require "flipper/cli" RSpec.describe Flipper::CLI do # Infer the command from the description subject(:argv) do descriptions = {|g| g.metadata[:description_args] }.reverse.flatten.drop(1) { |arg| Shellwords.split(arg) }.flatten end subject { run argv } before do ENV["FLIPPER_REQUIRE"] = "./spec/fixtures/environment" end describe "enable" do describe "feature" do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*enabled/) expect(Flipper).to be_enabled(:feature) end end describe "-a User;1 feature" do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*enabled.*User;1/m) expect(Flipper).to be_enabled(:feature,"User;1")) end end describe "feature -g admins" do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*enabled.*admins/m) expect(Flipper.feature('feature') eq([:admins]) end end describe "feature -p 30" do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*enabled.*30% of actors/m) expect(Flipper.feature('feature').percentage_of_actors_value).to eq(30) end end describe "feature -t 50" do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*enabled.*50% of time/m) expect(Flipper.feature('feature').percentage_of_time_value).to eq(50) end end describe %|feature -x '{"Equal":[{"Property":"flipper_id"},"User;1"]}'| do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*enabled.*User;1/m) expect(Flipper.feature('feature').expression.value).to eq({ "Equal" => [ { "Property" => ["flipper_id"] }, "User;1" ] }) end end describe %|feature -x invalid_json| do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 1, stderr: /JSON parse error/m) end end describe %|feature -x '{}'| do it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 1, stderr: /Invalid expression/m) end end end describe "disable" do describe "feature" do before { Flipper.enable :feature } it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*disabled/) expect(Flipper).not_to be_enabled(:feature) end end describe "feature -g admins" do before { Flipper.enable_group(:feature, :admins) } it do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /feature.*disabled/) expect(Flipper.feature('feature').enabled_groups).to be_empty end end end describe "list" do before do Flipper.enable :foo Flipper.disable :bar end it "lists features" do expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /foo.*enabled/) expect(subject).to have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /bar.*disabled/) end end ["-h", "--help", "help"].each do |arg| describe arg do it { should have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /Usage: flipper/) } it "should list subcommands" do %w(enable disable list).each do |subcommand| expect(subject.stdout).to match(/#{subcommand}/) end end end end describe "help enable" do it { should have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /Usage: flipper enable \[options\] /) } end describe "nope" do it { should have_attributes(status: 1, stderr: /Unknown command: nope/) } end describe "--nope" do it { should have_attributes(status: 1, stderr: /invalid option: --nope/) } end describe "show foo" do context "boolean" do before { Flipper.enable :foo } it { should have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /foo.*enabled/) } end context "actors" do before { Flipper.enable_actor :foo,"User;1") } it { should have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /User;1/) } end context "groups" do before { Flipper.enable_group :foo, :admins } it { should have_attributes(status: 0, stdout: /enabled.*admins/m) } end end def run(argv) original_stdout = $stdout original_stderr = $stderr $stdout = $stderr = status = 0 begin rescue SystemExit => e status = e.status end status, stdout: $stdout.string, stderr: $stderr.string) ensure $stdout = original_stdout $stderr = original_stderr end end