# frozen_string_literal: true # Released under the MIT License. # Copyright, 2019-2024, by Samuel Williams. # Copyright, 2019, by Brian Morearty. # Copyright, 2020, by Bruno Sutic. # Copyright, 2023, by Thomas Morgan. # Copyright, 2024, by Anton Zhuravsky. require 'protocol/http/headers' require_relative 'reason' require_relative 'error' require_relative 'body/chunked' require_relative 'body/fixed' require_relative 'body/remainder' require 'protocol/http/body/head' require 'protocol/http/methods' module Protocol module HTTP1 CONTENT_LENGTH = 'content-length' TRANSFER_ENCODING = 'transfer-encoding' CHUNKED = 'chunked' CONNECTION = 'connection' CLOSE = 'close' KEEP_ALIVE = 'keep-alive' HOST = 'host' UPGRADE = 'upgrade' # HTTP/1.x request line parser: TOKEN = /[!#$%&'*+\-\.\^_`|~0-9a-zA-Z]+/.freeze REQUEST_LINE = /\A(#{TOKEN}) ([^\s]+) (HTTP\/\d.\d)\z/.freeze # HTTP/1.x header parser: FIELD_NAME = TOKEN FIELD_VALUE = /[^\000-\037]*/.freeze HEADER = /\A(#{FIELD_NAME}):\s*(#{FIELD_VALUE})\s*\z/.freeze VALID_FIELD_NAME = /\A#{FIELD_NAME}\z/.freeze VALID_FIELD_VALUE = /\A#{FIELD_VALUE}\z/.freeze class Connection CRLF = "\r\n" HTTP10 = "HTTP/1.0" HTTP11 = "HTTP/1.1" def initialize(stream, persistent = true) @stream = stream @persistent = persistent @count = 0 end attr :stream # Whether the connection is persistent. # This determines what connection headers are sent in the response and whether # the connection can be reused after the response is sent. # This setting is automatically managed according to the nature of the request # and response. # Changing to false is safe. # Changing to true from outside this class should generally be avoided and, # depending on the response semantics, may be reset to false anyway. attr_accessor :persistent # The number of requests processed. attr :count def persistent?(version, method, headers) if method == HTTP::Methods::CONNECT return false end if version == HTTP10 if connection = headers[CONNECTION] return connection.keep_alive? else return false end else if connection = headers[CONNECTION] return !connection.close? else return true end end end # Write the appropriate header for connection persistence. def write_connection_header(version) if version == HTTP10 @stream.write("connection: keep-alive\r\n") if @persistent else @stream.write("connection: close\r\n") unless @persistent end end def write_upgrade_header(upgrade) @stream.write("connection: upgrade\r\nupgrade: #{upgrade}\r\n") end # Indicates whether the connection has been hijacked meaning its # IO has been handed over and is not usable anymore. # @return [Boolean] hijack status def hijacked? @stream.nil? end # Effectively close the connection and return the underlying IO. # @return [IO] the underlying non-blocking IO. def hijack! @persistent = false stream = @stream @stream.flush @stream = nil return stream end # Close the connection and underlying stream. def close @stream&.close end def write_request(authority, method, path, version, headers) @stream.write("#{method} #{path} #{version}\r\n") @stream.write("host: #{authority}\r\n") write_headers(headers) end def write_response(version, status, headers, reason = Reason::DESCRIPTIONS[status]) # Safari WebSockets break if no reason is given: @stream.write("#{version} #{status} #{reason}\r\n") write_headers(headers) end def write_interim_response(version, status, headers, reason = Reason::DESCRIPTIONS[status]) @stream.write("#{version} #{status} #{reason}\r\n") write_headers(headers) @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush end def write_headers(headers) headers.each do |name, value| # Convert it to a string: name = name.to_s value = value.to_s # Validate it: unless name.match?(VALID_FIELD_NAME) raise BadHeader, "Invalid header name: #{name.inspect}" end unless value.match?(VALID_FIELD_VALUE) raise BadHeader, "Invalid header value for #{name}: #{value.inspect}" end # Write it: @stream.write("#{name}: #{value}\r\n") end end def read_line? @stream.gets(CRLF, chomp: true) end def read_line read_line? or raise EOFError end def read_request_line return unless line = read_line? if match = line.match(REQUEST_LINE) _, method, path, version = *match else raise InvalidRequest, line.inspect end return method, path, version end def read_request method, path, version = read_request_line return unless method headers = read_headers @persistent = persistent?