===0.6.4 [16th August 2010] - Added starts-with query type [nilbus - Edward Anderson] - Various fixes and improvements. - Real names given for all contributors. ===0.6.3 [5th July 2010] - index file path can now be definited as a Pathname as well as an array. [parndt - Philip Arndt] - Can now define which records are indexed and which are not via an :if proc. [madpilot - Myles Eftos] - Lots of tidying up. [parndt - Philip Arndt] - Rails 3 fixes. [myabc - Alex Coles] ===0.6.2 [11th June 2010] - Now available as a Gem as well as the original plugin. [parndt - Philip Arndt - Thanks for doing most of the hard work.] ===0.6.0 [10th June 2010] - Now supports Rails 3.x.x as well as Rails 2.x.x. - Added global configuration options. - Now recommending using with_query scope for searching. - Deprecated find_with_index and will_paginate_search methods. ===0.5.3 [6th June 2010] - Now supports non-standard table names automatically. [nandalopes - Fernanda Lopes] ===0.5.2 [3rd May 2010] - Fix for Errno::ERANGE error related to certain Math.log calculations. [parndt - Philip Arndt] - Improved index detection in a shared-directory environment. [bob-p - Thomas Pomfret] ===0.5.1 [11 June 2009] - Fixed Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility. ===0.5.0 [24 April 2009] - Ruby 1.9 and Rails 2.3 compatibility. - Index location can now be set. Provides Heroku compatibility. - Better errors on bad options. - ActiveRecord order argument overrides ranking returned by find_by_index. - Various test environment improvements - Various Bugfixes ===0.4.6 [10 August 2008] - Rolled in pagination. ===0.4.5 [04 February 2008] - Fixed a bug where the find_options :limit would be added to the :offset, which caused incorrectly sized collections to be returned. - Fixed an 'ambiguous column' error when using the :includes find_options key. ===0.4.4 [29 November 2007] - Fixed a bug causing the weighting section of the code to error out. ===0.4.3 [27 September 2007] - Fixed a bug causing records to be deleted from index during record updates. ===0.4.2 [27 September 2007] - Fixed a bug causing identically ranked records to be lost. ===0.4.1 [22 September 2007] - Fixed a bug in the main search method. ===0.4.0 [22 September 2007] - Search results now ranked by relevance. ===0.3.3 [20 September 2007] - Fixed index update bug where deleted atoms were not removed from index. - Improved performance of quoted queries. - Improved performance of index updates. - When building a full index, records are retrieved and indexed in batches to reduce memory consumption. ===0.3.2 [19 September 2007] - Fixed index update bug. ===0.3.1 [18 September 2007] - Added RDoc documentation comments. ===0.3.0 [18 September 2007] - Minor bug fixes. - min_word_size now works properly, with queries containing small words in quotes or being preceded by a '+' symbol are now searched on. ===0.2.2 [06 September 2007] - Search now caches query results within a session. Call the search twice in an action? Only runs once! ===0.2.1 [05 September 2007] - AR find options can now be passed to the search to allow finer control of returned Model Objects. ===0.2.0 [04 September 2007] - Major performance improvements. - Index segmentation can now be tuned. ===0.1.1 [31 August 2007] - Added a full set of tests. - Fixed various set-manipulation based errors. - Fixed a bug when searching for quoted phrases. ===0.1.01 [31 August 2007] - Fixed a casting bug occurring when adding non-string fields to the index. ===0.1 [31 August 2007] - Initial release.