# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: spree: account_id: "Account Id" back_to_payment_options: "Back to payment options" confirm_your_order: "Confirm your order" currency_code: "Currency" ebsin: "EBS IN" ebsin_pay_instructions: "Pay using credit or debit card from EBS (you'll be redirected to EBS secure server)" ebsin_payment: "Pay by credit card" ebsin_payment_failure: "Something went wrong. Please try again." ebsin_payment_response_error: "%{error_message}. Payment was not successful." ebsin_payment_success: "Your payment has been accepted." ebsin_submit: "Pay and place order" language: "Language" mode: "Work mode" order_number: "Order number:" pay_now: "Pay Now" payment_id: "Payment ID" payment_success: "Payment Success" redirecting_for_payment: "Redirecting for payment ..." redirect_success: "Success Redirect URL" redirect_fail: "Failure Redirect URL" secret_key: "Secret Key" transaction_id: "Transaction ID" url: "URL"