FD9695A2-E747-4989-B7CE-8223A2C89D69engutf8datasetdatasetStanford Geospatial CenterMetadata Analyst650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Building, 2nd Floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.edupointOfContact2013-09-16ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification2007geometryOnlycomposite2004326EPSG7.9.4Post Delimitation Assembly Map of Rajasthan, India, 20082013-03-13publicationML Infomap (Firm)originatorML Infomap (Firm)publishermapDigitalThis data layer shows post-delimitation state Legislative Assembly constituency boundaries and data relating to the 2008 Assembly elections for the State of Rajasthan, India. Map includes data for 200 constituencies Includes attribute data on election parties, candidates, voters, and results. This layer is part of the Poll Map of India which includes parliamentary constituency boundaries for India, Assembly constituency boundaries for all states, and data relating to the past national elections for each State of India.Assembly level analysisML Infomap. (2013) Post Delimitation Assembly Map of Rajasthan, India, 2008. ML Infomap.completedLahiri,ManosiML Infomap Pvt. Ltd.91 11 41688592124-A,Katwaria SaraiNew Delhi110016INmanosi@mlinfomap.compointOfContactasNeededRajasthan (geonames.org/1258899)Banswara (geonames.org/1277215)Bundi (geonames.org/1275104)Chittorgarh (geonames.org/1274041)Dholpur (geonames.org/1272805)Jaisalmer (geonames.org/1269508)Hawa Mahal (geonames.org/7303256)Jhunjhunu (geonames.org/1268937)Jodhpur (geonames.org/1268867)Sikar (geonames.org/1256321)Sirohi (geonames.org/1256068)Udaipur (geonames.org/1253989)Rajsamand (geonames.org/7701213)Ramgarh (geonames.org/1258677)placegeonames2012-10-29revision3.1http://geonames.org2008temporalElectionsPolitical PartiesVotingPolitics and governmentthemelcsh2011-04-26revisionhttp://id.loc.gov/authorities.subjects.htmlDownloadable DatarestrictedrestrictedData may not be distributed, copied, or made available to users outside of the Stanford University Network. Data may not used for commercial purposes. Users should acknowledge ML Infomap in any derivative works. Please contact brannerlibrary@stanford.edu for more information.PollMap of IndiaPoll Map of India2013-03-13publicationML Infomap (Firm)originatorML Infomap (Firm)publisherlargerWorkCitationvector200000engutf8boundariessocietyMicrosoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS Election Commission data release 20082008-01-01T00:00:002008-12-31T00:00:00true69.4815478.2709723.0605230.19254Rajasthan Assembly Election data 2008falseengtrueFeature Catalog for Post Delimitation Assembly Map of Rajasthan, India, 20082013-03-13publicationc0d692a7-55b2-4270-a1e5-b4aa15198841ML Infomap (Firm)originatorShapefileStanford Geospatial Center650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Bldg. 2nd floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.edudistributorMB2.549datasetCoastal boundary aligned with imagery, no gaps in polygon, no topological errors, aggregate and % figures verifiedElection Commission 2008 data release for attribute30-50 metresElection operations across Rajasthan2008-01-01T00:00:00Metadata imported2013-06-13T00:00:00Stanford Geospatial CenterMetadata Analyst650-723-2746Branner Earth Sciences LibraryMitchell Building, 2nd Floor397 Panama MallStanfordCalifornia94305USbrannerlibrary@stanford.eduprocessorFGDC metadata fileRAJASTHAN.xml2013-03-13publicationRAJASTHAN.xmlAssembly data of Rajasthan 2008Assembly data of Rajasthan 20082008-01-01publicationElection Commission of IndiaoriginatormapDigitalFeature Catalog for Post Delimitation Assembly Map of Rajasthan, India, 2008Elections; Political Parties; Voting; Politics and government2013eng; USML Infomap (Firm)RAJASTHANPolitical UnitfalseFIDInternal feature number.EsriEsriOIDShapeFeature geometry.EsriEsriGeometryIDState Identification NumberML InfomapML InfomapDoubleT_V_P_08Total votes polled during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleM_VOT_08Male voter during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleCATEGORYSeat ReservationElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringSC/ST or GeneralSeat Reservation: whether belong to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or General categoryElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaSTATE_UTName of the State/Union TerritoryElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringState/Union TerritoryName of the State/Union TerritoryElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaT_PT_VT_08Third party votes polled during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleTRD_PRT_08Third party during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringThird partyThird party during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaTRD_CND_08Third Candidate during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringThird CandidateThird Candidate during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaS_PT_VT_08Second party votes polled during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleP_MRG_1_3Percentage Margin between winning party 1 and 3Election Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleMRG_1_3Margin between winning party 1 and 3Election Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleP_MRG_1_2Percentage Margin between winning party 1 and 2Election Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleMRG_1_2Margin between winning party 1 and 2Election Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleWIN_CND_08Winner Candidate during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringWinner CandidateWinner Candidate during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaSND_PRT_08Second party during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringSecond partySecond party during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaSND_CND_08Second Candidate during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringSecond CandidateSecond Candidate during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaW_PT_VT_08Winner party votes polled during the yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleWIN_PRT_08Winner party during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringWinner partyWinner party during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaP_V_PL_08Percentage of vote polled during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleT_ELECT_08Total electorates during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleM_ELEC_08Male electorates during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleF_ELEC_08Female electorates during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleAC_NOAssembly constituency numberElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleF_VOT_08Female voter during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleN_P_STN_08Number of polling stations during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleT_VOTER_08Total voter during the election yearElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaDoubleAC_NAMEAssembly constituency nameElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of IndiaStringAssembly constituencyAssembly constituency nameElection Commission of IndiaElection Commission of India