Given /^I have a git project of version '(.*)'$/ do |version| Dir.chdir(origin_dir) do `git init` end Dir.chdir(project_dir) do `git init` `touch README` `git add README` `git commit -m "initial commit"` `git tag -a -m "Version #{version}" #{version}` `git remote add origin file://#{origin_dir}` setup_directory end end Then /^the version should be '(.*)'$/ do |version| Dir.chdir(project_dir) { ThorSCMVersion.versioner.from_path.to_s.should == version } end Then /^the version should be '(.+)' in the Perforce project directory$/ do |version| Dir.chdir(perforce_project_dir) { ThorSCMVersion.versioner.from_path.to_s.should == version } end Then /^the origin version should be '(.*)'$/ do |version| Dir.chdir(origin_dir) { ThorSCMVersion.versioner.from_path.to_s.should == version } end When /^I run `(.*)` from the temp directory$/ do |run| Dir.chdir(project_dir) { `#{run}` } end When /^I run `(.*)` from the Perforce project directory$/ do |run| Dir.chdir(perforce_project_dir) { `#{run}` } end Given /^I have a Perforce project of version '(.*)'$/ do |version| ENV['P4PORT'] = '' ENV['P4USER'] = 'tester' ENV['P4PASSWD'] = 'tester' ENV['P4CHARSET'] = '' ENV['P4CLIENT'] = 'testers_workspace' Dir.chdir(perforce_project_dir) do ThorSCMVersion::Perforce.connection do `p4 sync -f` end File.chmod(0666,"VERSION")'VERSION', 'w') do |f| f.write(version) end setup_directory end end Then /^the p4 server version should be '(.*)'$/ do |version| ENV['P4PORT'] = '' ENV['P4USER'] = 'tester' ENV['P4PASSWD'] = 'tester' ENV['P4CHARSET'] = '' ENV['P4CLIENT'] = 'testers_workspace' Dir.chdir(perforce_project_dir) do ThorSCMVersion::Perforce.connection do `p4 print #{File.join(perforce_project_dir,'VERSION')}` #p4.run_print(File.join(perforce_project_dir,'VERSION'))[1].should == version end end end