require 'spec_helper' module Spotlight describe "spotlight/pages/edit", :type => :view do let(:exhibit) { stub_model(Exhibit) } let(:page) { stub_model(FeaturePage, exhibit: exhibit) } before do assign(:page, page) allow(view).to receive_messages(default_thumbnail_jcrop_options: {}, available_index_fields: [], available_view_fields: []) end it "renders the edit page form" do render # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat matchers assert_select "form[action=?][method=?]", spotlight.exhibit_feature_page_path(page.exhibit, page), "post" do assert_select "input#feature_page_title[name=?]", "feature_page[title]" assert_select "textarea#feature_page_content[name=?]", "feature_page[content]" end end describe "locks" do let(:lock) { Lock.create! on: page } before do page.lock = lock end it "renders a lock" do render expect(rendered).to have_css '.alert-lock' end it "should not render an old lock" do lock.created_at -= render expect(rendered).not_to have_css '.alert-lock' end it "should not render a lock held by the current session" do lock.current_session! render expect(rendered).not_to have_css '.alert-lock' end it "should attach a data-lock attribute to the cancel button" do lock.current_session! render expect(rendered).to have_link "Cancel" expect(rendered).to have_css "a[data-lock=\"#{url_for([spotlight, page.exhibit, lock])}\"]", text: "Cancel" end it "should not have data-lock attribute if the lock doesn't belong to this session" do render expect(rendered).to have_link "Cancel" expect(rendered).not_to have_css "a[data-lock]", text: "Cancel" end end end end