require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/util/cmd' module Marenostrum SERVER='mn1' class SBATCH < Exception; attr_accessor :directory def initialize(directory) @directory = directory end end module SLURM def self.template(args, options = {}) development = options.delete :drbbt singularity = options.delete :singularity contain = options.delete :contain sync = options.delete :sync user_group = options.delete :user_group contain_and_sync = options.delete :contain_and_sync wipe_container = options.delete :wipe_container copy_image = options.delete :copy_image exclusive = options.delete :exclusive highmem = options.delete :highmem queue = options.delete(:queue) || 'bsc_ls' task_cpus = options.delete(:task_cpus) || 1 nodes = options.delete(:nodes) || 1 time = options.delete(:time) || "0:00:10" inputs_dir = options.delete :inputs_dir config_keys = options.delete :config_keys user = ENV['USER'] || `whoami`.strip group = File.basename(File.dirname(ENV['HOME'])) if contain_and_sync contain = "/scratch/tmp/rbbt-#{user}" if contain.nil? sync = "~/.rbbt/var/jobs" if sync.nil? wipe_container = "post" if wipe_container.nil? end contain = nil if contain == "" || contain == "none" sync = nil if sync == "" || sync == "none" contain = File.expand_path(contain) if contain name = options[:name] ||= Misc.obj2digest({:options => options.collect{|k,v| [k,v]}.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s }, :args => args}) options.delete(:name) slurm_basedir = options[:slurm_basedir] ||= File.expand_path(File.join('~/rbbt-slurm', name)) if slurm_basedir.nil? options.delete(:slurm_basedir) rbbt_cmd = args.reject{|e| e == '--' }.collect{|e| e.include?(" ")? '"' + e + '"' : e } * " " rbbt_cmd += " " << options.collect do |o,v| o = o.to_s case v when TrueClass '--' << o when FalseClass '--' << o << "=false" else ['--' << o, "'#{v}'"] * " " end end * " " rbbt_cmd << " --config_keys='#{config_keys}'" if config_keys and not config_keys.empty? time = Misc.format_seconds Misc.timespan(time) unless time.include? ":" #{{{ PREPARE LOCAL LOGFILES Open.mkdir slurm_basedir fout = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'std.out') ferr = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'std.err') fjob = File.join(slurm_basedir, '') fexit = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'exit.status') fsync = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'sync.log') fcmd = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'command.slurm') #{{{ GENERATE TEMPLATE # HEADER header =<<-EOF #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --qos="#{queue}" #SBATCH --job-name="#{name}" #SBATCH --workdir="#{Dir.pwd}" #SBATCH --output="#{fout}" #SBATCH --error="#{ferr}" #SBATCH --cpus-per-task="#{task_cpus}" #SBATCH --time="#{time}" #SBATCH --nodes="#{nodes}" EOF if highmem header +=<<-EOF #SBATCH --constraint=highmem EOF end if exclusive header +=<<-EOF #SBATCH --exclusive EOF end header +=<<-EOF #CMD: #{rbbt_cmd} EOF # ENV env = "" env +=<<-EOF # Prepare env [[ -f ~/config/ ]] && source ~/config/ module load java # Calculate max available memory let "MAX_MEMORY=$SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU * $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE" EOF # RUN run = "" exec_cmd = %(env _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1g -Xmx${MAX_MEMORY}m") if singularity #{{{ SINGULARITY singularity_exec = %(singularity exec -e -B $SINGULARITY_OPT_DIR:/singularity_opt/ -B /apps/) env +=<<-EOF module load intel/2018.1 module load singularity PROJECTS_ROOT="/gpfs/projects/bsc26/" SINGULARITY_IMG="$PROJECTS_ROOT/rbbt.singularity.img" SINGULARITY_OPT_DIR="$PROJECTS_ROOT/singularity_opt/" SINGULARITY_RUBY_INLINE="$HOME/.singularity_ruby_inline" mkdir -p "$SINGULARITY_RUBY_INLINE" EOF if contain scratch_group_dir = File.join('/gpfs/scratch/', group) projects_group_dir = File.join('/gpfs/projects/', group) env +=<<-EOF # Prepare container dir CONTAINER_DIR="#{contain}" mkdir -p $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/ for dir in .ruby_inline git home; do mkdir -p $CONTAINER_DIR/$dir done for tmpd in persist_locks produce_locks R_sockets sensiblewrite sensiblewrite_locks step_info_locks tsv_open_locks; do mkdir -p $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/tmp/$tmpd done # Copy environment cp ~/.rbbt/etc/environment $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/ # Set search_paths echo "singularity: /singularity_opt/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" > $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "rbbt_user: /home/rbbt/.rbbt/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "home: $CONTAINER_DIR/home/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "group_projects: #{projects_group_dir}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "group_scratch: #{scratch_group_dir}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "user_projects: #{projects_group_dir}/#{user}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths echo "user_scratch: #{scratch_group_dir}/#{user}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths EOF if user_group && group != user_group env +=<<-EOF # Add user_group search_path echo "#{user_group}: /gpfs/projects/#{user_group}/{PKGDIR}/{TOPLEVEL}/{SUBPATH}" >> $CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/etc/search_paths EOF end if inputs_dir env +=<<-EOF # Copy inputs [[ -d '#{inputs_dir}' ]] && cp -R '#{inputs_dir}' $CONTAINER_DIR/inputs EOF rbbt_cmd = rbbt_cmd.sub(inputs_dir, "#{contain}/inputs") end if copy_image env +=<&2 SINGULARITY_IMG="$CONTAINER_DIR/rbbt.singularity.img" EOF end if wipe_container == "pre" || wipe_container == "both" if singularity env +=<<-EOF # Clean container pre singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rm -Rfv .rbbt/var/jobs &>> #{fsync} singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rbbt system clean -f &>> #{fsync} singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rm -Rfv tmp/ &>> #{fsync} EOF end end end if contain singularity_exec << %( -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" \ -B /scratch/tmp \ -B "$SINGULARITY_RUBY_INLINE":"$CONTAINER_DIR/.ruby_inline":rw \ -B ~/git:"$CONTAINER_DIR/git":ro \ -B ~/.rbbt/software/opt/:"/opt/":ro \ -B ~/.rbbt:"$CONTAINER_DIR/home/":ro \ #{ group != user_group ? "-B /gpfs/projects/#{user_group}" : "" } \ -B #{scratch_group_dir} \ -B #{projects_group_dir} \ "$SINGULARITY_IMG") exec_cmd << ' TMPDIR="$CONTAINER_DIR/.rbbt/tmp" ' else singularity_exec += %( -B "$SINGULARITY_RUBY_INLINE":"$HOME/.ruby_inline":rw "$SINGULARITY_IMG" ) end if development exec_cmd += " rbbt --dev='#{development}'" else exec_cmd += ' rbbt' end exec_cmd = singularity_exec + " " + exec_cmd else if development exec_cmd << " " << %(~/git/rbbt-util/bin/rbbt --dev=#{development}) else exec_cmd << " " << 'rbbt' end if contain rbbt_cmd << " " << %(--workdir_all='#{contain}') end end cmd =<<-EOF #{exec_cmd} \\ #{rbbt_cmd} EOF run +=<<-EOF # Run command #{cmd} # Save exit status exit_status=$? # Clean, since we are done rm #{fjob} EOF # CODA coda = "" if sync if singularity coda +=<<-EOF singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rbbt system clean all -q &>> #{fsync} EOF else coda +=<<-EOF rbbt system clean all -q &>> #{fsync} EOF end if sync.include?("=>") source, _sep, sync = sync.partition("=>") source = source.strip sync = sync.strip source = File.join(File.expand_path(contain), source) else source = File.join(File.expand_path(contain), '.rbbt/var/jobs') end target = File.expand_path(sync) coda +=<<-EOF mkdir -p "$(dirname '#{target}')" rsync -avztAXHP --copy-unsafe-links "#{source}/" "#{target}/" &>> #{fsync} sync_es="$?" find '#{target}' -type l -ls | awk '$13 ~ /^#{target.gsub('/','\/')}/ { sub("#{source}", "#{target}", $13); print $11, $13 }' | while read A B; do rm $A; ln -s $B $A; done EOF if contain && (wipe_container == "post" || wipe_container == "both") run =<<-EOF + run if $(ls -A '#{contain}'); then echo "ERROR: Container directory not empty, refusing to wipe. #{contain}" fi EOF if singularity coda +=<<-EOF singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rbbt system clean -f &>> #{fsync} singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rm -v /dev/shm/sem.*.{in,out,process} /dev/shm/sem.Session-PID.*.sem 2> /dev/null >> #{fsync} if [ $sync_es == '0' ]; then singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rm -Rfv .rbbt/var/jobs &>> #{fsync} singularity exec -e -C -H "$CONTAINER_DIR" "$SINGULARITY_IMG" rm -Rfv tmp/ &>> #{fsync} else echo "WARNING: Results could not sync correctly. Job directory not purged" fi EOF else coda +=<<-EOF #{exec_cmd} system clean if [ $sync_es == '0' ]; then rm -Rfv #{contain} &>> #{fsync} else echo "WARNING: Results could not sync correctly. Contain directory not purged" fi unset sync_es EOF end end end coda +=<<-EOF # Write exit status to file echo $exit_status > #{fexit} if [ $sync_es == '0' ]; then unset sync_es exit $exit_status else exit $sync_es fi EOF template = [header, env, run, coda] * "\n" template end def self.issue_template(template, options = {}) slurm_basedir = options[:slurm_basedir] Open.mkdir slurm_basedir dry_run = options.delete :dry_run fout = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'std.out') ferr = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'std.err') fjob = File.join(slurm_basedir, '') fexit = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'exit.status') fsync = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'sync.log') fcmd = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'command.slurm') job = nil if options[:clean_job] [fcmd, fjob, fout, ferr, fsync, fexit].each do |file| Open.rm file if Open.exists? file end end return if Open.exists?