module Jekyll module Tags class HighlightBlock < Liquid::Block include Liquid::StandardFilters # The regular expression syntax checker. Start with the language specifier. # Follow that by zero or more space separated options that take one of three # forms: name, name=value, or name="<quoted list>" # # <quoted list> is a space-separated list of numbers SYNTAX = /^([a-zA-Z0-9.+#-]+)((\s+\w+(=(\w+|"([0-9]+\s)*[0-9]+"))?)*)$/ def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens) super if markup.strip =~ SYNTAX @lang = $1.downcase @options = {} if defined?($2) && $2 != '' # Split along 3 possible forms -- key="<quoted list>", key=value, or key $2.scan(/(?:\w="[^"]*"|\w=\w|\w)+/) do |opt| key, value = opt.split('=') # If a quoted list, convert to array if value && value.include?("\"") value.gsub!(/"/, "") value = value.split end @options[key.to_sym] = value || true end end @options[:linenos] = "inline" if @options.key?(:linenos) and @options[:linenos] == true else raise <<-eos Syntax Error in tag 'highlight' while parsing the following markup: #{markup} Valid syntax: highlight <lang> [linenos] eos end end def render(context) prefix = context["highlighter_prefix"] || "" suffix = context["highlighter_suffix"] || "" code = super.to_s.gsub(/\A(\n|\r)+|(\n|\r)+\z/, '') is_safe = !!context.registers[:site].safe output = case context.registers[:site].highlighter when 'pygments' render_pygments(code, is_safe) when 'rouge' render_rouge(code) else render_codehighlighter(code) end rendered_output = add_code_tag(output) prefix + rendered_output + suffix end def sanitized_opts(opts, is_safe) if is_safe Hash[[ [:startinline, opts.fetch(:startinline, nil)], [:hl_linenos, opts.fetch(:hl_linenos, nil)], [:linenos, opts.fetch(:linenos, nil)], [:encoding, opts.fetch(:encoding, 'utf-8')], [:cssclass, opts.fetch(:cssclass, nil)] ].reject {|f| f.last.nil? }] else opts end end def render_pygments(code, is_safe) Jekyll::External.require_with_graceful_fail('pygments') highlighted_code = Pygments.highlight( code, :lexer => @lang, :options => sanitized_opts(@options, is_safe) ) if highlighted_code.nil? Jekyll.logger.error "There was an error highlighting your code:" puts Jekyll.logger.error code puts Jekyll.logger.error "While attempting to convert the above code, Pygments.rb" + " returned an unacceptable value." Jekyll.logger.error "This is usually a timeout problem solved by running `jekyll build` again." raise"Pygments.rb returned an unacceptable value when attempting to highlight some code.") end highlighted_code.sub('<div class="highlight"><pre>', '').sub('</pre></div>', '') end def render_rouge(code) Jekyll::External.require_with_graceful_fail('rouge') formatter = @options[:linenos], wrap: false) lexer = Rouge::Lexer.find_fancy(@lang, code) || Rouge::Lexers::PlainText formatter.format(lexer.lex(code)) end def render_codehighlighter(code) h(code).strip end def add_code_tag(code) code_attributes = [ "class=\"language-#{@lang.to_s.gsub('+', '-')}\"", "data-lang=\"#{@lang.to_s}\"" ].join(" ") "<figure class=\"highlight\"><pre><code #{code_attributes}>#{code.chomp}</code></pre></figure>" end end end end Liquid::Template.register_tag('highlight', Jekyll::Tags::HighlightBlock)