# Clicks / Keyboard When("I click on {string}") do |text| find("a, button, label", text: text).click end When("I click on first {string}") do |text| expect(page).to have_content(text) all("a, button, input[type=button], label", text: text).first.click end When("I click on last {string}") do |text| expect(page).to have_content(text) all("a, button, input[type=button], label", text: text).last.click end When("I click on {string} element") do |selector| find(selector).click end When("I click on first {string} element") do |selector| expect(page).to have_selector(selector) all(selector).first.click end When("I click on last {string} element") do |selector| expect(page).to have_selector(selector) all(selector).last.click end When("I press key {string}") do |key| find("body").send_keys(key.length == 1 ? key : key.to_sym) end # Routes When("I go on the {string} page") do |route_name| path = main_app.public_send("#{route_name}_path") visit path end Then("I am on the {string} page") do |route_name| path = main_app.public_send("#{route_name}_path") wait_for { current_path }.to eq path end # Contents Then("I see {string}") do |text| expect(page).to have_content(text) end Then("I do not see {string}") do |text| expect(page).to have_no_content(text) end Then("I see {string} element") do |selector| expect(page).to have_selector(selector) end Then("I do not see {string} element") do |selector| expect(page).to have_no_selector(selector) end Then("I see {int} times {string} element") do |count, selector| expect(page).to have_selector(selector, count: count) end Then("I see {string} in modal") do |text| expect(find("#modal")).to have_content(text) end Then("I see {string} element in modal") do |selector| expect(find("#modal")).to have_selector(selector) end Then("I see {string} out of modal") do |text| expect(page).to have_no_selector("#modal") expect(page).to have_content(text) end Then("I see {string} element out of modal") do |selector| expect(page).to have_no_selector("#modal") expect(page).to have_selector(selector) end # Forms When("I fill in {string} with {string}") do |id, value| fill_in id, with: value end When("I select {string}") do |value| select value end When("I select {string} from {string}") do |value, from| select value, from: from end When(/^I select2 "([^"]*)" from "([^"]*)"$/) do |value, selector| select2(selector, value) end When("I fill in {string} with {string} file") do |id, file| expect(page).to have_selector(".form-group.file", visible: :all) evaluate_script %( $(".form-group.file").css("display", "block") ) attach_file id, Rails.root.join("spec", "fixtures", file) end When("I search {string}") do |q| fill_in :q, with: q find(".search-submit").click end # Emails Given("I clean my mailbox") do email_deliveries.clear end Then(/I have (\d+) emails?/) do |count| expect(email_deliveries.count).to eq count end # Factories Given("an existing {string}") do |factory| instance_variable_set "@#{factory}", create(factory) end Given("I am a signed in {string}") do |factory| @user = create(factory) # rubocop:disable Rails/SaveBang sign_in @user end