length - 1 , suppress = true; this.lineno += lines; this.skip(end + 2); // output if ('!' == str[2]) { str = str.replace('*!', '*'); suppress = false; } return new Token('comment', new nodes.Comment(str, suppress)); } }, /** * 'true' | 'false' */ boolean: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(true|false)\b([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) { var val = nodes.Boolean('true' == captures[1]); this.skip(captures); var tok = new Token('boolean', val); tok.space = captures[2]; return tok; } }, /** * -*[_a-zA-Z$] [-\w\d$]* '(' */ function: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(-*[_a-zA-Z$][-\w\d$]*)\(([ \t]*)/.exec(this.str)) { var name = captures[1]; this.skip(captures); this.isURL = 'url' == name; var tok = new Token('function', new nodes.Ident(name)); tok.space = captures[2]; return tok; } }, /** * -*[_a-zA-Z$] [-\w\d$]* */ ident: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(@)?(-*[_a-zA-Z$][-\w\d$]*)/.exec(this.str)) { var at = captures[1] , name = captures[2] , id = new nodes.Ident(name); this.skip(captures); id.property = !! at; return new Token('ident', id); } }, /** * '\n' ' '+ */ newline: function() { var captures, re; // we have established the indentation regexp if (this.indentRe){ captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.str); // figure out if we are using tabs or spaces } else { // try tabs re = /^\n([\t]*)[ \t]*/; captures = re.exec(this.str); // nope, try spaces if (captures && !captures[1].length) { re = /^\n([ \t]*)/; captures = re.exec(this.str); } // established if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re; } if (captures) { var tok , indents = captures[1].length; this.skip(captures); if (this.str[0] === ' ' || this.str[0] === '\t') { throw new errors.SyntaxError('Invalid indentation. You can use tabs or spaces to indent, but not both.'); } // Reset state this.isVariable = false; // Blank line if ('\n' == this.str[0]) { ++this.lineno; return this.advance(); } // Outdent if (this.indentStack.length && indents < this.indentStack[0]) { while (this.indentStack.length && this.indentStack[0] > indents) { this.stash.push(new Token('outdent')); this.indentStack.shift(); } tok = this.stash.pop(); // Indent } else if (indents && indents != this.indentStack[0]) { this.indentStack.unshift(indents); tok = new Token('indent'); // Newline } else { tok = new Token('newline'); } return tok; } }, /** * '-'? (digit+ | digit* '.' digit+) unit */ unit: function() { var captures; if (captures = unit.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var n = parseFloat(captures[2]); if ('-' == captures[1]) n = -n; var node = new nodes.Unit(n, captures[3]); return new Token('unit', node); } }, /** * '"' [^"]+ '"' | "'"" [^']+ "'" */ string: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^("[^"]*"|'[^']*')[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { var str = captures[1] , quote = captures[0][0]; this.skip(captures); str = str.slice(1,-1).replace(/\\n/g, '\n'); return new Token('string', new nodes.String(str, quote)); } }, /** * #rrggbbaa | #rrggbb | #rgba | #rgb | #nn | #n */ color: function() { return this.rrggbbaa() || this.rrggbb() || this.rgba() || this.rgb() || this.nn() || this.n() }, /** * #n */ n: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{1})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var n = parseInt(captures[1] + captures[1], 16) , color = new nodes.RGBA(n, n, n, 1); color.raw = captures[0]; return new Token('color', color); } }, /** * #nn */ nn: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var n = parseInt(captures[1], 16) , color = new nodes.RGBA(n, n, n, 1); color.raw = captures[0]; return new Token('color', color); } }, /** * #rgb */ rgb: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var rgb = captures[1] , r = parseInt(rgb[0] + rgb[0], 16) , g = parseInt(rgb[1] + rgb[1], 16) , b = parseInt(rgb[2] + rgb[2], 16) , color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, 1); color.raw = captures[0]; return new Token('color', color); } }, /** * #rgba */ rgba: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{4})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var rgb = captures[1] , r = parseInt(rgb[0] + rgb[0], 16) , g = parseInt(rgb[1] + rgb[1], 16) , b = parseInt(rgb[2] + rgb[2], 16) , a = parseInt(rgb[3] + rgb[3], 16) , color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, a/255); color.raw = captures[0]; return new Token('color', color); } }, /** * #rrggbb */ rrggbb: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var rgb = captures[1] , r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16) , g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16) , b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16) , color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, 1); color.raw = captures[0]; return new Token('color', color); } }, /** * #rrggbbaa */ rrggbbaa: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{8})[ \t]*/.exec(this.str)) { this.skip(captures); var rgb = captures[1] , r = parseInt(rgb.substr(0, 2), 16) , g = parseInt(rgb.substr(2, 2), 16) , b = parseInt(rgb.substr(4, 2), 16) , a = parseInt(rgb.substr(6, 2), 16) , color = new nodes.RGBA(r, g, b, a/255); color.raw = captures[0]; return new Token('color', color); } }, /** * [^\n,;]+ */ selector: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^.*?(?=\/\/(?![^\[]*\])|[,\n{])/.exec(this.str)) { var selector = captures[0]; this.skip(captures); return new Token('selector', selector); } } };