module CassandraObject module IntegerType REGEX = /\A[-+]?\d+\Z/ def encode(int) raise"#{self} requires an Integer. You passed #{int.inspect}") unless int.kind_of?(Integer) int.to_s end module_function :encode def decode(str) return nil if str.empty? raise"Cannot convert #{str} into an Integer") unless str.kind_of?(String) && str.match(REGEX) str.to_i end module_function :decode end module FloatType REGEX = /\A[-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?\Z/ def encode(float) raise"#{self} requires a Float") unless float.kind_of?(Float) float.to_s end module_function :encode def decode(str) return nil if str.empty? raise"Cannot convert #{str} into a Float") unless str.kind_of?(String) && str.match(REGEX) str.to_f end module_function :decode end module DateType FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' REGEX = /\A\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\Z/ def encode(date) raise"#{self} requires a Date") unless date.kind_of?(Date) date.strftime(FORMAT) end module_function :encode def decode(str) return nil if str.empty? raise"Cannot convert #{str} into a Date") unless str.kind_of?(String) && str.match(REGEX) Date.strptime(str, FORMAT) end module_function :decode end module TimeType # lifted from the implementation of Time.xmlschema and simplified REGEX = /\A\s* (-?\d+)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) T (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\.\d*)? (Z|[+-]\d\d:\d\d)? \s*\z/ix def encode(time) raise"#{self} requires a Time") unless time.kind_of?(Time) time.xmlschema(6) end module_function :encode def decode(str) return nil if str.empty? raise"Cannot convert #{str} into a Time") unless str.kind_of?(String) && str.match(REGEX) Time.xmlschema(str) end module_function :decode end module TimeWithZoneType def encode(time) raise"#{self} requires a Time") unless time.kind_of?(Time) time.utc.xmlschema(6) end module_function :encode def decode(str) return nil if str.empty? raise"Cannot convert #{str} into a Time") unless str.kind_of?(String) && str.match(TimeType::REGEX) Time.xmlschema(str).in_time_zone end module_function :decode end module StringType def encode(str) raise"#{self} requires a String") unless str.kind_of?(String) str.dup end module_function :encode def decode(str) str end module_function :decode end module UTF8StringType def encode(str) # This is technically the most correct, but it is a pain to require utf-8 encoding for all strings. Should revisit. #raise"#{self} requires a UTF-8 encoded String") unless str.kind_of?(String) && str.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 raise"#{self} requires a String") unless str.kind_of?(String) str.dup end module_function :encode def decode(str) str.force_encoding('UTF-8') end module_function :decode end module HashType def encode(hash) raise"#{self} requires a Hash") unless hash.kind_of?(Hash) ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(hash) end module_function :encode def decode(str) return nil if str.empty? ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(str) end module_function :decode end module BooleanType TRUE_VALS = [true, 'true', '1'] FALSE_VALS = [false, 'false', '0', '', nil] def encode(bool) unless TRUE_VALS.any? { |a| bool == a } || FALSE_VALS.any? { |a| bool == a } raise"#{self} requires a boolean") end TRUE_VALS.include?(bool) ? '1' : '0' end module_function :encode def decode(str) raise"Cannot convert #{str} into a boolean") unless TRUE_VALS.any? { |a| str == a } || FALSE_VALS.any? { |a| str == a } TRUE_VALS.include?(str) end module_function :decode end end