class Kuroko2::JobDefinition < Kuroko2::ApplicationRecord include Kuroko2::TableNameCustomizable module PreventMultiStatus NONE = 0 WORKING_OR_ERROR = 1 WORKING = 2 ERROR = 3 end PREVENT_TOKEN_STATUSES = { PreventMultiStatus::NONE => [], PreventMultiStatus::WORKING_OR_ERROR => [ Kuroko2::Token::WORKING, Kuroko2::Token::FAILURE, Kuroko2::Token::CRITICAL ], PreventMultiStatus::WORKING => [Kuroko2::Token::WORKING], PreventMultiStatus::ERROR => [Kuroko2::Token::FAILURE, Kuroko2::Token::CRITICAL], } self.locking_column = :version paginates_per 100 has_many :admin_assignments, dependent: :destroy has_many :admins, -> { active }, through: :admin_assignments, source: :user has_many :job_instances, -> { order(:id).reverse_order } has_many :job_schedules, dependent: :delete_all has_many :job_suspend_schedules, dependent: :delete_all has_many :job_definition_tags has_many :tags, through: :job_definition_tags has_one :memory_expectancy, dependent: :destroy before_destroy :confirm_active_instances after_initialize :set_default_values after_save :create_default_memory_expectancy, on: :create scope :ordered, -> { order(:id) } scope :tagged_by, ->(tags) { where( id: Kuroko2::JobDefinitionTag. where(tag_id: Kuroko2::Tag.where(name: tags).pluck(:id)). group(:job_definition_id). having('COUNT(1) >= ?', tags.size). pluck(:job_definition_id) ) } scope :search_by, ->(query) { column = arel_table or_query = column[:name].matches("%#{query}%").or(column[:script].matches("%#{query}%")) search_by_tag_definition_ids = Kuroko2::JobDefinitionTag.joins(:tag). where("#{Kuroko2::Tag.table_name}.name LIKE ?", "%#{query}%").distinct.pluck(:job_definition_id) if search_by_tag_definition_ids.present? or_query = or_query.or(column[:id].in(search_by_tag_definition_ids)) end where(or_query) } validates :name, length: { maximum: 40 }, presence: true validates :description, presence: true validates :script, presence: true validate :script_syntax validate :validate_number_of_admins validates :hipchat_additional_text, length: { maximum: 180 } validates :slack_channel, length: { maximum: 21 }, format: { with: /\A#[^\.\s]+\z/, allow_blank: true, message: ' must start with # and must not include any dots or spaces' } validates :webhook_url, format: { with: /\A#{URI::regexp(%w(http https))}\z/, allow_blank: true } def proceed_multi_instance? tokens = Kuroko2::Token.where(job_definition_id: ( & PREVENT_TOKEN_STATUSES[self.prevent_multi]).empty? end def text_tags tags.pluck(:name).join(',') end def text_tags=(text_tags) self.tags = text_tags.gsub(/[[:blank:]]+/, '').split(/[,、]/) do |name| Kuroko2::Tag.find_or_create_by(name: name) end end def create_instance(script: nil, launched_by:, token: nil ) message = "Launched by #{launched_by}" if token.present? message = "(token #{token.uuid}) #{message}" end job_instances.create!(script: script, log_message: message) end private def confirm_active_instances if Kuroko2::Token.joins(:job_instance).merge(job_instances).exists? errors.add(:base, I18n.t('model.job_definition.confirm_active_instances')) throw :abort end end def set_default_values self.description ||= <<-EOF.strip_heredoc An description of the job definition. ## Failure Affects Affected users, services and/ or business areas. ## Workaround Choose one of the following: - __Retry__ as soon as possible. - Make an urgent call to administrator (Job stays in _Error_ state) - Do nothing, and let administrator recover later (Job stays in _Error_ state) - Ignore error and _Cancel_ the job (No recovery required) ## Recovery Procedures Describe how to recover from the failure. EOF end def create_default_memory_expectancy create_memory_expectancy! unless memory_expectancy end def script_syntax true rescue Kuroko2::Workflow::SyntaxError => e errors.add(:base, I18n.t('model.job_definition.script_syntax', reason: e.message)) false rescue Kuroko2::Workflow::AssertionError => e errors.add(:base, I18n.t('model.job_definition.validation_error', reason: e.message)) false end def validate_number_of_admins if self.admins.empty? errors.add(:admins, I18n.t('model.job_definition.validate_number_of_admins')) end end end