module RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat # FileFormat for W3C access logs. class W3c < Base extend CommonRegularExpressions line_definition :access do |line| line.header = true line.footer = true line.regexp = /^(#{timestamp('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}) (#{ip_address}) (.*) (#{ip_address}) (\d+) (\w+) ([\w|\/|.]+) \- (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (.*) (\S+)/ line.capture(:timestamp).as(:timestamp) line.capture(:remote_ip) line.capture(:username).as(:nillable_string) line.capture(:local_ip) line.capture(:port).as(:integer) line.capture(:method) line.capture(:path).as(:path) line.capture(:http_status).as(:integer) line.capture(:bytes_sent).as(:traffic, :unit => :byte) line.capture(:bytes_received).as(:traffic, :unit => :byte) line.capture(:duration).as(:duration, :unit => :msec) line.capture(:user_agent) line.capture(:referer) end report do |analyze| analyze.timespan analyze.hourly_spread analyze.frequency :category => :http_method, :title => "HTTP methods" analyze.frequency :category => :http_status, :title => "HTTP statuses" analyze.frequency :category => :path, :title => "Most popular URIs" analyze.frequency :category => :user_agent, :title => "User agents" analyze.frequency :category => :referer, :title => "Referers" analyze.duration :duration => :duration, :category => :path, :title => 'Request duration' analyze.traffic :traffic => :bytes_sent, :category => :path, :title => 'Traffic out' analyze.traffic :traffic => :bytes_received, :category => :path, :title => 'Traffic in' end class Request < RequestLogAnalyzer::Request # Do not use DateTime.parse, but parse the timestamp ourselves to return a integer # to speed up parsing. def convert_timestamp(value, definition) "#{value[0,4]}#{value[5,2]}#{value[8,2]}#{value[11,2]}#{value[14,2]}#{value[17,2]}".to_i end end end end