require "relaton_gb" module Asciidoctor module Gb # A {Converter} implementation that generates GB output, and a document # schema encapsulation of the document for validation class Converter < ISO::Converter # subclause contains subclauses def term_def_subclause_parse(attrs, xml, node) return clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) if node.role == "nonterm" sub = node.find_by(context: :section) {|s| s.level == node.level + 1 } sub.empty? || (return term_def_parse(attrs, xml, node, false)) # TODO allow breakup of "symbols", "abbreviated terms" (node.title.downcase == "symbols and abbreviated terms" || node.title == "符号、代号和缩略语") && (return symbols_parse(attrs, xml, node)) xml.term **attr_code(attrs) do |xml_section| xml_section.preferred { |name| name << node.title } xml_section << node.content end end def section(node) a = { id: Asciidoctor::Standoc::Utils::anchor_or_uuid(node) } noko do |xml| case sectiontype(node) when "引言", "introduction" then introduction_parse(a, xml, node) when "patent notice" then patent_notice_parse(xml, node) when "范围", "scope" then scope_parse(a, xml, node) when "规范性引用文件", "normative references" norm_ref_parse(a, xml, node) when "术语和定义", "terms and definitions", "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语", "terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms", "terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations", "terms, definitions and symbols", "terms, definitions and abbreviations", "terms, definitions and abbreviated terms" @term_def = true term_def_parse(a, xml, node, true) @term_def = false when "符号、代号和缩略语", "symbols and abbreviated terms", "abbreviated terms", "abbreviations", "symbols" symbols_parse(a, xml, node) when "参考文献", "bibliography" bibliography_parse(a, xml, node) else if @term_def then term_def_subclause_parse(a, xml, node) elsif @biblio then bibliography_parse(a, xml, node) elsif node.attr("style") == "bibliography" bibliography_parse(a, xml, node) elsif node.attr("style") == "appendix" && node.level == 1 annex_parse(a, xml, node) else clause_parse(a, xml, node) end end end.join("\n") end =begin # spec of permissible section sequence SEQ = [ { msg: "Initial section must be (content) 前言", val: [{ tag: "foreword", title: "前言" }], }, { msg: "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) 范围", val: [{ tag: "introduction", title: "引言" }, { tag: "clause", title: "范围" }], }, { msg: "Prefatory material must be followed by (clause) 范围", val: [{ tag: "clause", title: "范围" }], }, { msg: "规范性引用文件 must be followed by "\ "术语和定义", val: [ { tag: "terms", title: "术语和定义" }, { tag: "clause", title: "术语和定义" }, { tag: "clause", title: "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语" }, { tag: "terms", title: "术语、定义、符号、代号和缩略语" } ] }, ] SECTIONS_XPATH = "//foreword | //introduction | //sections/terms | .//annex | "\ "//definitions | //sections/clause | //references[not(parent::clause)] | "\ "//clause[descendant::references][not(parent::clause)]".freeze def sections_sequence_validate(root) f = root.xpath(SECTIONS_XPATH) names = { |s| { tag:, title: s&.at("./title")&.text } } names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[0][:msg], SEQ[0][:val]) || return n = names[0] names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[1][:msg], SEQ[1][:val]) || return if n == { tag: "introduction", title: "引言" } names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[2][:msg], SEQ[2][:val]) || return end names = seqcheck(names, SEQ[3][:msg], SEQ[3][:val]) || return n = names.shift if n == { tag: "definitions", title: nil } n = names.shift || return end unless n warn "ISO style: Document must contain at least one clause" return end n[:tag] == "clause" or warn "ISO style: Document must contain clause after Terms and Definitions" (n == { tag: "clause", title: "范围" }) && warn("ISO style: 范围 must occur before 术语和定义") n = names.shift or return while n[:tag] == "clause" (n[:title] == "范围") && warn("ISO style: 范围 must occur before 术语和定义") n = names.shift or return end unless n[:tag] == "annex" or n[:tag] == "references" warn "ISO style: Only annexes and references can follow clauses" end while n[:tag] == "annex" n = names.shift if n.nil? warn("ISO style: Document must include (references) "\ "Normative References") return end end n == { tag: "references", title: "规范性引用文件" } or warn "ISO style: Document must include (references) 规范性引用文件" n = names.shift n == { tag: "references", title: "参考文献" } or warn "ISO style: Final section must be (references) 参考文献" names.empty? or warn "ISO style: There are sections after the final Bibliography" end =end end end end