(version, method, headers) body = read_request_body(method, headers) @count += 1 return headers.delete(HOST), method, path, version, headers, body end def read_response_line version, status, reason = read_line.split(/\s+/, 3) status = Integer(status) return version, status, reason end def read_response(method) version, status, reason = read_response_line headers = read_headers @persistent = persistent?(version, method, headers) body = read_response_body(method, status, headers) @count += 1 return version, status, reason, headers, body end def read_headers fields = [] while line = read_line # Empty line indicates end of headers: break if line.empty? if match = line.match(HEADER) fields << [match[1], match[2]] else raise BadHeader, "Could not parse header: #{line.dump}" end end return HTTP::Headers.new(fields) end # @param protocol [String] the protocol to upgrade to. def write_upgrade_body(protocol, body = nil) # Once we upgrade the connection, it can no longer handle other requests: @persistent = false write_upgrade_header(protocol) @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush # Don't remove me! if body body.each do |chunk| @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush end @stream.close_write end return @stream end def write_tunnel_body(version, body = nil) @persistent = false write_connection_header(version) @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush # Don't remove me! if body body.each do |chunk| @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush end @stream.close_write end return @stream end def write_empty_body(body) @stream.write("content-length: 0\r\n\r\n") @stream.flush body&.close end def write_fixed_length_body(body, length, head) @stream.write("content-length: #{length}\r\n\r\n") if head @stream.flush body.close return end @stream.flush unless body.ready? chunk_length = 0 body.each do |chunk| chunk_length += chunk.bytesize if chunk_length > length raise ContentLengthError, "Trying to write #{chunk_length} bytes, but content length was #{length} bytes!" end @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush unless body.ready? end @stream.flush if chunk_length != length raise ContentLengthError, "Wrote #{chunk_length} bytes, but content length was #{length} bytes!" end end def write_chunked_body(body, head, trailer = nil) @stream.write("transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n") if head @stream.flush body.close return end @stream.flush unless body.ready? body.each do |chunk| next if chunk.size == 0 @stream.write("#{chunk.bytesize.to_s(16).upcase}\r\n") @stream.write(chunk) @stream.write(CRLF) @stream.flush unless body.ready? end if trailer&.any? @stream.write("0\r\n") write_headers(trailer) @stream.write("\r\n") else @stream.write("0\r\n\r\n") end @stream.flush end def write_body_and_close(body, head) # We can't be persistent because we don't know the data length: @persistent = false @stream.write("\r\n") @stream.flush unless body.ready? if head body.close else body.each do |chunk| @stream.write(chunk) @stream.flush unless body.ready? end end @stream.flush @stream.close_write end def write_body(version, body, head = false, trailer = nil) # HTTP/1.0 cannot in any case handle trailers. if version == HTTP10 # or te: trailers was not present (strictly speaking not required.) trailer = nil end # While writing the body, we don't know if trailers will be added. We must choose a different body format depending on whether there is the chance of trailers, even if trailer.any? is currently false. # # Below you notice `and trailer.nil?`. I tried this but content-length is more important than trailers. if body.nil? write_connection_header(version) write_empty_body(body) elsif length = body.length # and trailer.nil? write_connection_header(version) write_fixed_length_body(body, length, head) elsif body.empty? # Even thought this code is the same as the first clause `body.nil?