class Setting::RemoteExecution < Setting def self.load_defaults # Check the table exists return unless super self.transaction do [ self.set('remote_execution_fallback_proxy', N_('Search the host for any proxy with Remote Execution, useful when the host has no subnet or the subnet does not have an execution proxy'), false), self.set('remote_execution_global_proxy', N_('Search for remote execution proxy outside of the proxies assigned to the host. ' + "If locations or organizations are enabled, the search will be limited to the host's " + 'organization or location.'), true), self.set('remote_execution_ssh_user', N_('Default user to use for SSH. You may override per host by setting a parameter called remote_execution_ssh_user.'), 'root'), self.set('remote_execution_effective_user', N_('Default user to use for executing the script. If the user differs from the SSH user, su or sudo is used to switch the user.'), 'root'), self.set('remote_execution_effective_user_method', N_('What command should be used to switch to the effective user. One of %s') % SSHExecutionProvider::EFFECTIVE_USER_METHODS.inspect, 'sudo', 'remote_execution_effective_user_method', nil, { :collection => {Hash[{|method| [method, method]}]} }), self.set('remote_execution_sync_templates', N_('Whether we should sync templates from disk when running db:seed.'), true) ].each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => 'Setting::RemoteExecution') } end true end end