module LinkedIn module Helpers module Request DEFAULT_HEADERS = { 'x-li-format' => 'json' } API_PATH = '/v1' protected def get(path, options={}) response = access_token.get("#{API_PATH}#{path}", DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge(options)) raise_errors(response) response.body end def post(path, body='', options={}) response ="#{API_PATH}#{path}", body, DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge(options)) raise_errors(response) response end def put(path, body, options={}) response = access_token.put("#{API_PATH}#{path}", body, DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge(options)) raise_errors(response) response end def delete(path, options={}) response = access_token.delete("#{API_PATH}#{path}", DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge(options)) raise_errors(response) response end private def raise_errors(response) # Even if the json answer contains the HTTP status code, LinkedIn also sets this code # in the HTTP answer (thankfully). case response.code.to_i when 401 data = Mash.from_json(response.body) raise, "(#{data.status}): #{data.message}" when 400 data = Mash.from_json(response.body) raise, "(#{data.status}): #{data.message}" when 403 data = Mash.from_json(response.body) raise, "(#{data.status}): #{data.message}" when 404 raise LinkedIn::Errors::NotFoundError, "(#{response.code}): #{response.message}" when 500 raise LinkedIn::Errors::InformLinkedInError, "LinkedIn had an internal error. Please let them know in the forum. (#{response.code}): #{response.message}" when 502..503 raise LinkedIn::Errors::UnavailableError, "(#{response.code}): #{response.message}" end end def to_query(options) options.inject([]) do |collection, opt| collection << "#{opt[0]}=#{opt[1]}" collection end * '&' end def to_uri(path, options) uri = URI.parse(path) if options && options != {} uri.query = to_query(options) end uri.to_s end end end end