`, HEAD responses have an empty body but still carry a content length. `write_fixed_length_body` takes care of this appropriately. write_connection_header(version) write_empty_body(body) elsif version == HTTP11 write_connection_header(version) # We specifically ensure that non-persistent connections do not use chunked response, so that hijacking works as expected. write_chunked_body(body, head, trailer) else @persistent = false write_connection_header(version) write_body_and_close(body, head) end end def read_chunked_body(headers) Body::Chunked.new(@stream, headers) end def read_fixed_body(length) Body::Fixed.new(@stream, length) end def read_remainder_body Body::Remainder.new(@stream) end def read_head_body(length) Protocol::HTTP::Body::Head.new(length) end def read_tunnel_body read_remainder_body end HEAD = "HEAD" CONNECT = "CONNECT" VALID_CONTENT_LENGTH = /\A\d+\z/ def extract_content_length(headers) if content_length = headers.delete(CONTENT_LENGTH) if content_length =~ VALID_CONTENT_LENGTH yield Integer(content_length, 10) else raise BadRequest, "Invalid content length: #{content_length.dump}" end end end def read_response_body(method, status, headers) # RFC 7230 3.3.3 # 1. Any response to a HEAD request and any response with a 1xx # (Informational), 204 (No Content), or 304 (Not Modified) status # code is always terminated by the first empty line after the # header fields, regardless of the header fields present in the # message, and thus cannot contain a message body. if method == HTTP::Methods::HEAD extract_content_length(headers) do |length| if length > 0 return read_head_body(length) else return nil end end # There is no body for a HEAD request if there is no content length: return nil end if (status >= 100 and status < 200) or status == 204 or status == 304 return nil end # 2. Any 2xx (Successful) response to a CONNECT request implies that # the connection will become a tunnel immediately after the empty # line that concludes the header fields. A client MUST ignore any # Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header fields received in # such a message. if method == HTTP::Methods::CONNECT and status == 200 return read_tunnel_body end return read_body(headers, true) end def read_request_body(method, headers) # 2. Any 2xx (Successful) response to a CONNECT request implies that # the connection will become a tunnel immediately after the empty # line that concludes the header fields. A client MUST ignore any # Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header fields received in # such a message. if method == HTTP::Methods::CONNECT return read_tunnel_body end # 6. If this is a request message and none of the above are true, then # the message body length is zero (no message body is present). return read_body(headers) end def read_body(headers, remainder = false) # 3. If a Transfer-Encoding header field is present and the chunked # transfer coding (Section 4.1) is the final encoding, the message # body length is determined by reading and decoding the chunked # data until the transfer coding indicates the data is complete. if transfer_encoding = headers.delete(TRANSFER_ENCODING) # If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a # Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the # Content-Length. Such a message might indicate an attempt to # perform request smuggling (Section 9.5) or response splitting # (Section 9.4) and ought to be handled as an error. A sender MUST # remove the received Content-Length field prior to forwarding such # a message downstream. if headers[CONTENT_LENGTH] raise BadRequest, "Message contains both transfer encoding and content length!" end if transfer_encoding.last == CHUNKED return read_chunked_body(headers) else # If a Transfer-Encoding header field is present in a response and # the chunked transfer coding is not the final encoding, the # message body length is determined by reading the connection until # it is closed by the server. If a Transfer-Encoding header field # is present in a request and the chunked transfer coding is not # the final encoding, the message body length cannot be determined # reliably; the server MUST respond with the 400 (Bad Request) # status code and then close the connection. return read_remainder_body end end # 5. If a valid Content-Length header field is present without # Transfer-Encoding, its decimal value defines the expected message # body length in octets. If the sender closes the connection or # the recipient times out before the indicated number of octets are # received, the recipient MUST consider the message to be # incomplete and close the connection. extract_content_length(headers) do |length| if length > 0 return read_fixed_body(length) else return nil end end # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2068#section- if remainder # 7. Otherwise, this is a response message without a declared message # body length, so the message body length is determined by the # number of octets received prior to the server closing the # connection. return read_remainder_body end end end end end