#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Check SNMP # === # # This is a simple SNMP check script for Sensu, We need to supply details like # Server, port, SNMP community, and Limits # # # Requires SNMP gem # # USAGE: # # check-snmp -h host -C community -O oid -w warning -c critical # check-snmp -h host -C community -O oid -m "(P|p)attern to match\.?" # # # Author Deepak Mohan Das # # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' require 'snmp' # Class that checks the return from querying SNMP. class CheckSNMP < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI option :host, short: '-h host', default: '' option :community, short: '-C snmp community', default: 'public' option :objectid, short: '-O OID', default: '' option :warning, short: '-w warning', default: '10' option :critical, short: '-c critical', default: '20' option :match, short: '-m match', description: 'Regex pattern to match against returned value' option :snmp_version, short: '-v version', description: 'SNMP version to use (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c (default))', default: 'SNMPv2c' option :comparison, short: '-o comparison operator', description: 'Operator used to compare data with warning/critial values. Can be set to "le" (<=), "ge" (>=).', default: 'ge' option :timeout, short: '-t timeout (seconds)', default: '1' def run begin manager = SNMP::Manager.new(host: "#{config[:host]}", community: "#{config[:community]}", version: config[:snmp_version].to_sym, timeout: config[:timeout].to_i) response = manager.get(["#{config[:objectid]}"]) rescue SNMP::RequestTimeout unknown "#{config[:host]} not responding" rescue => e unknown "An unknown error occured: #{e.inspect}" end operators = { 'le' => :<=, 'ge' => :>= } symbol = operators[config[:comparison]] response.each_varbind do |vb| if config[:match] if vb.value.to_s =~ /#{config[:match]}/ ok else critical "Value: #{vb.value} failed to match Pattern: #{config[:match]}" end else critical 'Critical state detected' if "#{vb.value}".to_i.send(symbol, "#{config[:critical]}".to_i) # #YELLOW warning 'Warning state detected' if ("#{vb.value}".to_i.send(symbol, "#{config[:warning]}".to_i)) && !("#{vb.value}".to_i.send(symbol, "#{config[:critical]}".to_i)) # rubocop:disable LineLength unless "#{vb.value}".to_i.send(symbol, "#{config[:warning]}".to_i) ok 'All is well!' end end end manager.close end end