module DuckPuncher class Duck attr_accessor :name, :options # @param [Symbol] name of the duck # @param [Hash] options to modify the duck #punch method behavior # @option options [String,Module] :mod The module that defines the extensions (@name is used by default) # @option options [String,Class] :class (name) to punch # @option options [Proc] :if Stops +punch+ if it returns false # @option options [Proc] :before A hook that is called with the target class before +punch+ # @option options [Proc] :after A hook that is called with the target class after +punch+ def initialize(name, options = {}) @name = name @options = options end # @param [Hash] opts to modify punch # @option options [Class] :target Specifies the class to be punched # @option options [Array,Symbol] :only Specifies the methods to extend onto the current object # @option options [Symbol,String] :method Specifies if the methods should be included or prepended (:include) # @return [Class] The class that was just punched def punch(opts = {}) if options[:if] && !options[:if].call %Q(Skipping the punch for #{name}!) return nil end if options[:mod] mod = lookup_constant(options[:mod]) else mod = DuckPuncher::Ducks.const_get(name) end target = opts.delete(:target) || lookup_class Array(target).each do |klass| options[:before].call(klass) if options[:before] klass.extend Usable klass.usable mod, only: opts[:only], method: opts[:method] options[:after].call(klass) if options[:after] end target end # @return [Class] The class that is given to initialize as the option :class or the name of the current duck (module extension) def lookup_class lookup_constant(options[:class] || name) end def lookup_constant(const) return const if Module === const if const.to_s.respond_to?(:constantize) const.to_s.constantize else const.to_s.split('::').inject(Object) { |k, part| k.const_get(part) } end end # @param [Class] obj The object being punched def delegated(obj = nil) obj_class = obj ? obj.class : lookup_class klass = DelegateClass(obj_class) punch target: klass, method: :prepend klass.usable DuckPuncher::Ducks::Object, only: :punch, method: :prepend klass end def classify { |k| punch target: k } end end end