(fexit) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Issuing SLURM file: #{fcmd}") STDERR.puts template Open.write(fcmd, template) unless File.exists? fcmd if File.exists?(fjob) job = else if File.exists?(fout) return elsif dry_run STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "To execute run: ") + Log.color(:blue, "sbatch '#{slurm_basedir}/command.slurm'") STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "To monitor progress run (needs local rbbt): ") + Log.color(:blue, "rbbt mn --tail -w '#{slurm_basedir}'") raise Marenostrum::SBATCH, slurm_basedir else Open.rm fsync Open.rm fexit Open.rm fout Open.rm ferr job = CMD.cmd("sbatch '#{fcmd}'").read.scan(/\d+/).first.to_i Open.write(fjob, job.to_s) end end end def self.follow_job(slurm_basedir, tail = true) fjob = File.join(slurm_basedir, '') fout = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'std.out') ferr = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'std.err') fstatus = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'job.status') job = if Open.exists?(fjob) if job status_txt = CMD.cmd("squeue --job #{job}").read STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Status [#{job.to_i}]:") STDERR.puts status_txt lines = status_txt.split("\n").length end if tail Log.severity = 10 while ! File.exists? fout if job STDERR.puts Log.clear_line(STDERR) STDERR.write Log.color(:magenta, "Waiting for Output") 3.times do STDERR.write Log.color(:magenta, ".") sleep 1 end status_txt = CMD.cmd("squeue --job #{job}").read lines.times do Log.clear_line(STDERR) end Log.clear_line(STDERR) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Status [#{job.to_i}]:") STDERR.puts status_txt lines = status_txt.split("\n").length end end STDERR.puts Log.clear_line(STDERR) STDERR.puts Log.color(:magenta, "Output:") begin CMD.cmd("squeue --job #{job} > #{fstatus}") out = CMD.cmd("tail -f '#{fout}'", :pipe => true) if File.exists?(fout) and not tail == :STDERR err = CMD.cmd("tail -f '#{ferr}'", :pipe => true) if File.exists?(ferr) Misc.consume_stream(err, true, STDERR) if err Misc.consume_stream(out, true, STDOUT) if out sleep 3 while CMD.cmd("squeue --job #{job}").read.include? job.to_s ensure begin err.close if err err.join if err rescue Exception end begin out.close if out out.join if out rescue Exception end end end end def self.wait_for_job(slurm_basedir, time = 1) fexit = File.join(slurm_basedir, 'exit.status') fjob = File.join(slurm_basedir, '') job = if Open.exists?(fjob) while ! Open.exists?(fexit) sleep time end end def self.run_job(job, options = {}) options = IndiferentHash.setup(options.dup) dry_run = options.delete :dry_run tail = options.delete :tail workflow = job.workflow task = job.task_name keep_slurm_basedir = options.delete :keep_SLURM_slurm_basedir slurm_basedir = options.delete :SLURM_basedir slurm_basedir = "~/rbbt-slurm" if slurm_basedir.nil? TmpFile.with_file(nil, !keep_slurm_basedir, :tmpdir => slurm_basedir, :prefix => "SLURM_rbbt_job-") do |tmp_directory| options[:slurm_basedir] ||= File.join(tmp_directory, 'workdir') slurm_basedir = options[:slurm_basedir] inputs_dir = File.join(tmp_directory, 'inputs_dir') saved = Step.save_job_inputs(job, inputs_dir, options) if saved options[:inputs_dir] = inputs_dir cmd = ['workflow', 'task', workflow.to_s, task.to_s, '-pf', '--load_inputs', inputs_dir, '--log', (options[:log] || Log.severity).to_s] else cmd = ['workflow', 'task', workflow.to_s, task.to_s, '-pf', '--log', (options[:log] || Log.severity).to_s] end template = self.template(cmd, options) self.issue_template(template, options.merge(:slurm_basedir => slurm_basedir, :dry_run => dry_run)) return unless tail t_monitor = do self.follow_job(slurm_basedir, :STDERR) end self.wait_for_job(slurm_basedir) t_monitor.raise Aborted return unless, 'exit.status')).strip == '0' path =, 'std.out')).strip if Open.exists?(path) && job.path != path "Path of SLURM job #{path} is different from original job #{job.path}. Stablishing link." Open.ln path, job.path Open.ln path + '.info', job.path + '.info' if Open.exists?(path + '.info') Open.ln path + '.files', job.path + '.files' if Open.exists?(path + '.files') end end end end def relay(job, options={}) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :target => 'mn1', :search_path => 'user' done_deps = do |dep| dep.done? end error_deps = do |dep| dep.error? && ! dep.recoverable_error? end (done_deps + error_deps).each do |dep| Step.migrate(dep.path, options[:search_path], options) end end end